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iPhone (lightning), iPod and Aux connector for RX400h

Although the RX400h has Bluetooth so that I can use the iphone to make calls. I also use the phone as an ipod for music. Since there isn’t an AUX port. Here is a great device for putting music to your stereo while charging your phone too

•    Lightning and Aux Connector for Lexus RX300, 350 & 400h (£49.99 from Amazon)
•    Toyota 6+6 pin Y splitter cable (between £10 and £20 on eBay) – OPTIONAL

•    10mm socket wrench screwdriver
•    soldering iron (optional)

~10-20 minutes

•    Put on your parking brake (don’t have your keys in the ignition), using the shift lock put the vehicle into Driver or B
•    Remove the gear surround, by just pulling with your fingers
Stereo Picture1.png

•    Remove the 12v supply panel above and pull away. Either detach the connections or just leave hanging in the driver foot well
Stereo Picture2.png

•    Using the 10mm socket, remove the following 4 bolts. The top too are quite well hidden, so you’ll need either an extension for your ratchet or a screw driver fitting. Luckily the bolts aren’t that stiff. Keep one hand underneath in case the bolts drop as you don’t want them dropping behind the centre console
Stereo Picture3.png

•    Now just pull the stereo away from the rest of the console.
•    You will find three connections on the rear. The one you want, is the 6+6 pin connection to the left of the three (looking from behind). You’ll notice that there is already a connector in there.. that is needed as it powers the radio.
•    You can either use the standard type 1 6+6 Y splitter cable found on eBay. Or if you want to save £15. Then it’s very easy just to remove the wires from the existing loom and splice to the cable from your iphone adapter kit. It’s only two wires afterall.
•    Here’s the orginal CD changer loom, yellow (1) and brown (2):
Stereo Picture4.png

•    Here’s the new connector for the iphone kit, purple (3) and yellow (4):
Stereo Picture5.png

•    You’d just need to attach the yellow (1) wire from your CD unit to the purple (3) cable on the adapter and the brown (2) wire from your CD unit to the yellow (4) wire on the adapter.
•    Depending on the choise you made above, plug the 6+6 pin splitter in the back of the unit (the apapter and orginal CD connector go into the splitter), or the spliced 6+6 pin direct from the adapter. 
•    Now return the head unit back into the dash. I ran the adapter cable behind the  bracket behind to create space.
•    Plug the lighting cable and aux cable into the adapter.
•    Thread the two cables down the left inside of the centre console (I used garden wire to thread through in reverse and pull the cables through) and out into the foot well just behind the glove box (this might be different depending where you mount your phone)
•    Reattach the 4 bolts. I put a small ball of bluetac inside my socket so that the nuts are held in place, as you don’t want them dropping off as you line them back up.
•    Re-Attach the 12v supply panel and gear selector surround.
•    Put your vehicle back into Park
•    Then turn on the ignition to test the interface.
•    To switch to iphone/Aux adapter. Just press the CD button twice.
•    Optionally I’ve mounted my iphone with one of these little magnetic brackets next to the centre console. It’s a great position and the magnetic disc is great. I didn’t stick it to the phone or case. I just have it in between and it still gets held firmly.

Stereo Picture6.png

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