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Posts posted by Boomer54

  1. 33 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    But wot a pain in the bum having to do that exercise so often !   say 12 x 30 mins at £150 an hour that's maybe  £ 900 additional cost .........  not economic in my book for sure 🤢

    And do accountants only charge £150 an hour these days I'm wondering 🤣

    Now retired OAPs like me are worth a fortune but never get to charge .......  my reward is tea/coffee and bikkies maybe 👍


    What can I tell you. Just a calculator on legs (long as I can remember what numbers we are talking about). For example, my IQ formula. Inside leg x number of prescription Meds  , subtract (waistline x number of divorces) and hey presto !


    • Haha 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Bob King said:

    I pay DD monthly that’s about £30 extra over the year . £64.31 a month, I decided the DVLA are not having the full amount out of me, I’ll trickle feed them monthly 👍🏻

    Accts way of looking at this.

    Option A you pay £735 in principle and in doing so you lose the interest of £735 @ 5%pa which equals £36. So total cost to you is £771. That is £735 plus lost interest.

    Option B you pay £64.31pm which equals £771 pa !!  The same as Option A ,. except each month your diminishing capital sum of £735 continues to earn interest. That is, £771 less interest earned.

    So , surprise surprise Option B paying by installment is actually the most cost effective method. Where the excess payment continues to be of that magnitude ,but interest rates are very low the difference becomes increasingly marginal.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Bob King said:

    That’s a new one on me 🤔, put it on a trickle charger for a few days and get the roof back up.

    cant see the boot lights staying on unless the boot was ajar .

    Yes, you easily control test this issue by rinse and repeat. In truth it would be a very good thing for all of us to know for obvious reasons.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Linas.P said:

    I like this, despite it being 100% protectionism. The reason I like this is quite different from discussion relating French "protectionism". Reason 1 - all technology in China is 95%+ stolen, it is not even secret, but literally in Chinese state law (to be fair foreign capital companies, like all German automakers had an "option", and that option was either they can't sell cars in China, or they have to agree for their trade secrets and IP to be taken by Chinese state... is it really an option it is for you to decide, but they decided to sell cars in China and make short term profit). 2 - Chinese BEVs are just unsafe, their certification is fake (as everything in China), so they simply cannot be trusted not to explode. No sure - the more suitable restriction would be outright ban, or local certification in EU (which you wouldn't like, because according to you having strict standards is "protectionism")... and then any vehicle that fails strict EU certification would be banned. 3 - they all are literally spying for Chinese government (and make no mistake EU/US made cars do spy as well, but not in same way) and last place I want my data to be is in communist and imperialist dictatorship hands.

    It seems EU went in protectionism route here, which again... based on 3 reasons about I don't mind, but also I don't think that was best solution - outright ban and also aggressive enforcement of trademarks and patents globally (meaning they can't be sold AT ALL outside China and few other hermit regimes) would be more appropriate, but I also appreciate the fact EU still wants the trade with China to remain in place, because most of our goods made there (which is also very bad... why we even trade with genocidal regime isn't exactly clear to me, but it is very clearly not morally right).

    Clearly not enough, hate the damn things... but they are technically not Chinese (they are NAC MG UK Limited in Longbridge, Birmingham... and yes "NAC" stands for what you think it does - Nanjing Automobile Corporation), so perhaps that makes a difference.

    Why would we allow any state owned company to sell in our market is unclear, because it is clearly against anti-competition and state sponsorship rules. NAC isn't a private business it is literally owned by communist party of china.   

    No they just have no balls and no leverage, because it turns out UK is too little in big world and outside of EU has no voice. So getting tangled into trade war with superstate of genocidal regime is not going to work our well. EU can afford it, US can afford it, but UK can't. 

    "which you wouldn't like". The reason you will not understand my reasoning is because you continue to believe I have some judgemental view on protectionism. That is , I either "like" it ,or don't "like" it. Fact is, I am agnostic other than I can either support ,or not support protectionism on a strategic basis as to how it meets it's purported goals. That doesn't mean I "like" it. it means the rational stands up so I can understand it's use. On that note I would largely be behind most of you had to say above.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Bob King said:

    As of 18th July 2024…

    The United Kingdom has no plans to follow the European Union's lead and impose tariffs on imports of China-made electric vehicles or EVS. 

    Why am I not surprised?. Do we think may be our elected officials don't understand the notion of an economic war ?

  6. 19 minutes ago, Mossypossy said:


    All dead today. Left roof down in garage after I drove it a few days ago.

    Any ideas. Battery is quite new and lorra miles done recently.

    There is obviously a circuit for that roof. Just a thought, but what if there is always a circuit drawing when the roof is down regardless of whether the engine is on, or off?

    I really don't know, but that was just my first thought.

  7. On 8/22/2024 at 7:14 PM, Linas.P said:

    I think it is simpler than that - if restriction applies ONLY to foreign goods, then this is protectionism. If restriction applies to everyone, including local goods, then it is not protectionism.

    Then you will like this....

    "Canada’s government on Monday announced it is imposing a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles that matches U.S. tariffs and follows similar plans announced by the European Commission."

    That might have been a misprint that should read "French Commission" (sic)

  8. 8 hours ago, Mossypossy said:

    £735 for post facelift, unless you opt for monthly then they charge a premium

    That's correct. I misremembered they increased it from the just under £700 and not just under £800.

    Anyway, now they we see their cunning plan for winter fuel. They know some of us will have forgotten about it by the time winter does arrive !

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, microgerry said:

    Ok then, how much is VEL for a pre 2006 car? I am looking at an 02 tomorrow

    According to my reminder it is at the moment £415  for a one off payment; £435 if you pay monthly; £217 if you pay bi annually.

    Post face lift Mar 2006 you would now be looking over £800. It' either £825, or £835. Close enough. That's what I pay on my 2008 XK and it is the same for the SC.

  10. 2 hours ago, Phil xxkr said:

    Speaking of another much admired Mrs T:

    The economic success of the Western world is a product of its moral philosophy and practice. The economic results are better because the moral philosophy is superior. It is superior because it starts with the individual, with his uniqueness, his responsibility, and his capacity to choose. Surely this is infinitely preferable to the socialist-statist philosophy which sets up a centralized economic system to which the individual must conform, which subjugates him, directs him and denies him the right to free choice. Choice is the essence of ethics: if there were no choice, there would be no ethics, no good, no evil; good and evil have meaning only insofar as man is free to choose.”

    Margaret Thatcher.



    Look I have a lot of time for Maggie, BUT she also came out with her fair share of crap, because like all of us she had core beliefs and they work two ways. They give you rules, discipline, motivation etc etc and then the opposite side of that coin they can close your mind and blind you to alternatives.

    For example, in the above posted quote . In the event of emergencies, times of crisis, I can promise you a central control system will tend to outperform the alternative. You won't want people with freedom to choose you will want people following orders. History is littered with examples.

    Hence, in this case I am saying as usual 'universal truths' seldom exist and when they appear to do so a la Maggies quote you know it is typically 'belief blindness' in operation.

    It's quite difficult for me to 'poke' that Maggie bear ,because like her I am a great believer in the individual and personal responsibility which featured large in her approach to life and politics.

  11. 3 hours ago, First_Lexus said:

    I think it’s less about the subject studied and more about a lack of ‘real’ life experience prior to politics. Too many of those that rise to Cabinet (on all sides) have trodden the same path, ie University, involvement in student politics, followed by a ‘job’ with either an arms length public body, party body, charity or similar. From there they become a PPC and then into Parliament. Thus they are seemingly ‘groomed’ for their political career without ever having ‘lived life.’ There are exceptions - Angela Rayner being a notable one - but then again I’m not too keen on her either! 😂

    The days of MPs having a career BEFORE public service seem to have long since gone. Shame!

    One other point. Has anybody noticed how many MPs go into office with ‘normal means’ but leave office seemingly quite wealthy? I wonder how that happens…😇🤔

    So here I am with my drum again . It does not have to be this way. Take major policy issues away from them. This is the digital age we can vote by referendum on such changes and win ,or lose at least it will be democratic ! Not determined by the latest crop of bought and paid for 'greasy pole climbers' However, a caution must be issued......



  12. 4 hours ago, Bob King said:

    Went to Knebworth house classic car show over the weekend, massive turnout of cars, had a great day 😎




    Bit of a coincidence meeting you there. By that I mean I was watching Queen playing Knebworth  in 1986.

    • Haha 2
  13. 31 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    I would think they’re all of an age where worrying about embarrassing any Govt isn’t a factor ……. I occasionally bump into Bob Geldof in a local Oxfam charity shop buying bits and bobs …… but that’s my only link to any of ‘em

    Anyone else here have any discernible contact with any of ‘em ?  


    "Anyone else here have any discernible contact with any of ‘em ?"

    Sort of. These days when I am shaving bare to the waist I feel some Stones coming on. Usually "You can't always get what you want".  

    • Like 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    Aren’t they too dumb to realise they’re being embarrassed …….. charging off willy nilly into the abyss ……. I’m reading that RR Rachel Reeves Queen of Thieves simply failed to do a sufficient Impact Assessment  ……. a sign of likely things to come ……. 
    OAPs considered to be a “ soft touch “ with zero ability to make a fuss of any consequence ……..

    hahahaha 11.4 million without a Voice eh !  How wrong those dimwits must be 🤣😂


    it’s either going to be that Warm Aid Concert or getting ASLEF and the RMT on-side 

    How can we get any of this going ? Or maybe it’s a little too soon ……. 

    thoughts …….. 


    I suppose the intrinsic problem with my 'big idea' is most of the people who might do that sort of charitable gig are just the sort that will not want to embarrass a labour govt.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    Why on earth SORN your cars and lay them up with all that preventative maintenance need ….. and worry 

    They're cars …… just use them but “ lightly “ , keeps everything on them happy 

    Don’t be afeared to spend a little ££££ ….. you’ve got plenty …… just don’t be too tight …… you can’t take it with you


    No worry here. Things will be moved regularly so nothing is going to seize up. I just have number of jobs I would like to do. Some with wheels off. Probably one with the front bumper panel off. Just makes sense to do it at my leisure and in doing so I might as well not be paying this grabbing govt while I am at it. It will still be insured so if I get done faster than then I will put the tax back on.

    • Like 1
  16. 30 minutes ago, Mossypossy said:

    Good point well made.

    Actually must fill tank to brim before SORNing to prevent fuel pump deterioration.

    Is that a real thing? Remember Novice from Nowhere here, be kind.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Mossypossy said:

    You drive it that far?

    Obviously, the petrol station is that far and it does eventually evaporate standing on the driveway hence needs topping up.

  18. 1 minute ago, Boomer54 said:

    Hey if they can do Live Aid they can surely do Warm Aid.

    Ironically, I can't think of a better way of embarrassing the crap out of Labour on this issue than holding a major Aid raising concert televised. They would be really squirming to get out from under the media onslaught.

    • Like 2
  19. 1 minute ago, Malc1 said:

    Rolling Stones  .......  the Beatles ........Queen ..........   Bob Geldof .....  they could all get together, with their zimmers too if necessary ......... from the rooftops of Buckingham Palace too maybe with a simple opening presentation from HRH our aged King 



    Hey if they can do Live Aid they can surely do Warm Aid.

    • Like 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, Mossypossy said:

    Mine does sometimes squeal. Think it is rear brakes. New pads and discs on front were put on by a very competent mechanic. 

    Mine is also rear. Squeal literally disappears after driving a few hundred yards with couple of brake taps.

  21. 9 minutes ago, NemesisUK said:

    I thought it was a 'cap' not a required increase. Obviously companies will raise their prices to that new cap level though ....

    It is a cap as you say, but yes you are right companies go right up to it. The fact is after OFGEM screwed the pooch by throwing open the doors to every would be new supplier which LED to an wholesale bankruptcy issue there is now less true competition than ever in this sector.

    • Like 2
  22. Not even just car insurance. Daughters pet insurance just leaped 92% year on year. 10 mins work I found her a policy 40% cheaper than last year never mind this years ridiculous premium renewal. Moreover, it was exactly like for like on all the important criteria.

    • Like 1
  23. 18 hours ago, wendle said:

    £890 last year with £1200 excess, same company wanted £1550 this year

    comparison site got this year £666 with £600 excess ( Admiral )

    As you found it pays to shop around, because apathy is expensive.

    • Like 1
  24. 5 minutes ago, steve2006 said:

    Also add in the statutory winter fuel price increase of 10% apparently due to the usual causes of wholesale price increases and shareholder dividend requirements.

    I think given their ages we should get the Rolling Stones to hold a concert to raise money for AGE UK. They could encore with Gimmee Shelter.

    • Thanks 1
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