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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Don't know if he will still have them, but Stew ( Localhero on here) had a spare set until a month ago at least. May be he might want to sell them given that he's sold the SC430 they used to be on.
  2. First time with the SC in a spupermarket carpark. I parked so far away from everyone I was barely in the same county. Head on a 360 degree swivelstick en route to the door doublechecking if any evildoers were remotely looking to park next to me. I have of course heard of parental anxiety ,but I never thought I would have it just by owning what is afterall a fairly old car. I am sure it will wear off in 10 years or so.
  3. Sorted. Operator error, polite speak for idiot behind the wheel. Can confirm if your aerial goes up when it should not, then your first look to resolve is the TA (traffic announcement) button.
  4. OOh ! Will have alook at that.
  5. I have lifted the carpets and I cannot find them. Should I just wait for nightfall and let them do their stuff?
  6. As we know the aerial on the SC430 extends and retracts if you select radio. We also know audio starts up in whatever function it was on when last used. I really do not listen to radio so other than testing out FM/AM behaved as they should when I bought a month ago it has not been used since. At that time the aerial worked correctly. Upon last closing the CD changer was in operation so that should have been what opened up today. Instead the radio came on and the aerial went up. When I shutdown the radio by selecting CD the audio was fine ,BUT the aerial did not retract. I repeated this operation several times with the same result. The aerial now extends when the CD comes on and only retracts when the audio off button is pushed. This has not been the case prior to today so it appears I have a glitch to resolve. parsing through the manual I see no fault finding advice. Anyone here have any advice where to start with this issue? It is obviously not a huge problem as it does not interfere with my use of the CD, but I generally like things to work as they should so I am looking to sort it out.
  7. I think that is the conclusion that I drew. If probably well over half the people driving are blissfully aware of why plates are a different colour then the rule can hardly be achieving it's aim.
  8. Politics being politics it does not necessarily mean "majority is tired of hostile rules on the roads", but it would be reasonable to say perhaps they thought there were marginal votes to be gained on this issue. Indeed, this appears to be just one of several moves which you could arguably say are a nudge to the right. Withdrawing from European rights would be another if it were to happen. Putting some muscle behind the immigration issue in general is the same same. Backing off other 'green' issues smacks of the same. If I had to guess they appear to be trying to make a clearer demarcation between themselves and Labour and in doing so are perhaps trying to force Labours hand to be clearer themselves on the same issues.
  9. I guess there's a fine line in having some pride of ownership and letting that be misplaced into somethingelse.
  10. Having recovered from my Meths hangover the good news is the SCMODS camera arrived this morning. Pic below. Looks a simple enough kit nay some might say idiot proof which might still give rise to concern that I could fit this. Yet I shall give it a go and post it up afterwards. Kemosahbee away !
  11. In my best Michael Caine voice 'did you know' that touring through Turin set to music is the theme tune to the Lone Ranger ! 'Not a lot of people know that'.
  12. Remember the program well although not that episode. Suppose our question remains who decided white cannot be shown on the rear of a vehicle ,and indeed why not? I struggle to believe that someone thought the colour of a license plate was required to be able to tell one end of a car from another. If so perhaps they would like to look down the barrel of a rifle and tell us if the business end needs further identification.
  13. Yes, it is interesting as a topic at least in so far as so many other countries have not adopted this system. Perhaps our regulation bods are just so infinitely smarter than the rest of the world (sic) ? There is a decent research project here for some budding behavioral psychologist. If I am bluntly honest it really is just one more example to me of bureaucracy that is out of control. it only ever expands and so rarely do we see it peeled back. Meanwhile little by little areas of our life that should be personal choice are eroded. Ok, it is obviously becoming clear that I am no fan boy for 'big government'.
  14. I came across that article when I was researching what the history of the SC430 and whatever came next which of course was nothing directly. Found it interesting that someone could like the car enough to want more than one.
  15. Hoy (Northern speak), you know where I am coming from then Ken ?
  16. So, basically they decided to use the outlier to justify their need . Please, will someone introduce Quants much earlier into the Education system.
  17. Oh, do you know what he did to cause such upset?
  18. I am beginning to understand where this guy is coming from. Lexus Lives: Chris Fixter, Lexus SC 430 champion - Lexus UK Magazine I may ,or may not, have been a bit on the naughty side today going down to Southport and back. I have to say that throttle controller and the hood dropped is very infectious. I doubt LexiGirl is going to be my only SC 430. Indeed, I had had no real plan to return to France, but an idea is beginning to take shape, because I think a run down through France to St Sebastian would be a motoring blast. I am hooked !
  19. When all cars look like this they might have a point. Come to think of it, is that not the next Tesla ?
  20. The reason stated by DVLA is that having a yellow plate on the rear helps you the driver to recognise which is the front (white plate) and which is the rear of a car (yellow plate). Hence, when you see a yellow plate heading towards you then you instantly recognise that a car is reversing towards you. You do not have to rely on recognising that the very big thing attached to the plate is reversing. This clearly enhances your ability to react to the manouver. At any point when you have stopped laughing you may address your responses to the DVLA and certainly NOT to me !
  21. OK , I am satisfied (especially as the answer is now out there). We had 9 Ayes to 7 Nays Inc my Nay), and that is on a forum like this. I suspect the general public will be found to be far worse statistically than the result found here. Sort of begs the question do you think that if people are more typically unaware that the sight of a yellow plate heading towards them is trouble then the rule really is not satisfying it's existence. The very question only occurred to me ,because I thought how irritating is it that I don't have plates that match in colour. Before I rip off that that offends me I will just look up the rules and voila I find out it is supposed to have meaning. Whereupon I thought perhaps I am just that visiting alien blissfully unaware of local custom. Apparently not, I have a lot of company.
  22. I could get the repair costs being an issue being tech heavy. However, you would have thought that was already captured by the premiums so it does not really explain the unprecedented uplift in the premiums one year to the next. However, like it or not their is Acturial data underpinning premiums and I imagine that is very much evolving . Perhaps the Insurers are simply finding the costs of underwriting these types of cars is not what they initially thought it would be. If that were so of course it is yet another roadblock to ownership.
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