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    IS300H Sport
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    West Midlands

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  1. Yeah, the earliest is end of next week for someone to take a look at it.
  2. Thanks. I spoke to another mechanic and he said it sounds suspension related but can't see the car for a couple of weeks
  3. Managed to get a bit of recording when going forward slowly, its not great but hopefully you can hear it WhatsApp Video 2024-09-27 at 08.59.35_6327afb6.mp4 I did sent the video to my local Lexus dealer and he said it can be a few things including "if the noise is more persistent from the rear, it could potentially need a new Rear Shim Kit."
  4. I will spend bit more time on this including recording whilst going forward and will post the video. I honestly don't think this is normal though
  5. Going to give this a few days and see if the noise goes away. Went to see a chap who live close to me and has the is300h and his car is very quiet when reversing/moving forward and braking. My brother's ct200h is very quiet also
  6. Spent a bit of time with the car and it mainly happens when braking and lifting the foot off the brake Lexus3.mp4
  7. So I just spoke to the manager and he mentioned they had replaced front and rear brake pads discs as the discs were corroded a little. The car has done 47k miles. He said to give it a few days as it might be the breaks need to be bedded in. I'll see how it goes for a few days and hope this goes away
  8. Yes I might give them a shout although I'm really disappointed. Having spent £13.5 you wouldn't expect it. I don't understand how their prep team didn't notice it. Now the sales chap doesn't seem to think its a problem
  9. Thanks, completely different sounds, no idea why he would say it is
  10. The sales chap sent me an email and was adamant that its the pedestrian warning system and guess what? he sent me a link, which talks about vehicles from 2019 its mandatory. Surely he knows my car is 2016 He also sends another link where someone in 2021 purchased a new Lexus and had some noise coming from the car
  11. Hi, yes the parking brake was definitely off, we are used to that as we had the Nissan Leaf for a few years. The sales chap got back to me and said "The noise is an artificial noise that all hybrid and electric cars have to have when moving under 10pm to let pedestrians know it is there. This is EU regulation." It definitely didn't make that noise on our Nissan Leaf. My brother has a CT200h and it doesn't make that noise.
  12. I do have warranty with the vehicle so that's an option I hope. The noise is loud. I was inside my house with the window open and could hear the noise whilst my wife was parking.
  13. I'll have another look tomorrow. No, someone from Lexus drove down. Quite surprised actually as I was expecting the sales chap to call me regarding something I raised about the vehicle a couple of days ago but he didn't. It would have been good practice to see how the car is getting along with the new owner. I wasn't happy with a couple of other things they were supposed to do so may call them tomorrow.
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