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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Again, no offence, but if I want impartial I am probably not going to seek it from BP ,or Shell, or indeed any energy company. Bit like asking J & J for an opinion on the use of Talc !
  2. I don't see any completely right ,or wrong arguments so far on this issue. What I do see is the usual incomplete cost benefit analysis. Typically, as is the case here, this exists because there are many competing interest groups whose agenda benefits by overlooking certain factors. It could only help by having a 'jury' like commission, qualifed to judge ,but without the self interest to do so in a biased manner.
  3. Phil, I truly understand what you mean but what I say is not really academic. It is simply rudimentary accounting. If I can borrow and make a greater return on that money than the cost of servicing the debt then you have the very definition of good leverage. The real problem here is the element of personal debt that represents current consumption. That is , no positive investment basis for taking on the debt simply one of two things inability to match income to expenditure, and sometimes a failure to understand the distinction between Need and Want.
  4. Well apparently there is a 4th kind of "people", and they are called "Station wagons".
  5. Hi Ronnie, We are from a different era where credit was not so freely available so in that sense we are 'old school'. However, let me explain why the situation is not so dire as you may think. You see the level of personal debt does not exist in isolation. What counts is the ability to repay that debt and indeed just how much of that debt is actually secured against assets such as property, pension savings etc. What I am saying is personal debt is one figure on just one side of the ledger. It is just as important what is the double entry on the otherside. having said all that your comment s regarding financial education is absolutely spot on in my experience.
  6. I shall go away and think if I have been very cleverly insulted. I mean I have been called many things, just not a "station wagon".
  7. And there I was thinking you were going to say 'you remind me of a Ferrari with a new set of tyres all a😄round'.
  8. Thanks Glynn. I have little experience telling what is good from bad on undercarriage, other than the obvious where something is obviously rusted to the gills. Now I have something to compare to as mine goes for a vehicle healthcheck on Tuesday and they have promised to let me have shots whilst it is up on the ramp. I wanted that ,because I know it's been previously treated, but with winter not that far way this would be the time to redo it if it requires it. Sort of thing I would like to do myself, but I just don't have the equipment to safely elevate it.
  9. Just a general purpose cleaner. Basically, soapy water stuff and absolutely nothing abrasive.
  10. Whilst I was out there I noticed a slight disparity in the brightness of the headlights. The passenger side to me appears that bit more misty than the drivers side. Particularly the upper section. So, I think that is my next job. Do both headlights. Not immediately apparent to me are the headlights of the glass ,or plastic type? I quite like the fact that there are small things that I can do myself within my limited skillset.
  11. So recalling the old adage approach with the least intervention first I kicked off with simple warm water and a few drops of Starlight. Job done, nothingelse required other a quick buff over with some leather restorer.
  12. One near and dear to my heart. "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step". Now you need to really think about the meaning and how it can help you in real life. For example, after I had a quadruple heart by pass following years of degradation in fitness due to atherosclerosis I returned home in very bad shape. The following day I started on my back step and I did 5 steps before I was a quivering wreck. The next day I did 6. 6 months later I was no longer counting steps just stopping after 2 hours of continuous step ups. I generally take from that proverb that I can break down huge, sometimes almost insurmountable looking problems, into small chunks that with application I can resolve. Unfortunately , that was pre RA, and the only proverb that helps with that is 'be prepared to accept what you cannot change". Fortunately, RA does not affect the joints that enable you to smile. 😄
  13. Today is 'white spot' day. No doubt we have all seen these before. Minute white spots on the leather steering wheel. If you try to google them you will find every explanation under the sun including 'it was the aliens wot dun it'. Personally, I have no idea of the cause, but today I intend to remove them trying various solutions until I get one that works. Probably start with a little baking soda with a dash of lemon to make a gentle paste. Finish with a leather restorer. here's hoping. Post Before and After pics later. NB If it doesn't work the consolation prize will be a batch of blueberry and lem😉on muffins
  14. I have used Hammerite for all sorts of home uses and found it very durable beyond any other sort of paint. However, as Colin implies the finish is unlikely to survive the velocity of stone chips. There are plenty of alternatives that sidestep that issue.
  15. Boy Born Without A Brain, Years Later Look At What Doctors Find Inside
  16. Danish AI Trained on Data From a Web Forum About Horses Explains a lot. Every question I asked got the same answer. Neigh.
  17. Running out of power: Value of used electric cars drops by a fifth, plummeting in price by a quarter in a year Is that a 'funny' you may well ask ? Well it is if you own a V8 ! Boom Boom.
  18. Shock horror you mean mine is not pristine underneath 😉
  19. The Car Warehouse - A different kind of company, a different kind of car<br/><br/> Go on, you know you want to.
  20. Of course you should remember I am a sneaky barsteward and I might just be bidding whilst talking you out of it.
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