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1996 LS400 removal of centre console trim and climate control/audio unit

The upper LCD screen had suffered the usual problem, so I replaced the entire unit with a used one.

Put the gear selector in N, it gives a bit more room for manouvering the wooden trim panel.

Start by carefully, but firmly, levering up the rear end of the wooden trim. Mine was reluctant to let go, but did eventually:


There are two further clips towards the front, but these proved no problem:


Manouvre the trim panel upwards and backwards enough to have  room to disconnect the Headlamp washer and heated seat switches.


The trim panel can then be removed:


This reveals two 10mm screws and a plastic fir tree clip, all of which can be removed:


Next the air vent above the unit has to be removed. I know the method of removal can differ between models, but on my Phase II there are two little square grey plastic tabs just inside the vent, on the bottom. These have to be depressed whilst at the same time pulling the vent to release the clips on the sides. I couldn't get a picture of the tab in situ, but this what it looks like once removed:


And this is the clip on the side:


The method I used was to insert a right angle pick down one side of the vent and turn it so that it engaged on the vent. I then depressed the little grey tab with a small screwdriver whilst pulling gently on the pick, and this seemed to work. There are two electrical connectors to be disconnected and the vent assembly can then be removed, revealing two 10mm headed screws and two locating pegs:


Once the screws are removed the climate control/audio unit can be pulled out enough to enable the various electrical connections to be undone.


You can see the state of my upper LCD screen in the above picture.

This is what is left once the unit is removed completely:


Reassembly is simply reversing the above steps.



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