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  1. I'm not much of a statistician but since I've been keeping track of LC (and other cars) prices for the last month and a half I can give something of a quantitative view on the current state of the market. For the 1468 adverts I have tracked the following depreciation rates can be observed: The way to interpret the graph is: the steeper the line, the faster the depreciation. So things aren't looking great for the LC long term at the moment (although currently better than the ES).
  2. I like your way of thinking and I really hope so!
  3. Thank you for the information both. As soon as I dared to put proverbial pen to proverbial paper the old car died on the way to work. Perhaps it's a sign! I don't suppose any owners are looking to sell a green on tan coupe 😅? Absolutely sublime. That one in particular is interesting because it has a combo black and tan interior vs Ochre (where everything is tan). Here's the (2021) one I saw: Definitely beautiful. Even more so in real life. Your experience sounds like a perfect day for the owner, and perhaps vicariously for you too!
  4. Hi, With the life-force of my current car quickly dwindling I am currently considering an LC as a replacement that I can keep forever. My favourite colour combo is green on tan and I've been waiting for these to come up for sale, but I have only seen one since I started keeping track: it was a convertible that was more than I can afford (although it was gorgeous). After a bit of digging I found a website claiming there are only 11 green LCs in the UK which, in my opinion, seems really low. Does anyone have any idea of the actual number of these cars in the UK? Would Lexus even know? Perhaps I'm projecting my love for the green on tan to much! Thank you.
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