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Posts posted by Newbie777

  1. 1 hour ago, GMB said:

    Why are you parking there? On a ubday as well.😮.

    BTW 8 mpg is not bad for a 2 ton Bentley. It must be the W12 engine for that consumption. \you could have got a Passat for a lot less money but then VW will have knobbled it first.

    Sorry parked there before 9.00am as there is a Sunday Market, move my car before 9.30am as the shops open at 10.00am, everyone parks around the market from around 6am.

    Yes it is the w12, similar to the VW Phaeton, which also can have the W12, but not the twin turbos.

  2. 7 hours ago, ColinBarber said:

    Forced EV mode is designed for very small distances where you don't want any emissions or noise - e.g. moving your vehicle out of a garage, or pulling up the driveway late at night. You shouldn't really use it in normal driving - it is less efficient than letting the car control when to use the petrol engine or not.

    If you want to use when stationary that's not a problem. The time you you get will vary depending on the power draw, e.g. if you have lights, AC, heated seats on etc. If the battery gets low the petrol engine will kick in to charge it back up and shut off again, and the cycle will repeat indefinitely (until you run out of petrol).

    Yes only looking at EV when car is on drive and watch a dvd film,like it when car is silent, the engine comes on and then goes off, not a problem, just watch the film loud!!

  3. 1 hour ago, SH20 said:

    I was under the impression that the Lexus full  hybrid system would only give  you single digit use in EV mode if moving unlike a plug in hybrid which are good for around 30-40 miles on battery only if moving.  Static electric only use is something I hadn't considered would allow very much time powering a vehicle option like a dvd player. 

    I don't really use it when driving as in town the revs counter goes to zero so running on Battery for a short while.

    I think EV mode is for dribing around  20mph so good for when going Iver speed bumps, quiet times etc

  4. 1 hour ago, Malc1 said:

    Most Pensioners are of an age where growing up was challenging …… and those challenges “ maketh man “‘

    Growing up just Post War ( me ) seeing bombing devastation and much greater hardship than we see today generally …….. AND our parents having had a much greater difficult time of life growing up during and with the aftermath of the First War ……

    Society then for the most part had a hugely tough time  …… kids today with education actually happening with whatever qualities the System can offer with good teachers and buildings etc 

    More than the elder generation could often experience in their time …… my time ! 

    Ffs just stop whingeing and accept it’s as good and probably better than it’s ever historically been …… 

    Jeez I have 3 cars and I feel so so lucky …… my grandparents often had bugger all ….. my parents too ….., eating out at a restaurant never on the Agenda ……. enough food to eat at home often a challenge too 

    I’ve never had it so good for sure as have  most here maybe 

    I never want to get involved with stupid politics ….. it’s draining ….. and I don’t believe any of ‘em will make a useful difference without more money to spend …… you decide how that’s going to be “ got “ 

    There’s no Magic Money Tree 


    I totally agree, I like to say whatever you own or drive  or the country you live in, its all borrowed, borrowed time, make the most of it!

    I am living the dream actually, so no complaints at all my friend.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, LenT said:

    Er…that was just my way of saying I like carrot cake, Niaz!  😊

    But I had an office in Northampton for a while - it’s a nice town.  And it’s surrounded by very attractive villages, too.  

    Recalling some of the earlier posts in this thread - which has somewhat meandered - what it doesn’t have is some of the less welcoming areas mentioned that you wouldn’t want to drive around in your Lexus!

    Oh sorry I understand now.

    I like shoes Church's, Jeffrey West  so loved my time there.

    Before I moved to one of the posh area, west something? I was living near the centre and I have heard of ladies of the night, but may goodness I used to get harassed in the morning! Oh dear, I managed 6 months there!

    • Like 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, GMB said:

    Unfortunately it has always been that way. There are many stories (true ones ) that tell of people with small private pensions being hammered for tax and getting no benefits  ( A pension is NOT a benefit - it has been paid for ) versus people who have done nothing and getting much better lifestyles paid for by the Gov't and ultimately the taxpayer.

    But, that's life, they just got lucky by doing nowt. I don't begrudge them.

    BTW I, among many, will be hammered by tax on my private pension again next April. Thanks a bunch Rishi and comic hunt. You have to actually say that last sentence to get the real meaning.

    Life is unfair and the workers always get the worst deal, especially when they retire.

    There are a lot of taxes brought in on the quiet and things do not seem what they are like reduced NI deductions, you still pay more in tax overall.

    Also, hard fact, I know a lot of pensioners who just get on with it, very little money, but they don't go to fancy restaurants and they cook their own meals at home, no junk food. Going to see a couple tomorrow and taking some chocolates and carrot ccake for him and will have a cuppa.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BigBoomer said:

    I think you'll find you already paid for that. I know I am paying a small fortune for mine and can't wait to start drawing it.
    Then I will finally have the time and enough money for all the projects I have lined up.
    However, knowing my luck I'll pop my clogs shortly after that 🙄

    Sods law.

    I think pensions are not much nowadays and your money does not go far.

    The bit that hits me is that you if have any savings you are scrutinised and left out, if you have not saved for a rainy you are all good.

    Just want to live in a society where we are treated fairly!

    I will get off my soap box now!

  8. 1 hour ago, LenT said:

    Andrea Bocelli…another excellent choice, Niaz!

    Here’s a selection of solos and duets that should do the trick.

    Mind you, I recall a time in Florence when every street busker would be having a shot at ‘Time to say goodbye’ with varying degrees of success!  And that often proved an incentive to be somewhere else.

    LenT you have also great choice.

    Mind you I love playing music a bit louder with the ML system. It is very good.

    Firenze my favourite place in Italy, I just see lots of African people try to sell me fake watches, why me? Do I look dodgy..erh don't answer that one.

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Malc1 said:

    Socially this malevolence has occurred forever from time to time and place to place …… even in blissfully quiet parts of Kent where I live …… complaining to the parents often resulted in a thrashing ……. Just as their parents gave  to them ……. and onwards it goes eh ! 

    what’s the answer one asks …… HeadMaster at my school caning boys never did us any harm ……. it seems … 

    A discussion for another time eh ! 

    Back to cars now and a blissful Ls600 not being in temptations way for nutters attention 👍


    Yes old school was best.

    I think principles have gone out of the window, where you work hard and then purchase something nice with your hard earned money.

    Nowadays some people think it's their right to get things without working for them!

    • Like 4
  10. 9 minutes ago, LenT said:

    Excellent choice - every car should be so equipped.

    And judging from the rest of the posts in this thread, they’ll be immediately providing vital evidence should you even be bold enough to go for a local drive!


    Hopefully the Lexus is understated (but elegant) and will not attract any attention, just need to make sure I play Andrei Bocelli, rather than Gangsters

    • Like 2
  11. 23 minutes ago, GMB said:

    You are so brave to take that walk. I haven't dared get out of the double locked car when in Farnworth. Another note of caution: don't drive through Little Lever in the evenings. They like to throw bricks at cars.

    Don't even think of going near Little Hulton.

    There are some nice places left but even Smithills hall got a bad spate of vandalism this week. I really don't know the answer because of the lack of police and bad parenting. What else can you do?😞

    Am OK, as I mind my own business. You can get difficult people anywhere, luckily it is always the small minority.

    Also I do agree that some areas especially at night, you have to careful due to drug dealing etc.

    Main thing is live your life how you want it and have a good heart.



  12. 3 hours ago, Boomer54 said:

    Sorted. I will be there on Friday. 39 mins of appreciation of their shell suits followed by 3o mins of worship over their choice of trainer. 6 will refuse to leave their house in future. 6 will be in A&E in a catatonic state characterised by a glazed look in the eyes. 6 will be recruited to Boring Men out of hero worship. Bolton will have been Bored.

    There is a Yates pub in Manchester and when I go past think the dress code is shell suit and trainers, I don't go in as I am over

  13. 3 hours ago, GMB said:

    There's a very good Rolls and Bentley garage on the road leading to Stoneclough. I met the owner once and he is a very cautious fellow - quite right too.

    Yes that is the garage I go to Bowling Ryan, my other car is a Bentley Continrntal Gt and the owner, the nice man is John Bowling.

    I leave my car with them and then walk to the Centre and like I said its a bit different!!

  14. 7 hours ago, GMB said:

    Sounds like a lovely car and great value compared to today's modern money pits.

    Just a note of caution; if you are going to Bolton, be careful, there's a lot of "not rights" living there. It's a feral wild west, just have a look at the Bolton evening news now and again🤠

    Yes I agree, these guys gave been doing it a while.

    When I take my other car to a specialist garage that os in Kearsley, sometimes I look around and something standsout..ME, but I never judge a book by it covers, but you are right always take a cautious approach, not everyone has good intentions like us.

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