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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. Just for clarity there are just 23 SC 430 for sale on Autoraider as one is listed twice (who knows why). So, I was making a pick up at Sainsburys which rates high on my threat threshold for bad parking issues so I look for a space no one wants. I could tell I had found it ,because it looked like the opening scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, all cobwebs and broken dinosaur eggshells. Walking away looking back over my shoulder I thought that's a s..y car , but what could I have bought that might have been even more s..y? What about a DB ,surely a contender, but then I thought yes, but only in a Jeremy from Gloucester kind of way and who wants that ! Uug. And it came to me the SC 430 is s..y in that effortless French Chic way. That Jane Birkin ,or Alain Delon with wheels kind of chic that is so rare. In a flash I understood the magnetic attraction, that car deserved me !! 😃
  2. That may be undershooting the number . This link appears to state 2303 were sold ,and assume registered. how many lexus sc 430 were sold in uk - Search ( In that case the 1500 shown on the chart is a bit short and the net figure likewise would likely be short. Actually if you combine the links it makes sense. 2303 actually sold about 500 no longer on the road shown on the chart brings us back approx to the 1800 currently on the road.
  3. Could I have a picture of each one for comparative purposes. Will only frame and hang the top 100.
  4. They sold approx 2100 -2200 of the SC 430 in the UK. My take on the current situation is that by virtue of their quality the vast majority are still on the roads. Still , not a lot so obviously you won't see many about when driving. You have had yours not much longer than me and like you I have not seen one yet.
  5. That's certainly a consideration and something to tweak, but do we think that an immobiieser could make such a massive difference overnight. based on the overnight drop reading then in two or three days this battery would be fully discharged. Now I already know that is not the case just by virtue of how it's been driven since I bought it at start of Sept'. I will recharge to full and do what you suggest to see what change in readings I get. I just think there might be more to this story.
  6. As I really like this car a lot (currently constructing a ramp so it can be parked bedside), I was interested to know who owns the best example of the SC 430 that you have seen? That is, regardless of pre facelift or later, and regardless of modification. Indeed, the latter might even be why you like it. So, not a poll or anything like that, just a this is the car you the liked the most and preferably accompanied by a listing (ish) of the things about it that made you like it. For example, pure factory originality, or the most creative modification, or just the meticulous condition. If we have an owner who appears on the list can they post up some pics ,or link to some already posted. Indeed, could they describe what it is they do that keeps that car in that condition? A kind of appreciation society exchange on the SC 430 by people who like it the most ,but perhaps mostly for the benefit of those of us who have not yet been fortunate enough to attend a meetup etc. Give us something to shoot for next time 😉 No right or wrong answers here. Just a pleasant exchange of views on a subject near and dear to our hearts.
  7. Put the tester on this morning. Gone from 100% fully charged last night to 55%charge this morning. Voltage virtually unchanged to a decimal point. New territory for me so it's unclear what is going on. Do I, have a battery that is losing charge rapidly (which would not be good), or is this battery monitor tester wildly inaccurate? How do I tell? I guess the answer is if a user has a relatively new battery that is being monitored and it is also displaying those kind of discharge stats then the tester is the likely culprit. What do we think if we think anything conclusive about this at all?
  8. Of course not. IF Butch and Sundance charged out guns blazing it would be the drones that got them.
  9. Indeed they have. I should have been a contender. I could have been a contender. I will never be a contender. I am a contented sheep out to pasture.
  10. My 3rd winter with the Burley woodburners. 90 % efficient ,no ashpan, barely makes any so it only needs a scoop out once a month. So far spent zero £ on wood. All scavenged 'cos once a Yorkshireman always a Yorkshireman ! ironic splittlng kindling and logs . Truly deja vu as my first proper job earning was 2 evenings and one Saturday a week in the local woodmill. Doubt if today they would allow a 12yr old kid to work with that kind of equipment. Life can be quite circular coming back to something 50 plus yrs later. Why no Sundays you ask ,because I used my first pay to buy a Sunday newpaper round £5, but what price that when you deliver the Times and get a half crown tip ! More than the cost of the paper itself.
  11. Convo down to I have just fired up my two woodburners. Cut my wood for this winter earlier in the year timed to coincide with Arthritis holiday courtesy of cortisone of course. My bit for the countries bid for energy independence plus no radiator looks so good as one of these flaming up.
  12. Looks like a really good venue for a day out. That's me happy, but have to sell it to the wife by telling her there is an Agnes B franchise on site.
  13. Too early for me to tell ,but I will let you know tomorrow ,or the day after. At end of today the battery should be fully charged so I will have something to measure against. I hope it is not wildly inaccurate ,because I will probably return it if it is and look for an alternative.
  14. Completed the setup on the battery monitor this morning. Just in time ! Now charging up and the BM2 App appears to be working seamlessly at least on test mode and cranking mode. Have not yet tried out trip mode, but I think that might be useful if you do short journeys and also use say the audio system regularly. Pile on top of that lights etc in winter. Easy to see how depletion on those trip might offset any charge accrued on the trip. Yes, I think big thanks to the guys above pointing in this direction. I am going to be more assured in the months ahead as to what is going on with the battery system and of course the Alternator.
  15. Tines do change don't they. Doubt our sports teacher would get away with his sawn off cricket bat nowadays. English teacher just a plimsoll (wimp), and the old head 'bend over duckie' (yeh that would sound well I don't think) just your standard everyday cane. I have definitely in the words of Forest Gump got the hardest 'butt...ocks' known to cane, cricket bat and Plimsoll ( I used to annoy him just by whistling through it)
  16. Agree with all the above. However, my main thrust of disagreement with this whole private education argument is one of relevance. I explain thus, the reason I like Paretos' Law is not because it is a precision tool it isn't ,but because it forces one to analyse issues in terms of hard data. In this case when you know that private schools account for just 5% of primary education and 8% at secondary level then to be frank you do well to just close the book on it for a source of extra funding for state education. The volume of revenue you could realistically raise from those institutions and divert to state schools is not going to make any appreciable difference to outcomes in the latter. However, it may be enough to divert children out of private into state with all the implications that has for already overstretched resources. It's that sort of situation where you end up finding you raised a pound ,but it cost you 3 to do it. Pretty nonsensical.
  17. All good here so far. Only thing I note is I have to be very close to the car for the bluetooth signal to work. I was sat inside with it, approx 3 mt between the phone and box separated by one external wall (so two layers of brick and cavity). I also note older houses have a density of brick that is well known for hindering signals. For me this issue is a small thing as I will not mind just going out to the car with it when I want to check the battery situation. Got a bit to do just to make sure I have it all set up right. For the moment I just ok'd it being a regular battery from the options given, but honestly I don't know if it is ,or not. The failing light beat me to any chance of checking it out today. Come back to it tomorrow to complete the installation properly.
  18. It's arrived. Cannot believe how small this is. There again I suppose it has to be if it is to be attached to the car battery. Anyway, off to put it on and set up.
  19. Once upon a time a few tight-fisted scots decided to journey to the bright lights of the South. However, being tight they did not pack enough food for the trip and so they came to rest in Yorkshire whereupon thee set up home. So millennia later having honed their skills at making a half penny do the work of a full penny they 'charge home each night' to fill up at their neighbours 😉 Each person does the same,but the fella on the end gets poorer by the year. I think as a Yorkshireman born and bred I might be allowed to poke a bit of fun at the sterotype.
  20. Sympathise, I took that decision myself a number of years ago and sold my BMW Coupe at that time. Moreover, you're generally right in that it's actuarial based and that is simply the application of statistics to large sets of data which leaves little room for for considering any specific individual. I suspect there may be a few Insurers out there who understanding that may have distinguished themselves from it to take advantage of the niche market that it creates. Not my area ,but if you dig I think you might find one.
  21. I doubt it. They are owned by Direct Line and their policies are underwritten by UK Insurance Ltd. Not aware of any recent change in that situation.
  22. Thinking outside the box here you could just ask them to insure it on the days it doesn't go out ! I know that is stupid, but not as stupid as their policy , or are Insurers now in the business of not insuring.
  23. Surely nothing a bit of silcone won't sort out? If it rusts a bit more then add more silicone. Taken to the nth degree when you hit something you are going to bounce off beautifully well. Obviously silicone ultimately exacerbates the problem, but given the age of the car one imagines somethingelse will 'kill' it first.
  24. Well, my wording was chosen with care. You see in my 'opinion' you are not reflective of the public. If we were to take a referendum on whether they cared more about this issue ,or what they were having for 'breakfast' then I think the former would come second. Not to you of course ,because you have an 'itch' that they do not. Hope that clarifies the situation.
  25. Me too, and probably for the same reasons as you. Winter round the corner and usage dropping so be good to monitor the battery.
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