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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Got to say Stew, you just sold something way better than that 😉 On the plus side if your missus ever decides to go all Lizzie Borden on you in that car it's going to be well camouflaged. I wouldn't suggest ever getting up to drive that thing after having had a few the night before. It would be enough to get anyone shouting for 'Hughie'. I think a better plan for you is try to outlive Nico's love for his and then snatch it at the crucial let go point.
  2. What a very silly business. Have you written to the Principal with a chronological report of your experience? I am always amazed when i find a business who has no concept of the value of aftercare. They will stupidly nitpick their way out of all future business over relatively small issues. I know it may be contentious to say it, but why have Amazon basically taken over the world? In a word aftercare. Something wrong, in my experience, one online chat and it is sorted. Other businesses should take note.
  3. "NatWest says issue with cash machines resolved after customers report missing" Gulp, eaten by an ATM ! I mean I know banks like to hold on to your money ,but this is really taking it too far.
  4. Whose been 'screwed' now. You knew Betsy would get her revenge!😄
  5. Many years ago my wife was out shopping for a brand new car. Went into the Audi dealership straight from work, dressed accordingly and frazzled from a days work. According to her the sales guy did everything but even look in her direction. After 5 mins she walked out and as never forgotten the experience . She would rather crawl than buy a Audi.
  6. I don't really think so. At the end of the day whatever 'deal' is on the table be it financing, a discount to the car, free servicing. Whatever it is then for sure it's all in the business model somewhere. Often the problem with trying to make country comparisons is that there are different variables in play usually through the taxation system, but sometimes due to matters of scale for example.
  7. Today I applied Gummy Pledge to rubber seals. Before and After are shown below. I suspect building up with further applications will do even better.
  8. For the record although by nature I lean towards the traditional I also appreciate when the modern is blended aesthetically with the old. I think your choice of doing that ,the carbon with the Ecru was a standout choice. Each to theirown ,but people did used to pay me rather a lot to make those decisions, so take it from me, you did very well.
  9. Thanks Nigel, Yes I'm aware of that. Got hammered with it on the 2006 BMW 335 Coupe I had. However, I know the way she thinks and another £300 quid a year to put that under a rock is doable.
  10. Gorgeous old son, stand up , take the bow (the crowd went wild), and you deserve a medal for committment and application. Watchers ,this is how you get somewhere in life. You decide what you want and you make it happen.
  11. "get Lexi girl the way you want it" Stew, own it, it ain't my fault you left me so little to do.😉 In truth between the rain and the effects of the covid booster she's had no opportunity to follow through. However, this is the first time in over 20 years she has said she wants to drive anything bigger than her Mini Cooper. Hows that happen, can't believe it really?.Now I know when you say 'MX5' you've been suckered in. You've met her, seen she is small, looks so nicely 'harmless' etc so the last thing she might want is a car with a V8 engine. Wrong, she's got a club foot, she terrorised Consultants for nigh on 40 years in the theatres. She is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I know if she drives this whats going to happen next. Now there is no reason for any contention over who is driving this car. If she loves the drive as I think she will I have no problem resolving that the obvious way.
  12. Absolutely same here. Drove over to Lytham, promenaded her all down the front and back. Short stop to reload the CD, but really just an excuse to give the drinkers out front something to drool over. After B....y covid and unrelated health issues cast a blot over the last 3 years + then doing something like drive a beautiful car with the sun in my face, music I love in my ears.. who knows it finally feels like I have a life coming back. Colour me smiling and thank you Mr Jones.
  13. It's going to be a long long wait. Betsy has friends at the DVLA.
  14. Well it wasn't 'all' the car makers was it ? The response from the sector was more or less aligned with where they were with their plans for transitioning from fossil to EV. If like Ford you were already all in on 2030 you could see how damaging this was to your investment planning and of course you would bleat like a sheep heading for the slaughter house. On aside ,but still associated with the issue of govt policy. I note the headline in the Times where 'support for big government is at an all time high'. I guess we should not therefore be surprised at the ongoing trend for govt to increasingly intrude on what some of us consider to be decisions of personal choice. Of course this does not simply refer to the govt in power . It also aims straight at more local govt bodies, councils etc. I wonder what came first ? Did Govt start taking over with more policy because they could see more voters wanted it? Alternatively, did more people want it ,because they thought Govt were getting better at making decisions than they were as individuals? I really don't know , but i can certainly see how divisive this is going to be.
  15. Thanks, that is indeed definitive.
  16. Oh Bob, that is the car that actually triggered my question at the start of the thread. I did not recognise the colour nor did the description of Beige make it any easier. So, it is Kalahari Sand , but perhaps also called 'chardonnay'.
  17. Rishi takes axe to Tory green plans warning current 2030 target would cost families £15,000: PM delays ban on gas boilers and petrol and diesel cars, scraps plans for seven bins per home and says there will be no extra tax on flights or meat Hard to believe they have taken these steps. Could this possibly be a start to something new where common sense finally prevails over blind ideology.
  18. "with the 3.9 as it is a rocket" <cough> Stew used it on my test drive in his car. I believe it would be inappropriate to fully print what came out of my mouth when he hit it. It was some form of expletive prayer to god to watch over my soul. I fully agree that throttle controller just transforms the performance. Thanks by the way for reminding me about the eco mode. had completely forgotten it had that.
  19. Personally, if the MOT history was deep enough and data consistent I would be inclined to put less weight on the absence of service history. Indeed, for not lot of money you can put any other reservations to sleep by having the vehicle checked out as you suggest. I wouldn't scrimp on that though.
  20. Thanks Glynn. I suspect what is being called 'Beige' is actually the Chardonnay finish. As to the Lexus carpet logo I completely get it. Americans cannot read vertical script 😄
  21. The docs on mine show virtually the same data. 71,000 and circa 40k of those done in the first 3 years. Looking through the docs I appear to be the 4th owner. 88 ,well done mate. I really don't see me getting that far, but like you I'll take what fun I can get whilst I can still enjoy it. Forgive what may be inappropriate Northern humour ,but is there any chance I can get in the will for the SC430 ?
  22. Does anyone know if Lexus made the SC430 in Beige for sale in the UK. I wondered if it had been wrongly described ,but was really the colour called Eygptian Pearl. However, on the photos it doesn't really look like the latter. Yet I have never seen one in Beige either. So, don't ask, but I am looking into one for the wife if that is what it takes to keep her out of mine.
  23. I sat and gazed adoringly out of the window at mine whilst the Temptations played 'My Girl' in the background. So, today I was planning to Gummy Pledge the seals ,but had the Covid booster yesterday and today I have been boosted on to my back. Wiped out. It's just insulting really as I actually hold shares in Pfizer. Some shareholder return.
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