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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Look in this country we have tried to make good intentions work. We started this way back after WW2. What we have found is it screws with human behaviour in ways we never foresaw. I am sure when Labour canned Grammar schools it was well intentioned, but who thinks that after that policy state education improved? If it's you please report to the nearest mental health facility. Indeed, If I looked I bet I would find that after this attempt to improve equality in education there was probably a boom in the uptake in private education. So, no, I have no interest in 'perfect solution fallacy' , I would just be more than happy if your solution turned out to be better than what preceded it. I still await evidence on that point in this country. When I talk about parental beneficiaries I probably did not make my point very clearly. It is this, because we collect and fund all public services centrally it is de facto the case that the effects of funding public issues is felt at the parental income level. It cannot be any other way. You want to help the child then funding ti centrally impacts the income earners (parents).
  2. I think there is a lot not seen that could quickly make 'value' appear a lot more realistic. I will say at that price level would you really not expect some significant bills that bump it up to the price level of a car that was more sorted ? I know I would. Seen quite a few like this that are basically priced for work .
  3. I doubt we will find agreement so I would just like to say that I do not believe striving for some sort of 'average' that is equality is what put man on the moon, or led us out of caves.
  4. I am shocked you think there is a resemblance.
  5. Now who is being literal? I was making the concept of what has to happen larger than life and easy to understand just by using 'cars' as an example. I could have just said, you know what forget what you earn gross ,we just let you keep the same as the guy you are going to subsidise AFTER you have subsidised him. Then he can afford to feed and educate, perhaps cloth his children to the same level you do yours. Sorry, Linas , I know you mean well, but life, politics, is not going to allow you to ringfence a couple of things you feel are injustices. The psychological unforeseen consequences of striving for equality are too numerous to even mention. In the drive for equality I suspect the outcome if achieved is that we all just end up poorer. Frankly, if as I think is true, regarding your origins, you should already have seen this firsthand for yourself.
  6. Ok, then we should start the equalisation process. To do that we need to fund it. You can't do that by taking from people with hardly enough to begin with. No, they will be the beneficiaries. So, we must turn our sights to those that have it to spare. We may take a 'room temperature' reading on that by considering what do they drive. Obviously, if the beneficiaries drive nothing ,or a sub 10k car (pick a number), then equality might begin by selling off all cars over 10k, dumping the proceeds in the 'equalisation pot', and away we go in your now sub 10k new car. I jest of course, but the underlying concept is still a truism. The have's (who have more than equality allows must always pay for these ideas to become a reality. It is interesting to observe exactly at what point does morality become financially unappealing. Answers to Keir Starmer on a voting ballot slip.
  7. Hmm. "EVERYONE should have a right to get same level". Ok, let's consider that. for a moment. Is this 'right' specific to the topic of education? If so, why? If not, then does "Everyone" have a right to enjoy the same level of nutritional diet ? The "same" level of remuneration? The "same" longevity of life? You see where this going? You really cannot just step up and cherrypick where your sense of morality prompts you to. There is a lot of good intention behind such moral stances ,but invariably it fails upon direct examination of the human condition in that we are just simply not all the "same". You could perhaps start us all off with such a clean slate that we were all 'equal' ,but a day later it would no longer be true. You know it, I know it.
  8. That's an easy one ,but please don't frame one that requires more than the use of digits on hands and feet. For clarity in moderation we do not know who that person in the picture is. It is just a photofit sketch of someone who may exist upon some planet in this universe.
  9. I thought it would be fun to post a quirky one. This chap (BIll Cosby) really blotted his reputation and doesn't really get played anymore. However, the music ,not the man, right ? Now this one is actually a kind of 'cover'. It's actually Stevie Wonders Everythings Alright, BUT with the lyrics changed. To appreciate you really have to listen to the lyrics. Hope it appeals to your sense of fun.
  10. Happened to my brother at high speed on a motorway. He was lucky to get off lightly. Something I have never forgotten.
  11. Private schools and yes I confess mine went that route start to finish. First we paid the school fees, no problem ,our choice afterall. Second , we paid our taxes that paid for the state schools our children did not attend, paying twice in effect, yes that's a problem. Third, our child being in private school frees up all of the resources they would otherwise be using if they were in a state school. For Lords sake just how many times do we have to pay for other peoples children to be educated ? Consider if you will we paid at least twice over for putting our child through private education. Once to the school, twice to the tax man, and 3rd to every other family that uses state education just by not having our child use up scarce resources leaving more for their child. As you may gather from my tone this is a real topic of contention. I don't begrudge having paid to educate half the kids in the neighborhood and then probably employed a few, but I do object to having my wallet pillaged any more than it has been just because some ideologically blind idiot in Parliament can stand up and pretend to be a man of the people. You know how airports have scanners. Can we not have one at the doors to Parliament that measures the IQ of those that enter rejecting those that could not successfully open a tin of baked beans without 3 pages of instructions? I am on it, designs to follow !
  12. Just take it from me any party promising more homes is blowing smoke. On top of all the usual reasons why this promise never works out we have a real BLOCKER. We actually don't have the 'right' kind of labour that can deliver more homes. Yes, you can train people up for it, but seriously just how many years is that going to take to even begin to make a dent. Personally, after over half a voting century my advice is just tune them all out and get on with your life. Nothing really changes. Indeed, the only positive I can find is I trust Sunak to be intellectually and financially more astute at running the GB Bank than anyone I can find in the labour party. My worst nighmare might be to wake up and find the next Chancellor of the Exchequer is.... where did I leave my passport !
  13. Len, The garage actually didn't even mark it down for immediate attention. Had they done so I would have acted straightaway. Just as you imply not the sort of issue to prevaricate with. I did have some arch phots showing some kind of let's call it minor contact. They did not of course say the contact was still happening either which would have helped. At this point I am really just trying to work it out one way or another if there is something needing attention and how to check that. This vehicle also has R Meister coilovers so of course I wonder if at some point that might have even been a contributing factor. Suspect I will end up just handing this issue to a local garage and asking them to clarify for me IF I have an issue to resolve.
  14. I suspect any professionally acceptable distance between arch and tyre should already account for weight issues unless you are F! driver etc.
  15. Just working my way through some of the small stuff that arose after the healthcheck at Lexus Preston. 1. They noted signs of tyre contact on the arch. Now I know there was a set of wheels/tyres on this car prior to this set so what is not clear is whether this is a current issue ,or a past issue. I can say I neither feel nor hear anything relevant to this issue when driving. What I wished to get some advice on is whether there is some sort of visual check I can make that would quickly tell me if the issue is still current or not? Any feedback welcomed. Already ruled out sticking it in drive and letting it go whilst running alongside to observe. Driveway just too short .
  16. Yes, the unexpected rate of 'obsolescence' plays havoc with the expected costs of depreciation. On the plus side it can also offer up occasional, not always, super deals as retail try to offload. As a buyer though you need to be aware of the context for the deal and have some sort of idea of the financial implication so you don't get sucked into showroom 'marketing for suckers' and walk out without half your wallet. Not a lot different to auction rooms, do your research beforehand and have a line in the sand for the deal.
  17. Why Einstein Considered Compound Interest the Most Powerful Force in the Universe | Unfortunately Herbie, compounding is the very definition of paying nothing on what is a debt. It is the 8th wonder when you are earning it. Not so much when you are paying it. If your equity release is framed as I think it probably is then to be honest it's irrelevant to you unless the long term effect were to see you lose your home before you die. I don't believe that is the case though so from the casket you can send it a message 'you can't take it with you, wealth, but hey ho that also applies to debt, let's hear a hallelujah'.
  18. something quiet to end the night Then Black Sabbath
  19. Then Velvet Underground Now Gaslight Anthem
  20. Olaf will be right with you soon as he is finished with pillaging your neighbours.
  21. " i am not keeping that on the car with that drone!!" I have a similar issue with my wife in the back seat. No solution I know of.
  22. Then Cream Now Rival Sons Nowt lost over time in my view.
  23. Put a note on his collar 'I come with the car. I trump a lot so colour your s*x life dead and buried)
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