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Harry Wright

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  • Lexus Model
    UX 300e
  • Year of Lexus
  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Make sure you haven't locked one of the kids in the boot.
  2. I'm a belt and braces kind of fellow. I read somewhere that a Tesla on was going to be released some time this year now that would make it absolute you can get charged every where. The motorway services at Warrington have at least 6 Tesla charge points, and 2 normal ones, the last time I went on there about 3 years ago.
  3. Thanks Slucky I'm not surprised France is ahead of UK it's typical of Britain to resist change take Brexit, that was one of the reasons why we came back from France after nearly 15 years there. I would really like to know some information about any chademo adapters. Italy tends to be a land of extremes between north and south. In the south the Greek influence is very apparent especially with gestures. Lifting and pointing with the chin means no for example. Time goes backwards there, I intend to visit Sicily this time.
  4. It's Clarks quote that got me. Have you ever wondered what happens to those electron you pay so dearly for, I wonder if they can be recycled when the power company gets them back!!!!
  5. I can't remember the password to get apple car to play, Does anyone know the default password? Thanks Harry
  6. I have taken delivery of a new UX300e and would love to drive down to southern Italy. I've done the trip a couple of times in diesel VWs. My concern is adequate charging points in France and Italy. I thought about getting and adapter to cover for Chademo outages and absence of. Has anybody got any experience of these adapters and driving through France and Italy? Thanks Harry
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