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Everything posted by crazylex

  1. Shot on the bridge is great - just needed a red sky. The shell ones - good but a reminder of how much they use and how much it costs !
  2. Bottom on offside (reading up) top on nearside (reading down) on mine.
  3. Looks like I have got hold of the whole osf suspension for £150 - at last something to be happy about. and maybe a wheel as well. I'll put pics up when done. Thanks for offer of geom setting - its appreciated I might take you up on it, but I am in Leeds - will certainly need to speak to you for advice I am sure. Rich
  4. Yeah its worse then the picture shows really, the wheel was turned when it hit the kerb, so it pushed it back more than in Although Genore just rub the scuff of the bumber with his hand, so that made me feel a bit better. I basically need a strut and a few arms and a new wheel, or if anyone just happens to have the whole drivers side suspension ready for me to collect that would be good !
  5. Tingley roundabout is like ....... which lane should I be in ??? Then they put one through the middle of it ! Hope you get it sorted
  6. Oh f***, why did I brake to late on that junction ? Yes because I am a :tsktsk: :tsktsk: :tsktsk: Here is the main result of hitting the kerb Link to pic The shock has leaked, the wheels in the wrong place and the bumbers scuffed (bloody bollard) Plus the rear wheel took a scuff. The wings ok - thanks heavens for small mercys The man is on his way to give his verdict. And yes it does need a bloody good wash - I was going to work early to do it.
  7. If you think you wont get your excess back try ringing Genore (GFS AUTOS) in Hunslet. He's a great guy and used to do ferraris at JCT before having his own co. pm me for his number He may get that done cheaper than £ 275 - maybe only a bit cheaper. Although it depends what the astra does If you see him say Rich gave you the number (post editted -rushed off for me tea and thought about it)
  8. Off to a funeral of a bike rider on Thursday - killed on his bike -I wish he'd driven is LS. Got to admit, Its getting frustrating watching the needle dropping. I've tried driving at a steady acceleration and can't do it. I'm like Sipey get 40p back per mile, but its my company, so I am paying anyway. Would never down grade - so have to shut up and put up in my case.
  9. Cash and carry wholesalers for the boxes. Newspaper and lots of it for packing. Make sure you take clothes out of wardrobes before any mates have to move em - unlike my mate the f****** muppet
  10. Hammerite Smooth is the thing - as recommend by Mr Morse to me. Being ultra lazy I didn't take the wheels off, :o just rolled it a bit. - Now someones gonna tell me thats bad and the paint will flake or something
  11. Never done this but the thought just came to me .. Fill the bath, take it off and then submerge the bottom part and rotate it until any air bubbles come out. May be put a towel underneath just in case - wouldn't want to upset anyone !!!
  12. Any solid black touch up should be the same, or so my repairer says - cos I just got some of him today for where my little girl smacked the door into the pebbledashed wall :tsktsk:
  13. Now you've finished polishing it, and making us all (well most of us) look bad, why not put a fish tank in the boot - fish tank car and here more pics I met the owner of this on holiday - he's won a couple of shows with it, apparently the speakers are behind the glass - oh and the fish aren't real. Not my cup of tea but different. -maybe a JAE winner in a Lexus
  14. I get wasps every year without fail, either in the shed or in the roof - the lofts converted so they are in the gap between the ceiling and the tiles. One year they were coming through into a ceiling light, we were laid under it counting them as the days went by. They could not get out into the room. Bit scary when the lights went off at night though . I tried a wasp spray this year in the shed, the nest only gets to the size of a tennis ball when I can see, anyway sprayed this thing at it and it knocked it of the roof, I s**t myself, turned, legged it, fell over ther brush propped holding the shed door open a dragged my self to safety - remembering last year when I hit a big nest with a spade Don't know who was more dazed me or the wasps.
  15. Glad you got it sorted - its a good job you had witnesses. Some guy hit mine whilst he was parking - i was sat in the car eating a sandwich thinking "*** he is close" next thing the cars wobbling as he litterally pushed me. As it happens it was my tyre he hit as it was turned outwards, it caused a bulge - got his details but no witness. Morethan tried to claim but he denied it saying he gave the details to shut me up, so it cost me my excess for a new tyre. Fortunately it was due to be changed, and it did not effect my insurance premium as they put it as a none fault. This world is full of scum bags.
  16. Possible explanations HERE I am professionally tight and have cheapish pads on mine. They have been ok for now, even after heavy repeated braking. Have had cheap ones on a previous car that just got very hot and then just became ineffective rather than juddered.
  17. Watch out for trouble bleeding it when filled - see this link coolant noise and my avatar. Even though with my problem I did not hange the coolant myself, basically it was on insurance claim, I would normally do everything I could myself that I was capable of, Lexus are a rip off, as are all main dealers of any make . I would be interested to know if you do not have this problem when done - keep it posted !
  18. See this thread it could be a sticking caliper on your IS. Maybe even on the GS - I think the pads are the same so maybe the calipers are.
  19. I use Smart and Cook - although there Hull office handles the Liabilty insurance : Telephone 01482 332222 Anne Crossley We are in Leeds, but we are a bigger co with field service engineers etc, plus a mate was their sales exec, so we got a good price - worth a call for a comparison.
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