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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Got me ! Indeed, scratching through the bottom of my wardrobe for the flares, flowery waistcoat etc last worn en route to San Francisco so that I can accessorise properly.
  2. Test drive day is upon us, and I am feeling quietly confident regarding the outcome given the pedigree. The crowd went 'will he, won't he'. Watch this space and all shall be revealed.
  3. Introducing my low tech solution. 39kgs of muscle, teeth and claws that does not tolerate strangers, unless of course I tell him to. KIng.mp4
  4. Don't think I can agree with that Malc. Had a great year mopping up fixed term bonds incremently ,but heading upwards from 5 to 6% plus over 3 to 5 years. In ISA so tax free converts up towards 7% pa real return as risk free return as it ever gets with the FSCS underwriting it. Heck, how else am I going to afford to run a V8 .
  5. "try gargling your throat with some salt Water and Apple cider vinegar " Jesus, no wonder they were always out there trying to conquer the world. Started everyday in a real strop from gargling. Reinforces the idea that some cures are worse than the problem they aim to cure.
  6. Going back to politics I have two takes on it and they are connected. First, it is useful to think of politics as just another business with a huge self interest in growing, in creating a self perpetuating empire if possible. To do that it is interested in buying your support. So, remember if you are in a group that looks to have little popular support . Indeed, the converse then it is highly likely at some point that the govt will throw you under the bus regardless of any justification. Thinking this way you can side step such an event long before it becomes a reality. Second, if you sit around waiting for the govt to 'deliver' your hopes and aspirations for you it is likely to be hugely frustrating. I have always maintained that whatever I have achieved in life it has largely been in spite of them throwing roadblocks in my way as opposed to 'giving' me anything. Basically, I keep them in the corner of my eyeline and otherwise try to ignore them. It seems to work for me.
  7. As for politics including the Greek version, I have long held the view it really is a shell game, a deception that the ordinary person actually has some control.. Just a means of real power giving the rest just enough to keep them plodding along in their lives without reaching for the guilllotine. Indeed, when that outcome is not achieved the guillotine is a reality ,or some equivalent, is often what restores it as one power group replaces the last failed group.
  8. Oh, I can see how a thread like this could just run and run ! With the Rugby world cup about to start let's rip with the state of English Rugby. I seriously wonder which is coming first for this sport. Will it be (toss a coin); major structural reform to change our model from destructive to something that befits this decade), the French did it a number of years ago with great success, or will it be a form of extinction. The latter will be abject failure on the International stage will see major money spigot turnoff from sponsorship, dropping gates and a whittling down of the pro game. I have no idea which will happen, but really there is no real inbetween scenario that I can picture.
  9. Look, we are not all wired up the same way, indeed some us are wired up differently on different days. Hence, the one size fits all hardly ever works for anything never mind our choice of cars. There are certainly days I would like to feel the seat smack my back like a 3ltr Ford Capri could do back in the 70/80's .Thing is 40 years older and had a lot of 'exciting miles along the way (some I would happily have foregone) and today the feel of soft power cruising along with some great Northern Soul filling the air around me is more often my bag for being at peace with the world. Although after watching English Rugby right now I could definitely put the pedal through the floor to blow off steam. It's all good, because it really is 'different strokes for different folks'.
  10. Strange it had not really occurred to me to this point. You know what we really love about this model of car and indeed may be a couple of others that come to mind, is they have this aesthetic beauty that incorporates just that right amount of 'roundness' in the right place and yet have I have seen an alloy wheel that does exactly that and keeps it in complete balance with the rest of the car? I am not sure I have. Perhaps we should have a design competition aimed at correcting this oversight. Alternatively, people who know better might wish to point me in the direction of a better optometrist.
  11. I thought it was a Liberace Limited Edition and you were given a Mink Coat so you could drive it with suitable camouflage
  12. I know I said I like to stand out from the crowd a little bit , but I do have limits LEXUS SC sc 430 automatic Used - the parking (
  13. Since the sale of my BMW Coupe 335 I have been carless. I confess I just do not like virtually all 'modern' cars. They leave me 'cold' with their almost sameless aesthetics. I offer no apology for wanting to be different, to stand out from the crowd at least a little bit. On that note by complete accident I spotted a SC430 (a rare sighting) and remembered how much I warmed to it when it first launched. Since that moment I refound my passion to have another car. I found my way here attempting to learn all I could about them before I got the checkbook out. Time well spent I can assure you, because if you want to know about something like a car listen to the people who own and run them and have a passion for them. Anyway, I am in scout mode for the right opportunity and if anyone on here spots something worthy of comment them please PM me regarding that and it will be appreciated. Stephen
  14. I am a complete novice so forgive me if I am going down the wrong street with this, but I thought I read somewhere that after changing the battery you might need to reset the code for the windows switch. Apologies if I am on another planet with this.
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