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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Ok, sorry if I am not being clear. Your car has a yellow plate on it's rear and it has a white plate on it's front. That is by law. Do you know why the law thinks that is a good idea? It is obviously supposed to do something to help you as a driver. Do you think you know what that something is ? Just a simple yes or no.
  2. So, I am interested to know how many drivers, on what is afterall a motoring enthusiasts platform , know why your license plate is white on the front and yellow on the rear of your vehicle. Please , just answer yes ,or no, you do not have to explain the reason why it is so. Indeed, for other voters I would rather you didn't ! I am just trying to take the 'temp' on knowledge of this law to see if it actually upholds the underlying rational for it's existence, or if it is just another one of those 'bright' ideas somebody had, because they are 'smart' (sic).
  3. I think I have come up with a novel idea for suppressing weeds and moss on the driveway. LexiGirl AsianGirl CityGirl Indeed, I have come up with a novel name for the three ladies. The Surpremes and with LexiGirl (obviously) in the role of Dianna Ross without further ado ... The Supremes- I Hear A Symphony - YouTube Music
  4. Not interested as it does not also protect against Alien Invasion ! Let me put it another way. IF (huge IF) it worked and was not a scam then a shedload of products/services just lost a reason for being. Meanwhile I am going to try and catch the pig that just flew past my window.😉
  5. Itw was destined not to work out due to a small misunderstanding over Blue Blood. She thought, you know what, and I meant I drink a shedload of....
  6. What I actually got was this.... As we say up here 'a blind man on a fast horse' could hardly tell the difference.
  7. Like you Ronnie not what I would have personally, but if I was say 40 years younger I suspect i would be allover it. Moreover, like our friend above I really enjoy seeing what people can do when they want to make something really theirown ! I guess I I mean I actually like the uniqueness and what it took to create it.
  8. I was messing around in the boot yesterday. Pre vac carpets prior to restoring the pile. Getting all those messy bits out that fall down in and around the toolkit/ spare wheel well etc. Also looking at how to remove it all because my SCMODS camera is due to arrive. When I was cleaning the drainage channels I was absolutely amazed at the quality/condition of all the rubber seals. Initially I thought they must have been removed and replaced fairly recently, but I remembered Stew said he had not done them. Got to say for 18 yrs old they are in incredible nick. Converted to 'man years' they must be older than me. Tempted to ask can I have some of what you have been drinking ! The more time I spend close up on this car the more I love the fact it is now mine.
  9. Thanks Steve, you've got a helluva result there. Looks crystal bright. I've done a lot of similar work to this just not on cars and plastic. So, looked around on Utube obviously. My conclusion is, from the many different methods shown the common denominator all use something mildly abrasive. What that is looks less important than the fact it is just MILDLY abrasive. I could actually use just a suitable grade of wet & dry paper, but I won't. Kinder I think to go with a paste of baking soda applied with a cloth. Finish with a good quality sealer as you have done. I will post it up in pics when I have done it.
  10. I am a novice with cars ,but I have done more property renovation than most people have had hot dinners. So, I will just say that kind of material on a driveway is very prone to movement unless the base has been absolutely nailed. What you see below is 6" cobble, BUT there is 8" of crushed rubble under the mortar on which it was bedded back in '95. I subscribe to the motto do it right once and you may never have to do it again. Wife's living testimony to that.
  11. Tell Kevin to stop using the Factor 50.
  12. Now I have my new cover photo inplace I will now repeat the above.
  13. You're right, not an Imp at all. The bonnet also completely different.
  14. It looks like an Hillman Imp to me albeit I have not seen one for so long I could easily be mistaken. I don't recall it being synonymous with quality at the time.
  15. Actually, you might wish to look at the rest of the quote.
  16. "So your comment was just filled of ignorance and lack of understanding of what is even being asked..." Hmm.... ! How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie | Goodreads Specifically. "Learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment."
  17. Let's look on the bright side, I have nothing above the neck 🙃
  18. 😏 RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteo = Osteoarthritis. I got the lucky ticket of having the former above the waist and the latter below the waist. Obviously 'god' didn't want to leave anything out.
  19. Plus typically, it is always a couple of degrees warmer down there than up here. Having said that, 'Confucious say RA no like warm, Ra wonderful cold'. Indeed , it is a paradox that RA likes cold and Osteo likes warm. Easily solved I will send my knees South and the rest of me stays in the North. Apologies, this stuff is also on my mind today as I woke and could tell the Cortisone is wearing off so getting ready for some not so good days.
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