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Everything posted by Boomer54

  1. This reminded me of my dearly departed cousin who was one of those real rascals you can't help but love. Two example of a Josephism. He once broke into the skylight of a branch of the CO-OP and was caught sitting behind the counter eating crisps. Upon sentencing, the magistrate fined him only the cost of the crisps as he did not have the heart to punish someone who had already been punished by 'god', and he was sure he would be seeing him again.. On another occasion he was stopped and arrested for riding his Tiger 125cc up the local High Steet wearing a Fray Bentos tin on his head for a helmet.
  2. You might like this guy, but for me he is the standout example of a man who got it right once. In essence people focus on the call he made that worked and completely overlook the fact that he has not made another call in his career. The irony is he talks about 'randomness' as though he understands it and yet apparently does not see how it describes his work. Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Wikipedia
  3. Malc, Clearly I can find the Yuasa 5000 range, but not a code 335. What they have in that range that generates 100ah (which I would love) will not fit the tray size of the SC 430. Your car must have a larger tray fitted that permits essentially a more powerful battery. Looks like the SC 430 may have been under specced in this regard.
  4. Thank you for answering my question.
  5. Just out of interest were you active in markets in the period 2005 to 2010?
  6. For people who might be making this choice in the future. Your car battery group designator is 096. This will bring you only batteries that fit the size of your tray with Terminals suited to your car setup. that is Std pin. (bet those Jap imports need a workaround) Within that you will have various AH rating and A ratings. The former is what your battery can supply and the latter is a rating for cold starts. The higher the better for both in my view given the nature of this car. I have so far got it down to; Bosch S5008 has 77ah 780a+ Varta Silver Dynamic E44 has 77ah 780a Exide Premium EA770 has 77ah 760a Now the blurb on the last of those is it is designed to recharge faster. I will be looking further into this to make sure it is not along the lines of our Margerine stops you ageing ('cos it kills you quicker). All are 5 year batteries and all will be more expensive than say the category that is in my car right now the Exide EB741 that has 74ah and 680a. Keeping you posted.
  7. Pretty sure my search for a higher AH battery for this size tray is not going to work out according to this table. Car Battery Specification charts - Dimensions, Sizes, Cranking Amps, Voltage, Terminal, Weights and Ampere hours | Pure Tyre 01603 462959
  8. Had limited time today so far due to my Star baker demanding attention ! Been looking for battery this afternoon online. What I currently have is an Excell EB741 and as Stew said not a top of the line battery. Albeit at 278 x175 size with 74AH AND 680A one would think it capable of doing a decent job. Here is the bug in the ointment though. A table guide from battery geeks suggests a car engine this size 4ltr plus should really be in the range 90 to 100 AH ! Now I would happily pay up for that ,because it's been noted the SC 430 is a battery vampire and it would make a lot of sense to have higher AH capable to meeting it's high demand. However, I have not yet found that AH in the battery size accommodated by this car. Just beginning to wonder is that battery tray size a design flaw? I could easily be wrong here ,because I am well outside my area of expertise. I will keep this issue posted until I get to the point I have a new battery fitted and everything working.
  9. Indeed, and if you had said that when my car was brand new off the factory line then you would have been wrong about 7,000 times by now, but one day you will be right Meg.
  10. You heard the expression 'even a broken clock is right twice a day'? I always think it applies well when people take enough guesses about the future and randomly get one right. Think about it.
  11. If you want to make a statement like that and wish to be taken seriously you need to at least make some attempt to provide data that supports your statement. In the absence of that let me make a statement, tell a story. In my biblical 3 score and 10 I have found out there is no magical crystal ball for seeing the future. Indeed, as a species we are awful at forecasting what lies ahead. In general, the amount of conviction people attach to their mystic Meg capabilities is highly correlated to the degree of fear they have over the uncertainty we all face. If I had bailed on my investments everytime someone cried Wolf I would be out in front of Waitrose with a begging bowl and 3 legged dogs singing a duet with Malc on spoons. There is actually a book about a circus performer back in the 50's who made a million dollars from his stock portfolio. Lot of money at the time hence they wrote a book about it disclosing his genius. The laugh is this there was no genius. He bought well and then beggared off to perform in France for ages not even looking at what was happening to his portfolio. Upon his return he finds he's rich and sells up. So, what is the secret? Easy isn't it, he was out of the loop away from all the noise that would be telling him to sell this ,or that. His luck was the market was on a roll while he was otherwise occupied. In another life of course he would have returned and found he was poor. C'est la vie. The bottomline is don't act from fear, hope ,or any emotion. Get the facts I am asking you for, or fold your arms ,have a cup of tea and watch the world go by.
  12. That's a pretty impressive MOT history. If I were closer I would help you out.
  13. The effect of remortgaging costs is a factor waiting in the wings although it has been in play for the last 12 months, but of course it largely depends upon when fixed mortgages are forecast to finish. However, all things being equal and the BOE showing the very bias I alluded to I can see they will be aware of this issue and it will be one more reason why they may choose to act sooner than previously expected. I am done today, but I wlll move on to the next section of your first post tomorrow. Upon dissection I think we arrive closer to agreement on the first point than was apparent upon first posting.
  14. Indeed, one would have to ask for this car, because they have removed the private plate and we don't know the original plate so cannot search on it. I notice the front grill badge is different to my Lexus SC 430. Does that mean anything? I note they have done a lot of work which on the face of it supports the pricing level, but it raises a question in my mind about the condition of the areas of the car we have not seen. Underbody. The pics mean nothing tome as I know up close and personal it could be radically different. However, in their favour they have made a statement regarding the bodywork and as that forms part of any purchase contract you have some fallback there. The colour way is excellent for me. The pricing level looks decent as long as somebody doesn't start ramping it up much. I think you could do worse than this to satisfy your itch, but it needs to be seen and driven.
  15. Your last sentence is right on the money, but month on month inflation figures are the most useful for policy makers. The reason is they dictate what the trend is and allow them to react to that in a more timely fashion than an annual reading would permit. The operative word there is 'trend', because when direction is established the most likely probability is that it will continue (and yes we know that at some point that will no longer be true). In effect, the BOE will act when they think the trend is established and in so doing they will hope to anticipate that they can change course before policy leads to the kind of outcome for which they would be criticised eg Recession. As a postcript not directly related to your comments I have long held the view that the BOE is implicitly skewed to hold rates low too long and rates too high not long enough simply because of an innate bias that they do not wish to be criticised for starting a recession, but know they are unlikely to be criticised for creating too much growth through loose policy.
  16. "I like Preston" How much did the council pay you to say that?
  17. Well I drove from Preston to Clitheroe and back today and burned enough fossil fuel to make 'Just Keep Oil' really happy. The wife did keep trying to stick her foot through the floorwell, but on her Anniversary I thought she deserved a little excitement. Her solicitors will be in touch.
  18. He's lying. I distinctly told them at the toll booth, 'don't let him in'.
  19. "They even put it in writing in a letter to me so at least they did the honourable thing in that respect." I had a word with BOB, showed him the photos, and I am glad I could help.😉
  20. OK, let's get started ,but I am warning you I am out of here for Xmas. 😉 1."This is just monthly inflation figure, it is kind of flawed to compare last month YoY inflation drop against target of quarterly inflation halving." Answer. Sunak at the start of 2023 pledged to half inflation by the end of 2023. Discuss. Consumer price inflation, UK - Office for National Statistics What we are seeing is a drop in month on month inflation rooted in domestic activity. Probably a good sign that the cost of financing driven by the BOE is now working. Qtrly isn't even mentioned. Y on Y is really unchanged due to the manner in which inflation is measured. What is indisputable is that inflation has halved from it's peak earlier this year so Sunak can claim his pledge has been met which is not the same has saying that he has had anything to do with it. We can move on to the next point after you have addressed my response to your first para.
  21. No mate, it is definitely in the bank accounts and portfolio. 😉 I have had the 'eye of the beholder' and it never paid for any of the goodies I like to have.
  22. I think you will be pale before rich !
  23. At long last I got around to the headlights. Just used lemon leftover from baking Muffins, god this guys talented (wife made 'em), and some bicarbonate soda. Cutting through the nonsense online there is no secret to doing this kind of treatment. It is always going to be some form of mildly abrasive treatment. period! Anyway, both my headlights now look a better match for each other. The righthand one was a bit more opaque and the treatment improved that whilst not in my opinion being perfectly bright. I'll take the win of improvement.
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