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  1. Thanks for the heads up. And Len too. I am away for a couple of weeks but will look into it properly when I get home. Car is under warranty so if a bigger fix is needed I will get onto the dealer in my own case.
  2. I’ve no idea. I’ll make enquiries if a more detailed fix than a bang of my fist is needed. Thanks.
  3. I’m away at the moment and don’t have a before picture, only an after, but this is the area of the passenger side of the bonnet picture I’m referrring to where the panel gaps was elevated about 2cm.
  4. Immediately the ride was smoother and quieter. Yes, hopefully it helps someone 🙏🏻
  5. I don’t know. It’s possible, but I saw this on other Is300’s when test driving them before I bought the one I have. There is similar asymmetry on the boot gaps. I bought the car approved from a Toyota main dealer…I would be surprised if they sold me a car that had been totalled. It’s perfect in every other respect.
  6. Hi There is a separate post about the original problem I was experiencing, but it was becoming long, and for ease of reading I wanted to post the solution as a separate thread in case this works for someone else. Also I could not seem to edit the title to solved Original post below for info. It seems that the issue that was the cause of the car pulling left despite multiple alignments was an asymmetry in the position of the bonnet on the left and right side, affecting the aerodynamics of the car. when the bonnet was closed I noticed a bigger gap on the passenger side than on the driver side, and also the bonnet was sticking up about 2cm on the right under the passenger side windscreen, which was causing the car to drift. A sharp press on the bonnet to even both surfaces immediately fixed the car pulling left. Looking at both the bonnet and the boot, the finish is poor, with slight variances beteeen the gap on drivers and passenger sides. In hindsight I noticed this before, and noticed it on other IS300’s aswell, but never thought it would affect the handling of the car…..well it does. I hope this helps someone. I was losing my mind with this issue.
  7. I believe I have solved this problem. It seems that the issue that was the cause of the car pulling left despite multiple alignments was an asymmetry in the position of the bonnet on the left and right side, affecting the aerodynamics of the car. when the bonnet was closed I noticed a bigger gap on the passenger side than on the driver side, and also the bonnet was sticking up about 2cm on the right under the passenger side windscreen, which was causing the car to drift. A sharp press on the bonnet to even both surfaces immediately fixed the car pulling left. Looking at both the bonnet and the boot, the finish is poor, with slight variances beteeen the gap on drivers and passenger sides. In hindsight I noticed this before, and noticed it on other IS300’s aswell, but never thought it would affect the handling of the car…..well it does. I hope this helps someone. I was losing my mind with this issue.
  8. Well….that didn’t last long. The car is pulling left again after a couple of weeks of being perfect. I don’t think this is that the alignment wasn’t done properly. There must be something else going on with the car. anyone any ideas please ? the underbody and suspension has been checked multiple times and I’m told it’s fine.
  9. Good summary. I only moved to lexus this year after 3 Audis over the previous 7 years and unending problems with the last two. I’m getting incredible mpg….close to 53mpg which varies little long or short trips. I don’t drive it hard….in normal mode 95% of the time. I agree re the boot lid….absolute garbage compared to the rest of the car…like something from from a 1990’s Nissan micra or perhaps worse….but overall a cracking car and I hope to keep mine for a long time.
  10. I won’t go anywhere else either. Thanks again pal.
  11. Makes sense. Thankfully the tyres aren’t visibly unevenly worn yet. I’ll probably get it redone whenever I do change the tyres down the line…there’s lots of thread of them at the moment. Just glad now to have it sorted…it was driving me F’ing demented. I had only changed to Lexus this year for an easier life after 7 years in Audis and I was losing the faith big time.
  12. I don’t have an answer for you, but just wanted to share that I had 4 alignments done in 4 separate places recently. Only in the 4th place did they solve the fact that my car was driving like a shopping trolley drifting all over the road. The majority of these alignment places either haven’t a clue what they’re doing or else are using Commodore 64 software.
  13. Googsy I posted an update today and it didn’t appear here for some reason. Brought it to United tyres today. They put it on the alignment machine and said the alignment was way out, despite it being done only last week by Heffernan Tyres in Naas. I was reluctant to potentially waste another €70 on the 4th alignment in a matter of weeks….but given you had such regard for this place I said I’d go for it. im delighted to say it is dramatically improved. At least 80%, if not 90% better. I need to take it out on a fast motorway drive to say whether it’s fully perfect, but it’s very noticeably much much better. so thanks very much to you for jumping in on this post and recommending this place. Absolutely shocking that I had to have 4 alignments done in 4 separate places before it could be done right. Really appreciate your help 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  14. 😂😂 I went to a music festival for the weekend and put it out of my head. Back on the case next week. Updates will follow !
  15. Thanks mate. Sounds like solid advice. I still wonder will I be throwing good money after bad but I didn’t realise how incompetent some of these alignment places must be.
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