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Posts posted by Boomer54

  1. YT is full of this stuff, but trust me having worked on many surfaces (hobby with paint effects) they have one thing in common. That is, they all involve some form of mild abrasive. I tried baking soda/lemon (acidic) good. good. Plastic good. The result was just getting the abrasive level needed and that was a simple kitchen pad and Peek compound.

  2. 2 hours ago, GEN said:

    In my experience)have done it myself and had it done by Lexus) it is only a very temporary solution (1 year at best). Before experimenting I have read about a solution, seen it on YouTube, etc.  By the way, unless you're looking for exhausting exercise I wouldn't not attempt this without some sort of powered sander/polisher.

    It literally took me no more than 5 mins using a pad and Peek paste. All by hand and I am not exactly the most robust OAP on here. I did them about 8 mths ago and they have stayed clear at this point, but given the time and minimal cost it takes I would be happy to do them every year.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tynisteri said:

    The plastic seems worn or something, there isnt even that much condensation. Is there a way to make these look new?



    Wouldn't go so far as to say 'new'. However, mine cleaned up very nicely using the slightly abrasive side of a kitchen sink pad (not brillo!) applying Peek polishing paste. Then just wipe off with damp cloth. From experience I know you don't even have to mask the headlight off as the paste will do no damage to your paint work as long as you wipe it off with a damp cloth and don't make the mistake of dry rubbing it in.

    Peek paste can be bought off amazon. If you do it please post up a pic and let us know how you got on.

    Most solution are nothing more than using something mildly abrasive. Operative word being "mildly".

  4. 1 hour ago, Malc1 said:

    Remember nowt is recession proof. Especially old cars 🤔


    Perhaps, but recessions come and go. It is their nature being cyclical. However, in the long run old cars with rarity value will hedge against inflation in the same way many tangible assets will. I will leave it there, but if you have any interest in knowing why I could post up a short summation on the nature of fiat currency to explain it.

  5. As mentioned earlier. House of Lords.

    A motion 'regretting' the controversial move to strip the allowance from 10million pensioners was passed by 164 votes to 132. Although the government fended off a bid to kill the plan altogether, the setback underlines the scale of the backlash."


  6. On 9/10/2024 at 2:11 PM, Boomer54 said:

    Yes, price will be interesting, but I wouldn't exactly call it clean. Probably the interior is the cleanest bit. Besides the explicitly shown bubbling it's got more than it's share of chips and then some additional paint loss round the rear O/S wheel arch. Definitely some body tidying to be done. Brakes/callipers don't exactly fill me with joy. This is not a car that has been cherished I can see that by what they have not  bothered to do. Still at the right price it will be a decent buy for someone. Not me, I don't like that choice of wheel for that car and the leather colour doesn't quite live up to the Ecru does it?.

    Stands at £3700 with a few hours to go.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Phil xxkr said:

    If that's using your brains then I do worry. The essence of your view is we should be content with the two party system with first past the post for ever. Fascinating how people castigate Reform voters but never Liberal voters. And conveniently forget Reform stood down in many areas allowing Conservatives an eighty seat majority. For what gain to either the country or Reform? Until we support an effective catalyst for true change then we shall continue to be hamsters on the wheel. 

    As to the "wheel" Phil don't you think the worst Tory wheel is better than the best Labour wheel. ?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Phil xxkr said:

    If that's using your brains then I do worry. The essence of your view is we should be content with the two party system with first past the post for ever. Fascinating how people castigate Reform voters but never Liberal voters. And conveniently forget Reform stood down in many areas allowing Conservatives an eighty seat majority. For what gain to either the country or Reform? Until we support an effective catalyst for true change then we shall continue to be hamsters on the wheel. 

    On the contrary. Follow the logic. Reform based on the votes received could never form a govt either on theirown, or in this case as part of a coalition. If you accept that statement then you must also accept that the vote for Reform simply enabled a supersized Labour majority. Now if you are talking about pushing the Tory party to the right in the longer term so that they then appeal to Reform voters then you have a point. However, you are never going to do that in anything other than the medium to long term which means suffering through a Labour term of office. Now you may find that acceptable and that is certainly your perogative. At 70 I don't have that time to wait so to me it is not a viable option.

    I suspect we were both unhappy with the way the Tory party lost their way. We just chose different ways to deal with that.

  9. 5 hours ago, Phil xxkr said:

    If the people voted Reform and not Conservative what would have been the outcome? 

     I am going to reverse your question what would have happened if Reform had voted Tory .In terms of extra seats won very hard to say. However, I refer you back to my earlier posts regarding votes cast. It is clear that Tory and Reform added together exceeded the total votes cast for Labour. I think we can conclude Labour would have still won enough seats to be elected, but their majority would have been considerably smaller. That is very important, because they would have had to pick their shots on policy much more selectively.

    Just in case I need to clarify. Farage you are a train wreck for Conservative voters . You have done more to damage that party than Labour have managed to accomplish in over a decade and a half.

    I have no patience with Reform voters, because they ignored the obvious. That is, they could have furthered their goals a lot more by simply voting Tory than they could ever hope to have accomplished by voting Reform who are unelectable in any real sense. In effect they have simply enabled Labour to come to power with a huge majority and whatever they thought they wanted is now further away than ever.

    Come on now. Use your brains voters.

    • Like 3
  10. At least one issue has been cleared up and it really is 'pure' politics. I want to 'kill' the triple lock pension, but I said I won't so just how do I do that without lying?. That's right, you keep it then chop it in half by axing the WFA. Clever hey?

  11. 3 minutes ago, The-Acre said:

    It might be wishful thinking. I'm surprised the government hasn't come up with a plan to put UK pensioners boots on the ground in Ukraine, problem solved, and I'd be one of them!

    Well my boots can be there as long as I am not wearing them at the time.

    • Haha 1
  12. 55 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    I’m thinking the financial support to Ukraine could be in the form of UK produced assets …….. tanks, drones, boats and ships, planes, troop training whatever ……. providing UK employment and economic well-being for maybe impoverished areas of the UK …… or am I doing a little wishful thinking 🤔 


    508,108.   Signatures now 

    That aligns well with UK economic policy. For example, you want to keep employment levels down particularly in the 16 to 24 Yr group just expand higher education. Students fall out of those numbers. Mind you eventually you want build stuff and you don't have enough trades 'cos they are all learning how to be rounded (sic) individuals at Uni.


    • Haha 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, GMB said:

    I don't think it matters now. Am I imagining it ( or the newspapers manipulating the images ) or can you see the "ashamed of himself" guilty look on Keir Starmers face? Meanwhile that other villain Reeves has a big grin. I would not be so proud if I had condemned hundreds of poor old folk to a miserable cold hungry winter or an early grave. How very sad.

    I think the only thing decent people can do now is to look out for any frail old folk who may be struggling this winter. I wonder if there are any charitable organisations ( honest ones! ) that are helping them.

    Perhaps we should publish a list of MP's homes where OAP's can go keep warm this winter.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Malc1 said:

    I have already asked my new Labour MP how he voted 

    he’s proven

    to be poor on answering me with my prior emails 


    The Govt can automatically override the House of Lords at the 3rd reading is it ?  Or am I confused on this ?  I’m not up to speed on Politicking I’m afraid 


    Not sure myself Malc although I do think a bill needs to be passed by both houses.

  15. 34 minutes ago, First_Lexus said:

    Parliament has - unsurprisingly - approved the cut to Winter Fuel Allowance. A lot of Labour MPs must have abstained

    From Sky News;

    The result of the vote is:

    • Yes (to cancel the cut): 228
    • No (to approve the cut): 348
    • Majority: 120

    The question is can they also get it passed in the House Of Lords?

  16. 52 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    But she needs to be used more surely now 🤔


    She's going to Harrogate on Saturday to watch the Rugby and on from there to York for a short break. Who knows I might just keep driving  after that! Hull ferry anyone?

    • Like 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Bob King said:

    This SC430 looks very clean and tidy, be interested to see what it makes at the end of the auction .    

    Yes, price will be interesting, but I wouldn't exactly call it clean. Probably the interior is the cleanest bit. Besides the explicitly shown bubbling it's got more than it's share of chips and then some additional paint loss round the rear O/S wheel arch. Definitely some body tidying to be done. Brakes/callipers don't exactly fill me with joy. This is not a car that has been cherished I can see that by what they have not  bothered to do. Still at the right price it will be a decent buy for someone. Not me, I don't like that choice of wheel for that car and the leather colour doesn't quite live up to the Ecru does it?.

    • Like 1
  18. Well Rachel rocket scientist has just been telling Parliament that we OAP's are £900 better off this year !. I think the word we are looking for his disingenuous in distorting the facts. For most that £900 nets down to £720 after tax. Within that councils have taken their share in higher tax. Inflation rises across the board this year in mainly non discretionary expenses have risen more steeply than any year in the last 20yrs at least. Pointless doing the numbers really because to anyone living in this country you already know you are spending considerably more than the net £720 that you are receiving. How that translates to 'better off' only someone like a politician could work out. Are we tired yet? Tired of people bending facts to suit their agenda rather just admitting they have made a deliberate choice to injure the welfare of a lot of people who can ill afford it. No apology makes up for that. No bending of the facts gets away from that. You know I might have more respect for these people if they just admitted the truth behind their policy decision whatever that is.

    The nice thing and it won't be much consolation to OAP's is that this govt is already promising to be no more than a one term affair. They seem destined to be what many of us suspected and remembered of a Labour govt. Indeed, they appear to wanting to set some kind of speed record in that respect. They have been out of office for 3 terms and the way they are going they look on course to repeat that in a few years time. There is a massive opportunity here for the Tory party and the Reform party to get together and unite in a single purpose...get Labour out. Let's hope they do just that.

    • Like 5
  19. 20 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    Hope the ramp is a proper 4 Poster that you drive on and rises for your upright standing inspection of the underside  

    Does your usual Indy mechanic not have this type of ramp ……that your good rapport with him enables you to get him onside maybe 🤔


    The friend has a tyre/exhaust business. Indeed, it's the same place I went on recommendation to get my alloygators removed and unlike Clitheroe it is 2mins down the road.

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