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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. I caught that one also. Glad I am not a shareholder. I am forever wary of the 'golden boy' companies. because it always seems just a matter of time unless the gloss comes off. tesla range request us justice - Search (
  2. My god, in a flash it came to me. The next big money idea. A cemetry where you can get buried in your car ! It's going to be BIG.
  3. Or if you are not to 30 bhp you could just plump for a Ferrari Roma Spider.
  4. "keep those otherwise vestigial brain cells clanking away till the end of one’s time ". I know I wanted to say something about that ,but I can't remember what it was.😉 Oh yes now I remember in the words of Carol King "It's too Late"
  5. Trust you to put a Twist on it...boom boom
  6. I bet you and Dickens had some great conversations 😉
  7. 'cos I am a nitpicker "Many lived through 11 different decades!" longevity of someone born in 1910 - Search ( longevity of someone born in 1920 - Search ( "Two World Wars!" If you were born in 1920 or later you saw one world war (which was more than enough) If you were born as early as 1910 you were probably blissfully unaware of the world war and what it meant , simply because you were too young albeit odds were you or someone close to you mysteriously no longer had a dad. Was not meant to be a competition between generations. I just came across something and thought how interesting. if I had to try and condense my life into something that fits a A4 sheet of paper then this would be it. Above that I thought it was a decent tribute to people in general, how adaptive we are as a species. Malc, Completely get where you are coming from. I only got my 1st mobile phone couple of months ago care of my daughter upgrading hers. Only took it because I got fed up of the ladies in my life nagging me 'what if you fall down on your walk, how do we find you' etc. I have of course known about Facebook for years ,but I only joined it after I got my SC 430, because I wanted to know how many groups were out there etc. Have to say it's the weirdest 'thing' I have seen for awhile. I really really don't want to know most of the stuff I have seen on there. As for news channels I would rather play solo chess !
  8. Nothing like seeing something visually displayed.
  9. Do they do white , or is that an approximation for Ecru ?
  10. From a time I used to cut peat for the fire to a time when I cut wood for the fire ! Hmmmm. .
  11. Was not meant to be depressing. Quite the opposite it was supposed to celebrate the resilience of a generation who experienced a rate of social and technological change that has been unprecedented. Although I dare say that may not look the same in another 50 years. As for the rest, well a guy died who meant something to me. Indeed we even named our dog after him and I kid you not it was run over by a number 66 double decker bus. Was the driver named Otto , we do not know.
  12. Barry, guess it would read like War and Peace if we included even a fraction of the change we have seen over the last 70 ish years. I confess to sometimes just feeling like I might have outlived my time. So much is strange to me these days.
  13. May the sun decide to stay a little longer this year and give you and your wife a bit more opportunity to enjoy driving out in the car.
  14. In truth it's a bit of a minefield out there. I guess all we can do is approach expenditure with a questioning mind asking for evidence of work done where possible, and indeed looking at the work done for others again if possible. Using each other within that context for further proof of credibility. Never going to totally negate risk of course, but we owe it to ourselves to try and reduce it. No idea why I decided to call my car Lexigirl. It isn't as though I have an habit of naming inanimate objects. I may just be getting sentimental in my young age.
  15. Of all those things mentioned of course nowhere is there a line about a day in 1966 when the impossible happened and a young lad hid his head under a pillow too frightened to see the dreaded Germans win. Then of course they didn't, and for awhile the world seemed a better place full of boys who wanted to be at least one of the Bobby twosome. So, 'Epitaph' indeed for a Great footballer and equally Great gentleman. RIP Sir Bobby Charlton and thanks for helping to create a seminal moment in this guys memories.
  16. Actually , I was surprised to learn when I looked into it that 3rd party cover is often little different in terms of cost to Comprehensive. There was a reasoning behind this ,but I cannot recall it at this moment. I hope something can be done for EV drivers afterall most of this transitional stuff is happening because govts want it to so drivers who are actually getting behind that should not expect to find themselves isolated and bearing the unforseen costs of that transition.
  17. Phew. Think some people have spent a considerable amount of time and money on those cars. I may have to revise my timeline for Lexigirl to make a debut. I would imagine the reg V8 LYX is a custom colour with wrapped roof and wing mirrors. Very very effective. Internally my favourite was the tan leatherwork. Did not know that was offered in the UK as I had not seen one before the links. Hard to believe the quality of the leatherwork on show given the age of these cars. Reg Y121ALM under the bonnet is nothing short of incredible, I would be very confident it did not look that good the day it rolled off the factory line. He must have a tiny dwarf living under there polishing it as he drives. The photographer stated 'nice shine to the engine bay'. He was also on the Titanic when it hit an iceberg and was heard to say 'luncheon will be a little late today'. Anybody under 4' 10" wanting a job PM your application.😉 Just an amazing standard overall , but the wife's not going to be happy giving up her cruises to fund my car obsession.
  18. If I'm doing back to the future I'll be texting from the 3 peaks tomorrow.😉
  19. I will keep an eye peeled. Occasionally the odd one appears not on autotrader. I think you might be on budget for that spec albeit you might have to be patient waiting for the right one to appear. Unless of course a member decides he is ready to have a change. That's what happened for me so I hope it can happen for you.
  20. An 'insult' is surely personal and business should never be personal. You can never know what a truly 'low' or high price is. You only know what an acceptable price is because the other party said yes , or an unacceptable price because they said no. in my view labels like low and high don't belong in a business discussion they are what I call 'emotives'.
  21. Not sure I agree ,but I'll try anything once (ask the wife)
  22. I am definitely getting you booked in for some portfolio management seminars !. I do not want to be tripping over you and a begging bowl and 3 legged dog outside Waitrose.
  23. Come on 'Wolfie' you know you are dying to, 'Up the revolution' !
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