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Posts posted by Boomer54

  1. Today I am not listening to the Beatles Now and Then. I did start ,but I switched off halfway through. Guess I must be in the heathen minority on this one. I really don't get the rave reviews. it's got no particularly memorable instrumental, or vocals to it. I would forget I had heard it 30 mins after listening. Indeed, whilst I am on the horse the Stones would have been better off retiring years ago. At my age I cannot be accused of being ageist when I say most artists do their best work earlier not later. I think both the Beatles and Stones arer rightly revered for the work they did back in their day, but in my opinion every artist might do well to think if they still have it, or is it time to call it a day and do somethingelse.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Localhero said:


    You know if i am not using her you can arrange to have the occasional nostalgia drive outs with her. Long as you are insured to drive any car with the owners permission you are good to go. Serious offer there if you ever want to take it up. I'm still very grateful you chose to sell her to me.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Bob King said:

    Taxed the SC at the start of November , despite the poor weather I just had to go out in it.

       Takes me back 4 years since my last one , total silence on one extreme and a beautiful sounding sound system on the other .

     I’ve missed the performance have been driving a 2.0 RAV4…got a few photos between the showers .





    Very pleased for you. It's a truly lovely feeling to be behind the wheel. Hope it does well for you. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    in those days I'm sure he had just conceived a very Premium Luxury car and a chauffeur possibly to attend ......... and a Main Dealer to do all necessaries

    Not future owners grubbing around in the oil and muck ...... vide  Wesley in Last of the Summer Wine territory 🤩


    Think he would chuffed that 40 years or so on owners were still talking his about creations with real passion. What a legacy !

    If they talk about me in 40 years it will be more like 'how could he eat so much apple crumble and custard and still weigh 12 stone ? Lacks a  certain level of achievement.

  5. 4 hours ago, Boomer54 said:

    Thinking about 50 hours laid on the cobbles cleaning rust off, may be this one is about me.Old.thumb.jpg.e412f7c64d0478887da6af274388c116.jpg

    Actually, whilst that pic is posted it brings to my mind a particular issue. You see my body feels 'biblical', but my head still thinks I am circa 18 year old , elastic as hell, leap small mountains in one go , swim the channel without breathing etc etc. I suspect I am not alone in having this dual persona issue.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, BigBoomer said:

    To get the car fully off the ground I have always used Ramps for the rear wheels (jack up the rear and put the ramps under each rear tyre) and then jacks and axle stands at the front.
    With the handbrake on and in Park she isn't going to move unless you get really violent with her.
    For what you are doing, maybe use 4 ramps or else some solid blocks of wood.
    With 4 ramps you can orient them such that the car cannot move at all.

    DO NOT use piles of bricks. I have seen the damage that they do when a car collapses onto them.
    My mate was underneath at the time and all that saved him is that he had left the jack in place and was working near it.
    He needed a tranquiliser and new trousers after that :scared:

    Thanks, now that makes sense to me. Two ramps and two stands ,or even 4 ramps and I can do the whole car at once. I prefer that because it will be easier to ensure the cobbles are adequately covered end to end and side to side. I am only going to use bricks to hold down the edges of the ground coverage I am using. A layer of plastic sheeting with a couple of full sized decorating sheets on top that can just be bagged and taken to the dump after use. I do have some log offcuts I can just insert for extra safety, but I don't envisage they will be needed for the spraying work I will be doing.

    Also decided I am going to do that now rain ,or no rain. Getting wet never killed anybody unless you were onboard the Titanic or similar. Trekking kit head to toe sorts that out anyway.

  7. 26 minutes ago, eightk said:

    An entertaining read! I’d be tempted to do one end at a time with axle stands - I’ve never trusted a car on four stands, it never looks very stable although you’re not spannering, just spraying I suppose.

    I may have dinitrol’d a Landcruiser on the road outside our house rather than risk my drive getting damaged. Nearly 5 years later and the stains have almost gone…

    Thanks, yes I am sensitive to the potential staining of my driveway so you can take it has read I will double down on making sure it is covered against any overspray ,or drips.

    • Like 1
  8. So what is the safest way to raise my car to work underneath it.

    Should I hydraulic jack it up on to two axel stands at one end chocking the other end and then work the raised underside after which reverse and do the other. Alternatively, should I raise one end on to stands and then raise the other so it all raised so I can work the whole car. Actually not sure how you would do that without risking damaging the skirt.

    Turns out I can hire for a week some kit to get the car jacked up for at least long enough to use the ACF50. Whether that will be an ongoing solution to protecting the car I don't know, but for the cost involved I am willing to give it a try.

    I suppose alternatively i could just park the car on Malc's magical driveway where mother earth transmits invisible rays that elminate all rust known to man.😏

    • Haha 2
  9. 27 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    and there's mine at 247k miles and 28 years young and living next the sea for much of it's life .........  never been treated to any underside " rust prevention " treatment  ( yet ) and never received any MOT warnings about underside rust either !


    Admit it, it's like a Lego set in about 50 different pieces. You don't drive it, you assemble it.

    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, StevieP2000 said:

    Hi everyone. First time post here. I am considering purchasing a 2005 LS430. It would be my first ever Lexus (just sold my Land Rover Discovery 3) and want ed to buy something special but that wouldn't give me too many headaches. 

    I can see from the MOT advisories that the car is going to need new lower suspension arms and also the brake pipe is corroded. Are these big issues? And should this out me off from purchasing? The car has 125k on the clock and they want just under 5k.



    Not many about so is this it?

    2005 Silver Lexus LS 430 4.3 4dr for sale for £4,990 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire (

    Be patient and I am sure someone will give you the info you are looking for. Couple of guys on here who know  their Lexus cars from that era.

  11. 2 hours ago, Malc1 said:

    Please give us details ……


    Not a chance at this one, but I think another one in Quartz Blue alongside this one would be a magnificent lineup of engineering beauty at it's best.. Anyway at a meagre 71k she's not even run in and I would never leave a lady 'short' like that.

    Nonetheless, I share his thinking !


    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, GMB said:

    Calling the Forum Moderator. Pleas censor the above as it is putting horrible images in my mind and I am starting to have a nervous fit.

    Punch Cartoons about Fashion | PUNCH Magazine Cartoon Archive

    Then you not have appreciated what I left at the cloakroom check in. Black polyurethane double buttoned long coat. The only one I have ever seen.....probably for a very good reason , but I thought at the time the epitome of 'cool'. As opposed to what a tw..t.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    For heavens sake see sense and just get your Indy to let you “borrow” his ramp/lift for a couple of hours 

    You can then get up and under and do your worst with a degree of comfort ……. he’ll make u a cuppa too I’m sure ! 


    "see sense" Stephen ,quick genetic search, nope can confirm I did not get any at the counter before exiting the womb.

    • Haha 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, Bluemarlin said:

    I was going to say that it might end up cheaper paying someone to do it,  but I see you've already reached that possible conclusion.

    An alternative though, if you're keen to do it yourself is to wait, as you say until spring, but in the meantime give the underside a good spray of ACF 50, to keep any worsening at bay over winter. With a big bottle of ACF 50 (£25), and a garden sprayer with a lance, like the one linked below, you could  probably cover most (if not all) of the underside without having to raise the car. Not perfect, but will hold you over until spring. Would take less than £40 and about 30-60 minutes, but put down some plastic sheeting or cardboard to catch the drips,  and leave it to dry for a day or two.

    I will look up ACF50. I already have spraying equipment because I have to Hypochlorite my driveway every year  to keep the moss away.

  15. 1 hour ago, Lmafudd said:

    Could you enquire through something like 'Nextdoor' if anyone has a suitable Garage or workshop that you could rent for a day or two? There are many car enthusiasts about who may love to share their experiences etc.

    I have no idea what 'nextdoor' is ,but I will find out. Heck I might be able to do a video and people can take bets on which day of the work I will end up in A & E for a cortisone shot to keep me going.

    • Haha 1
  16. 52 minutes ago, GMB said:

    Hey Stephen

    I hope you are joking.

    We don't want to lose you. Meths contains 10% methanol ( and other nasties such as acetone )  which will kill you or blind you. The best illegal solution is absolute alcohol which is 99% pure ethanol. Better and cheaper and safer than Vodka.  Only sold to industry. Tried it once and it needs diluting otherwise it will remove any skin on contact.

    A nice accompaniment is a solvol autosol butty with a few prawns. Much nicer than Philadelphia cheese.

    If you want to be safe just use the above nasties for cleaning things.🤪


    BTW I remember the scandal years ago when some Austrian winemakers were prosecuted for putting anti-freeze in their wines ( ethylene glycol ) to improve the "body" of the acidic wines.

    They do not do it now and Austrian wines can be very good if a bit expensive.

    I remember they were one of my stock bottles. Needless to say stopped drinking them when the news regarding the additives was released. I didn't really have a 'meths hangover'. My tolerance levels are too high to get a hangover off it ..boom boom !

    For da record here, I am actually a really lightweight drinker. I prefer to inject it straight into the bloodstream and bypass the delay of it getting there... boom boom. No seriously for a long time I drank nothing stronger than orange juice. Only in my later years have I enjoyed a glass of wine with my meal ,but never on it's own.

    God I sound so boring.

  17. I can see a growing issue between what I want to do and what is perhaps the viable alternative. As I begin to see the growing cost of acquiring everything I need to do the underside work myself clearly it is actually going to be cost effective to pay to have this done once very thoroughly and then just schedule a once a year fine weather top up that I can do myself. The cost of a portable garage that could be used year after year is a chunk. Everythingelse is small potatoes by comparison. Another alternative is don't be overeager. let this job go until next spring and just get stuck in when the weather becomes more user friendly. I am going to have to consider the permutations. I guess I just wanted to get going with this over Winter, but perhaps that isn't the sensible way to go.

  18. 29 minutes ago, BigBoomer said:

    That's not going to be very comfortable lying on cobbles under the car, even with a pad, or do you mean block paving rather than cobbles?
    If you do go with the sandbags that attach to the poles, make certain that the bags are solidly secured to the poles and that each section of pole is securely taped to the next section.
    A friend had his blow away leaving the sandbags and the bottom pole section of each leg, even though they were clipped together with those pins that pop into a hole in the attaching section.

    Hoping to use a creeper board on top of 1/4" base ply platform cut to size and located under the car. Yes, they are cobbles (used to be in Rochdale town centre until 1995), love 'em ,but boy they make life difficult sometimes.

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