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NICO1972 last won the day on August 25 2023

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  • Lexus Model
    NX300h - SC430
  • Year of Lexus
  • UK/Ireland Location
    Greater London

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  1. Nice one, it actually helps me forget this problem so it is a keeper for sure!
  2. Truly very disappointing, as my experience with 2 attempted thefts including poor action on trying to resolve this issue quickly has led me to sell my car quickly. Now driving a very good Audi A6 Avant but keeping my SC430, which I still love driving by the way. Overall, my experience with Lexus has been a bit of a setback. I thought very highly of the brand but knowing that they will not be doing their best to keep existing customers reassured when they clearly have a serious weakness with the CANBUS system is hugely concerning.
  3. Honestly, it makes no difference as thieves do not necessarily know that 2023 is fitted with encrypted CANBUS. they will potentially damage the bumper and loom cable. Worst I would say is that if a proud owner wishes to have a private plate number, the thieves will not know which year the car is from so it will be prone to attempted theft...
  4. Thanks but I think you forgot to disclose the article. Would love to read this...
  5. It is difficult to say if they are the same thieves but I suspect they could be since they knew where the car was for the second attempt. The thing is even if you have a ghost immobiliser, the thieves can still do some damage with the ES ie bumper and loom cable. This issue can still be a problem for the more secured ES 2023 and above (as encrypted CANBUS is programmed instead of 'open' program for all previous ES models) as thieves may try the same technique pulling the bumper out (damaging it) and cutting the loom cable. The risk is very serious as if loom cable cannot be repaired then, you would be looking at near £6k cost for the replacement loom, which would take 3 months at least wait... It would be an insurance claim but overall, the premiums will rise dramatically... Under these circumstances, Lexus should have reviewed this problem much sooner to try and mitigate the vulnerability. It is pretty serious and sadly more of us who owns or owned a Lexus ES will agree with this. Lexus will be loosing customers in the long run. Sad but a fact.
  6. I have, for a matter of fact, installed the same ghost immobiliser in with my new vehicle for peace of mind...
  7. The ghost stopped them from getting inside the car and they could not do anything else on both occasions. It is impossible to start the engine without the fob with key so Metatrak Plus is brilliant in that aspect and it has a tracker too. If the car gets towed away, you will get an immediate call from Metatrak to warn you and they will ring the Police on your behalf if this is what has happened. Their system is very good.
  8. This is awful. you did not have an immobiliser fitted in like Metatrak Plus? I consider myself really lucky that they failed to steal my car on the 2 attempts. Now my experience with Audi A6 Avant Quattro Black Edition S Line 2018 C7 is quite an awesome experience, I must say. I really hope you get a good payment from your insurance. Did you take a GAP cover when you purchased the vehicle? I guess you reported the situation with your Lexus Dealership and they must be feeling rather annoyed and embarrassed... It is frustrating.
  9. I had a ghost immobiliser fitted with Metatrak Plus and it did a great job: I had 2 attempted thefts with my ES in mid Sept and in mid Oct and Both times, thieves were unsuccessful. But bumper was damaged and including loom cable... Sadly, when I got the car back 2 weeks ago, I immediately sold it for another make... I honestly did not want to depart from my lovely ES but I was not prepared to risk a third attempt...
  10. I am so sorry to hear about your car situation! Really is awful. I hear that quite a few Lexus cars are being stolen in London at the moment. The Police must know the numbers and so does Lexus. It is so frustrating to hear. It may be in Dover in one of the containers on its way to Middle East or Africa (sadly)...
  11. Sad to hear your story with stolen car. It breaks my heart that these scums are getting away with murder so to speak. I did not hear back from the Police about my attempted thefts even though I gave them the plate and make of their vehicle that thieves were caught driving away... I know that it could be a stolen vehicle but still, there is a huge problem and it is getting worst and worst. We are paying the price collectively with increase insurance costs....
  12. It is so frustrating and I feel for anyone who has had their ES stolen or almost stolen. Lexus really needs to work on a fast solution or they will be losing customers quickly...
  13. I am sorry to hear this. I had 2 attempted thefts on my ES300h (2019 premium edition) and luckily both attempts (mid Sept and mid Oct) failed because my car has metatrak plus immobiliser fitted in. but they damaged the bumper and the loom cable. So I only got the car back last week (5 weeks without it) Thursday from repair (adaptor was replaced and new bumper was fitted in) and immediately exchanged it with another car and this time, I bought AUDI A6 AVANT Black edition Quattro S Line 2018. I am super happy with this new car and I got Metatrak plus fitted in too. Lexus is in serious trouble in my opinion as these kind of thefts with loom cable will continue to happen (even to newer models that have encrypted canbus system to prevent successful theft) and owners will risk one losing their car or have it damaged. I also suspect that the value of the ES will depreciate much quicker in the near future when people will know how risky the cars are. There could be an issue with insurances from even refusing to insure Lexus cars if thefts continue to rise...
  14. Ahah, no way, the SC430 is a keeper for a long time to come!
  15. Dear all, It is only today (16th Nov) that I am getting my car back from the workshop. They said that the loom cable did not need to be replaced but that the repair was successful and a new adaptor was plugged in on the headlight. new bumper was fitted in to complete the work. So I was without my car for near 6 weeks and had to bear driving the Hyundai Ionic in the meantime. All in all, I am extremely displeased with my insurance (Churchill) for failing to provide me with a car that is in the same category group as my ES, so they will be informed that I will cancel Churchill insurance as I have got another car insurance set up for a new vehicle that I am going to pick up tomorrow. Yes, sadly I am getting rid of the ES300h, as I do not wish to repeat this experience should there be a 3rd time with another attempted theft. I certainly am not willing or prepared to wait for another 6 weeks without my car for more repairs to be done worse is if the loom cable needs replacing, it would be a 3 months wait without the ES. In my opinion, Lexus has seriously failed to address this matter quickly: currently all ES are vulnerable, even if the 2023 is more secure with the encrypted CANBUS, it will not fully stop thieves from trying to steal the car knowing how easy it seems to be with headlight hacking techniques, so prospect of damaging the bumper and loom cable remains a huge risk in my opinion. I remain glad that the Metatrak Plus as additional immobiliser has done a great job keeping my car in my parking drive regardless of the 2 attempted thefts. So, tomorrow I am picking up an AUDI A6 AVANT 2.0L Black Edition Quattro S Line 2018, which ticks all the boxes with all options I wanted. I never had this car before and think it will be a very practical car for my family. However, I am still a Lexus fan and I am keeping my SC430 and NX300H.
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