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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Think we have some more blue skies up here. So, covers off, methinks Beacon Fell is going to be good today.
  2. First in on new tech always take the 'bath' for the rest of us who know how this stuff works. Everything from DVD, Microwave, to Mobile phones and so on. Electric cars are just the latest in a long line of such advances. Indeed, even beyond that with higher interest rates the NPV of all assets is impacted.
  3. Ey up! How a former teacher's classes in Yorkshire dialect are suddenly so popular he's even had to start a waiting list | Daily Mail Online Ey up t'en. Nowt betta_t'ena bit of Yorkie ! Keighley, where the Alsations patrol in pairs for safety ! Used to go in the Rodney where the door guy would stop and ask you if you were carrying !, If you replied no, a frown and out comes the tray, 'take your pick 4" flick ,or 6" double edge !
  4. Bet you need plenty of defuelling pitstops within 500 miles.
  5. "Same for all alternatives, public transport is not better, cycling is not better, walking is not better - the only reason people do it is because something was artificially done to make driving impossible or very expensive," Here you go again. Do I have to tell you this is patently incorrect. There are many reasons why people might do the alternative to driving that has nothing to do with expense, inconvenience etc. When i could run , I loved doing it just for it. Nowadays I walk for the same reason as I am sure do many other people. Stick with your underlying idea. If something is desireable enough you don't need to coerce people into doing it. As for 'nudge', I usually have the view that you can manipulate me if I want you to 😄
  6. Well following the healthcheck the consensus ,here and elsewhere, is that I have a keeper. Therefore I shall start my to do list without further ado. 1. Order the SCMODS reversing camera . I do miss that, and frankly maybe I am not quite sharp enough nowadays not to need one. 2. Off to see a local recommended garage to take care of small peripheral stuff. 3. Scouting the Preston area to see if I can get use of /hire of, a car pit ,or ramp. I really would like to get under this thing and work my magic. I spent 1 1/2 days at the top of my steps using some modelling tools to undercover over 100 years of crap on that ceiling rose below. Before you could see nothing,too many coats of paint had wiped out the lovely sculpted motifs (formed I might add from small pieces of woods). Anyway if I spend a few days under that car you will be able to 'eat your dinner off it' ! 4. Detailing the rest of the car myself. Not sure I will have the weather to do the outside fully before weather makes that difficult. However, already started inside. Anyway, quite chuffed to own this. At my age I think this is going to be my forever car ! NB Anyone around Preston know of a car pit/ramp I can access, please PM me.
  7. Re that last point I agree. The level of motor skills to drive ultra performance safely may be beyond more than a few aspirational drivers. To me it's a watch that space issue. Incidents may be relatively rare now, but I am not sure they will remain that way.
  8. Stew, I was very realistic with this car. Just because I am a novice at car maintenance does not make me naive. Had there been nothing on the healthcheck I would have been astounded. I certainly bought it knowing that there would be something needing my attention if not now then in the future. As I have said before, but I will repeat, you did a smack up job sorting this car out in most of the ways that count. As to the oil leakage, like you I looked at my drive and there is nothing to be seen anywhere so whatever may be going on it certainly is nothing of immediate concern. Personally, I took great comfort from the fact that Lexus Preston said this was the 'cleanest' SC 430 to come through their care. That counts for a lot more than peripheral stuff that we all know we are going to get when we decide that we want a car of this age.
  9. Appreciating the feedback / recommends !
  10. Ma😉lc, are you the CEO of the Laissez-Faire club?
  11. No, you a valuable member of society. Stephen Hawkins picked your brain, Brad Pitt consulted on hairstyles...stroke,stroke !
  12. Just getting back on topic do we think this looks like it could benefit from further undersealing before winter sets in?
  13. Confucious he say 'park on gable end no roof meet roof' That's a thought can you 'rufie' a car ? God, that's disgusting.
  14. Oh ,it isn't for 'driving'. It's just a really beautiful driveway ornament. 😉
  15. Thanks Nigel. Essentially what I am trying to do is get collective wisdom to make up for my individual knowledge deficit in guiding me towards good decision making regarding the car. If I am sure this is a structurally sound vehicle likely to remain that way in the years ahead then I would like to make use of my time and money and pursue a goal of making this a truly fine example of the SC 430. Obviously there is no real point to that if the structure of the car does not warrant it.
  16. Eric Berne researched this sometime after the WW2. Basically it is called Transactional Analysis and at it's heart what you are describing is called 'stroking'. I came across this in the 70's in a book by a well known writer on Psychology and Business. Unfortunately, I cannot recall their name any better than I can remember what I had for tea yesterday !
  17. he People’s Republic of China (hereafter ‘China’) accounted for almost all of the global increase in electricity and heat sector emissions between 2019 and 2021. A small decline from the rest of the world was insufficient to offset the increase in China. " Global Energy review produced by IEA. I could then show other data about largest increases by coal producing energy countries..China and et al ,because I get bored banging the same drum. Pareto's Law standing on it's head is the best way I can think of to describe current policy. The smallest CO2 contributors are spending the most to make the least reduction in emissions. If you think transitioning to electric cars is cost effective then just bear in mind the largest sector responsible for emissions is (electric/heating). Transport as a sector is barely half that, and of course even that encompasses countries which are very far down the scale in terms of relative contribution overall. As Linas implied, from an Accounting viewpoint of Differential analysis I am quite sure itwould show there is likely a high cost for simply joining the herd and throwing monetary mud at a wall and hoping it will stick. That is, actually achieve something meaningful. Pity we cannot filter out the noise and actually pick the right targets.
  18. So, do you think it's a good 'un Malc ? Seriously , I really have no idea. If it's below the steering wheel I have always paid someone to look for me. Oh, that sounds bad doesn't it !
  19. "honest and transparent people". Surely a oversight that you did not mention modest and humble people.😀 who know they don't have all the answers. Who heavens above may even admit they may be wrong! Actually, when people talk as though they are completely right my selective deafness switches on automatically. However, when people lead out with 'I don't know, but I will try to find out' I find myself wanting to listen.
  20. So, The vehicle healthcheck was carried out at Lexus Preston yesterday, free of charge no less, Quel surprise ! Are they good mechanics, I do not know, but they have b...y good coffee ! Seriously, apologies up front for any who get bored trawling through this lot, but I do have 20 photographs taken of the bits we don't usually get to see. As a self confessed novice just trying to learn I am inviting comments from those with much more experience. In a general sense, how does the overall look of that undercarriage strike you. When I saw they described it as having 'vast amounts of surface rust' I had a deja vue moment post Angiogram when the consultant looked down and said '95% occluded , I recommend a Quintuple bypass' ...colour me sh..g a brick. Then I look at these pics and am I wrong ,but I just don't get that description ? Bit of moisture down there, and they did say there are leaks from steering rack and engine, the latter unknown. Fair enough, but I looked at my driveway where it has been stood and there is not so much as one drop showing on the cobbles so what to do? Some corroding of a rear brake pipe. Think that is shown. No big deal methinks. Signs of tyre rub on 2 arches ? Guess that is perhaps do with Coilovers? Anyway, all comments welcomed and appreciated. Finally, they did say it is the 'cleanest' SC 430 they have seen 😃
  21. Judging by your response you seem to have decided I was being critical of you. No, I wasn't. In a sense I was venting my frustration that we cannot apparently educate people to a level where the usual hyperbolic crap that is served up as political, or even economic policy, is not dissected, analysed and shoved back down the throats of those people who are elected to serve in our interests , but all too often do not. In that sense also I was suggesting your arguments are oft good enough without the hyperbole. However, if this is simply some sort of emotional release for you also then that is another issue. My 'couch' is open to all. 😄
  22. Would like to double down on that enquiry for info re Clarke Garage. Got to admire your commitment ! KInd of on a similar journey, but without quite the need for your skillset. I'm a car maintenance novice, but I think as we get older it is a good thing to try and learn new things.
  23. You know you don't really enhance your argument by going hyperbolic. That is, 'This always happens'. I can think of certain physical events that you might say always happen, but when it comes to human behaviour such as you allude to it really does not apply. Indeed, quite apart from the lack of financial education in this country we also do not really teach Philosophy either until it is too late to rectify the lack of it in our formative years. By Philosophy I am not talking about sitting around on the grass, smoking weed, and musing on why the grass (sic) grows. I am talking about analytical thinking, critical thinking, always questioning, steering away from 'absolutes'...etc etc. By the way Linas that is not me being critical of you per se. It is more a commentary on why so often we see people taking up diametrically opposing positions on issues with a level of conviction that no one is really entitled to hold. Ok, I am off to empty the dustbins.
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