I've been a member of this forum for almost 20 years and have had 3 Lexus RX's in that time. I have never seen a forum topic that has had the impact of "attempted theft of my 450h". The number of views and comments is staggering and so is the response of Lexus itself. My current 450h Takumi was almost £60,000 of my personal cash. This for a car that can be stolen within one minute if I am correctly informed. Now we're hearing that insurance companies are either cashing in, or refusing to insure the car at all !
Only a major recall will rectify this problem so that every car is protected and the thieves go elsewhere. Lexus is reminding me of certain vaccine manufacturers and governments who now have their heads in the sand hoping the problems they've caused will go away.
When the marketing goons spiel on about "Lexus engineers" and what they have achieved, it just makes me cringe.
Thank you Lexus.