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John Ha

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    LBX takumi
  • Year of Lexus
  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Due to meet with the dealership this afternoon.
  2. Thanks Tickedon, I think (with the benefit of hindsight perhaps naively!) that as the dealership was making the right kind of noises I presumed it would all be sorted to my satisfaction within a few days. I’ve spent a long evening looking at lot of things on the internet regarding who is responsible and my rights. Yes , you are spot on, it really has little to do with Lexus UK, my contract is with the dealership and they should rectify it. I can appreciate that it’s not perhaps their fault but they should be sorting this issue out themselves then taking it up with Lexus. I’m pretty sure they must know this so it makes me wonder if the “offer from Lexus” really originated there. Time to decide which legal assistance policy I should use perhaps!
  3. Hi everyone, an update as promised. Maybe I was being overly optimistic to think I'd be reporting everything was sorted. There have been a number of phone calls and emails exchanged now between myself and the dealer and between the dealer and Lexus. It took until Thursday for an offer to be made and I think the dealer was quite embarrassed to tell me that they were offering 3yrs servicing/ 1st MOT (which I've already signed up for anyway) and the protection pack (which I've already paid for). This is obviously well short of being acceptable and I've rejected this. Lexus are reconsidering and I will hear further on Monday apparently. They now know I am aware of at least one similar instance to mine and the car was exchanged and a gesture of goodwill also given so hopefully they will come up with a much more realistic offer. We have the car as supplied still, the dealer has told us to keep it for now and use it as we would have and I must say it is a joy to drive. My wife likes the colour scheme a lot and she would be happy to keep it but with appropriate recompense ie the difference in price between a Takumi and a premium plus as well as some degree of compensation. The car we've got is basically a premium plus with shiny wheels and some extra speakers so I don't think that's unrealistic if we go down that route. John.
  4. And then the penny drops..... Originally we ordered a premium plus but I realised after a few days I really wanted some of the extras on the Takumi so upgraded and was advised there was no problem in keeping the same colours. Roll on 10 weeks and our 'Takumi' is missing the majority of things I'd upgraded to get. I didn't realise we'd 'downgraded the seats/upholstery but that's exactly what happened. Only realised this evening as we were considering what colour combinations we'd accept as our dealer has suggested an option may be for us to have a full spec Takumi from a showroom. This however needs to be approved by Lexus GB but it seems a precedent has been set in this situation. The dealership seem unaware of the issue with changing the upholstery and as to why our car is missing the powered seats/ paddle switches etc. I'll keep you updated as to how this progresses.
  5. Nope, only option I took was for the ceramic finish.
  6. Thanks everyone for the replies, I'm impressed and grateful! I've spoken with the dealership who have agreed it's not been supplied with the correct spec. They're having to wait until Monday to contact Lexus GB now. I'm going to push for a replacement rather than a discount and will keep you updated as to how this progresses.
  7. Thanks Shufman, much appreciated and very helpful.
  8. Hi all, Wondering if anyone on here has taken delivery of a Takumi yet. I ordered mine about 3 months ago and went to collect today. To be honest I'd forgotten the difference in the specs between the Takumi and Premium Plus and queried the lack of drivers seat powered adjustment at the time but now I've got home I've realised there are no paddle shifts either. Going through the list of specs I've managed to get hold off, it seems that most of the other things on the list- the alloys, speaker system and varying lighting options etc are as specced but wondered what others had been supplied with on their Takumis. Negotiations with the dealer have already opened but they say they've supplied a Takumi however agree it's not to the spec that is on the website. Thanks in advance! John.
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