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Gary H

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Posts posted by Gary H

  1. On 12/15/2023 at 12:47 PM, zanderblue said:

    Ha, I feel your pain.

    The only remote functionality I have is for the hazard lights, error message for everything else.

    It has been like this for months. Lexus tech support advised failure to communicate with car and recommended change out of DCM. I had this done a couple of months ago and it made not the slightest difference! 🤬

    It's good to know I'm not on my own with this... I have to say yours sounds worse than mine. I know I can at least lock my car from the app - because it falsely told me my driver's door was open and unlocked when it clearly wasn't (🙄). I thought it had finally stopped telling me random doors were unlocked/open (or both) when the whole car was clearly locked - but it appears to be 'bubbling up' again in recent times. 

    As it stands, the app is basically little more than a near-useless gimmick. I'd rather just delete the thing and forget about it at this point and not bother!

  2. On 12/12/2023 at 3:54 PM, Lmafudd said:

    What about the CD player. It's so well hidden that it's hardly there at all!

    I'd forgotten about that - an excellent example there! I never did use the CD player when I had the UX. 

    On 12/13/2023 at 1:46 PM, Spacewagon52 said:

    I too would not like to go back to a manual gearbox. A few years ago I would never have considered an automatic, considering it took the fun out of driving. Now in my more mature years I have completely changed my opinion. The motoring world has changed and driving is not as relaxing, especially in built-up areas. 

    The hybrid system on Lexus cars is incredibly clever - it never fails to amaze me. 

    Battery to Wheels  /  Engine to Wheels  / Engine to Battery  / Wheels to Battery

    Battery and Engine to Wheels!  Just so clever. 

    Very much agreed. Go back to the mid 00's and I genuinely baulked at the idea of owning an automatic. However, automatics really have hugely improved over the last few decades where now many are not only quicker than their manual equivalent (if applicable), but also at least as economical too. Today, I'd only personally consider an automatic although I do believe those learning today should still take their tests in a manual car to cover all basis. 

    There has been the odd occasion in recent years I've had to jump back into a manual. On two of those occasions it's been in vans. It's actually been refreshing and nice to get back to manual gearbox driving. I've enjoyed those occasions but it's still nice to get back into the convenience of an automatic. Especially in rush hour traffic. 

    I do like the self-charging hybrid system that Lexus (and indeed Toyota, of course) have. Even more than three years on, I do enjoy the near-seamless transition and the ability to 'feather the throttle' to jump it into hybrid/battery mode. 

    • Like 1
  3. I've just taken a look at the clip of the accident (it's on The Independent's website) - he had the UX up on two wheels when he hit the other car...Crikey! All I'll say with regards to the shunt - if that's the length of three houses, then those houses must be very narrow!

    Speaking of Terreane Khaki, whenever anyone asks me what colour my NX is - I always find myself saying it rather aggressively with a Japanese Accent! 😳😄 Maybe it's the colour that causes aggressiveness?! 😉

    • Like 1
  4. I can't even get my remote climate to work at the moment... Actually, tell a lie. I've managed to get it working twice this month. 😕 Here's just a brief selection of timed-out attempts:


    It used to sporadically work before, but seems to be properly broken now... Logging out and back in doesn't make any difference. 

    Occasionally, the screen in the car does come up with that 'Driver Profile' message but it doesn't seem to make any difference to whether I can get the remote climate to work or not. 

  5. Very much relatable @warrken52. I had a sixteen month wait for my NX350h. If you take a look back at the 'NX 2023 delivery date' thread, you'll see the issues I had over a lack of basic information and communication from the dealer. Complaints to Lexus customer services to try and get information with regards to what was going on saw them merely pass on my e-mail back to the dealer... 🤦‍♂️ One of those e-mail I sent was overlooked completely. 

    Like yourself, no second key (just the blade) without so much as an estimate when it'll arrive ("Could be up to a year..." with the shrug of the shoulders - is what I was told) and no locking wheel nuts/bolts. Again, I've no idea if or when they'll ever turn up. It does worry me - when it comes to resale. It was only because of fellow members of this forum here I was aware of these shortages before collection. If I didn't know about this place, I'd have been unaware until the day of collection... Speaking of which, my car wasn't even in the handover room when I collected it. It was just in the car park...! 

    I'm waiting a few more months before contacting them to see if there's any news on the second key and bolts/nuts. I'm still in a rather 'apathetic' stage with the whole fiasco at the moment. I suspect not. The dealer won't know. Customer Services won't respond to my request and merely forward it back to the dealer - who'll respond with another "don't know". Place your bets now, folks... I just don't want to go through that rigmarole again.

    On a happier note - my NX350h is a very good car indeed. I'm happy with it. There are a few minor issues I have, but overall I've enjoyed my three (and a bit) months with the car so far. However, my experience with Lexus as a company in general really has scarred me. Obviously my mood may change in the passage of time but beyond having this car, I honestly can't see me dealing with them again. I certainly won't be dealing with the supplying dealer again. It really is a shame. I'd never, ever thought I'd say that about Lexus but in the 20 years of new car purchases - this particular one has been by far and away the worst that'll live long in the memory. 

    • Sad 2
  6. On 12/8/2023 at 11:52 AM, Jim1977 said:

    Think I’m going to get a steering wheel lock, 1990’s style!

    Keys already live in a faraday pouch, in a metal tin, in the hope this prevents a relay attack.


    Disk lock or bar lock? thoughts?

    That's exactly what I'm doing! Mine is an old-fashioned bar lock. It doesn't *quite* date back to the 90's, but is of about 2001/2 vintage! It still works as good as new. The only problem is that there's a knack on getting it put on and taking off without blasting the horn.    

    Indeed, at the end of the day if a thief really wants a particular car, they'll just cut through the wheel. It just stalls them and makes it more awkward - and therefore hopefully less worthwhile when they see a big yellow bar across the steering wheel. From my understanding a Disk lock is the better option, but I've never personally had one or used one in order to comment. 

    On one occasion when I visited my brother down in Suffolk, I forgot the Faraday pouch (I'd stupidly left it on the kitchen table at home as I left...), so the keys ended up in his microwave overnight...! 

    Speaking of Faraday pouches, I'm hoping Father Christmas will be delivering me a new one... 😉

    On 12/8/2023 at 4:21 PM, Spock66 said:

    Test your Faraday cage by walking up to the car and see if the key is recognised (whilst in the tin / pouch).

    I occasionally try that with mine every so often to make sure it still works. I know my Faraday pouch is getting pretty 'battered' now. As I've just said to Jim above, fingers crossed I'll have a new one in a few weeks... 

    • Like 1
  7. When I had my UX, I basically used the ASC once, wondering what it was. Figuring out what the 'Yamaha motorbike-like' sound was, laughing at it and turning it back off again. I think other than once showing it to family for a laugh, I never used it again in the three and a half years I had the car. 

    I never really understood the point of the EV button. I tried my best to figure out how to use it, but it always ended in one of two ways: 1) It would just double-beep at me and said it couldn't work. 2) It worked, but the moment I put so much as a centimetre of pressure on the throttle, it double-beeped at me and deactivated. So basically, it worked for a matter of seconds. As a result, I'd pretty much given up with it after the first six months or so and never went back to pressing it again. It was basically a button that just activated bleeping sounds of disapproval. 😕

    Indeed - the flappy paddles. I think it was approaching it's first MOT before I plucked up the courage to play with them. I done it once, didn't really like it and didn't use them again! 😬

    Finally...and this is on any car I've owned where it's been fitted - Sat Nav. 

    • Haha 1
  8. Back in October when I stayed over in a hotel for two nights, I had to park my NX a good 10/15 minute walk away from where I was staying. I have to admit, my heart was in my throat when I made my way back to the car - just hoping it was still there. It's not really something you should have to worry about.

    I've recently reverted back to using an old-fashioned crook-lock. Fortunately, I kept hold of the one I had in my garage for a number of years. It's not something I thought I'd have to do with a Lexus, but here we are... I've just read too many horror stories now, of thefts and attempted thefts which has spurred me into taking some action. 

    I'll be treating myself to a new Faraday pouch (probably at Christmas) too - as my existing one is over three and a half years old now and looking quite tired. 

    I have to admit I'm not looking forward to insurance renewal time... 

    • Like 1
  9. I haven't stayed anywhere with valet parking. Indeed - I don't think I trust anyone else (beyond my father - who's now getting to an age where he's not really wanting to do that much driving any more) to drive my car. If I allowed it to happen, I'd imagine it would end up being squeezed into a narrow bay or similar. I can be quite fussy over how and where I park. 

  10. 21 hours ago, Linas.P said:

    That is the point - I see car parking as a right, not a service. Unless it is secure car park which is liable for any damage to my car, then yes that is service. So I would not use hotel without free parking on principle. Besides I understand that parking can be restricted, even prohibited for outsiders, but if you staying in hotel then you are "guest" by definition and I assume that decent hotel must have guest parking, it is like part of the deal... no parking means not good enough service. 

    And parking is not £1 either. I think in Sainsburys it is £5 (or maybe £4.80, something like that for 1 hour, then maybe ~£8 for 4 hours and ~£12 for a day). Asda car park is basically free if you shop for £10 or more, but it is all messed-up, so you get parking charge deducted from your shopping, but then you have to go an pay, card often does not work, no contactless payments and there were many (like literally 2 times LOL) times where I had to go withdraw £10, then go and beg for cashier to convert into coins so that I can pay £2.20 for parking... and after that I said "never again".

    I'm of similar mindset. I'd feel rather annoyed if I had to pay for parking in a hotel car park, given the prices of rooms these days. I know it's something that does happen but I seem to be fortunate enough to avoid them. The hotel I was discussing in my last post (which I've stayed at quite a few times now) only has a very small car park. Six or seven spaces at most and it's tight in terms of space. It's literally a rectangular piece of land on a slope. I think there's about 14 rooms. It's free parking but I honestly prefer parking in an area (still free) which is about a 10/15 minute walk away for the safety of the car's bodywork/paintwork!  

    Our local ASDA has a pay and display car park - as the car park is owned by the local council, rather than the supermarket. Needless to say, I can probably still count on both hands the amount of times I've used it since the current arrangement with the parking has been in place - which is getting on for 17 years. The local Sainsburys recently introduced a two-hour limit on their free parking, with a numberplate recognition system on entry. I can kind-of understand that because next door is a retail park, which also has free parking, but gets very busy. They've used Sainsburys as an 'unofficial overspill' for years.   

    On a separate subject but still the definition of "service" - another newish charge I've always loathed is having to pay for a courtesy car. The clue is in the name... I had to do it once simply because I had literally no other option at the time, but out of principle I won't have a courtesy car if it's something you have to pay for. I completely understand the dealer wanting a copy of your driving licence. No issue at all. It's the business of paying for something which should (and has in the past) been automatically included as standard. I appreciate some may think that this is petty, but it's something that really gets under my skin. 

  11. Hi there! As already mentioned, the most common issue I see from others is the frozen/cold weather door handle issue. It's not something I've witnessed on mine (yet) and the worst it's been was the offside rear - which the handle took a few squeezes of the pad to get working one morning. 

    The only big complaint I have about mine is the remote climate/start only wants to work when it wants to. Sometimes the app will connect to the car to allow it to remote start and sometimes it just 'times out'. Unfortunately at the moment it's not worked for about four/five days in a row. I've closed and restated the app multiple times without any luck. It's something I'll get them to look at come service time. I don't really use the app and the only bit I want to work can best be described as 'sporadic' in terms of reliability at best. 

    Other than that, no complains from me. It's a thoroughly competent car. It handles very well for what it is and indeed, it's a comfortable place to be. I've only had one chance to have a proper distance drive in it so far (basically a near-500 mile round trip with an overnight stay in the middle) and it took it all in it's stride. I didn't expect anything less from it to be honest! 

    • Like 2
  12. After a while I'd expect that (and worse), but after only 900 miles in? Hmm... 

    Anyway, here's mine for your reference if it's of any assistance. Mine is up to 2100 miles now. The only thing I've noticed is the starting of a slight crease on the outer panel of the bolster - obviously where I get in and out the car, which I know I catch with my right leg when I get out. I started noticing this little crease at around the 1100/1200 mile mark. It doesn't bother me as such as I know it's inevitable with leather, but it does seem a little early for marks like that to appear, unless I'm just being overly fussy.


    • Like 3
  13. On 11/30/2023 at 9:15 AM, GMB said:

    Recently found a pint of local ale in a lakeland hotel £9 per pint! 

    'Ruddy hell! 😳 I sure hope that came with the glass! 

    21 hours ago, Bluemarlin said:

    Years ago, when I stayed in London hotels a lot, I used to use They had something callled secret hotels, where you could book unnamed 5 star hotels in the West End for around £100 a night. With a bit of google searching you could usually figure out what each hotel was from the pictures. Don't know if it's the same now.

    It's not everyone's cup of tea, but these days you can get much better value using Airbnb. For the cost of a hotel room you can often get a decent sized apartment, and either eat out at an inexpensive restaurant, or buy your own food and drink. Much better value, especially if more than one person, or a family.

    I haven't been to London this year, but had to stay over there for a few nights at a time four or five times over the last seven years.

    From experience, obviously the more central you stay, the more you end up paying. There did used to be the odd exception but it seems over the last few years these few hotels I knew are now more or less the same price as others I avoided because of the cost... 

    The last place I stayed at was about a ten minute walk south of Victoria Station (which was just about the nearest tube station). The hotel was more or less bordering between Westminster and Pimlico. I think because it was a little out the way of a tube station, it was decent value. I'd stay there again when I inevitably end up back in London at some point - providing that won't shoot-up in price in the meantime. It was reasonably quiet there, too. 

    I have to admit, I've never tried Airbnb because I don't really understand how it all works. 

  14. On 11/28/2023 at 5:30 PM, AWC said:

    I've always had trip information but for me it constantly reports all the doors are unlocked despite them not being and this was something that worked fine initially. I can't believe how flakey the whole thing is with totally different problems between model are year of cars.

    My app has never been quite right from day one, but I wouldn't say I use it enough to cause enough annoyance. 

    To start off with, it would say random doors were left unlocked when they weren't. That seems to have 'settled down' by itself now. Pressing the 'lock' button on the app and then refreshing it sometimes did the trick. 

    My biggest issue with it is the reliability of the remote start/pre-heat. Sometimes it'll connect just fine and work as it should. Other times it says 'connecting' for a long time and then times out. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. One preventative measure I do is make sure the app is refreshed before I try and my phone is up to date in terms of updates. Even then, the problem still persists to a degree. 🤷‍♂️ I had a really unusual one only this morning where it worked fine, the app claims it was 'interrupted' and shown it had stopped...but the car was still running/pre-heating. 😕

    I'd say about the only thing which works reliably on it is showing the milage and fuel level. 

    • Like 2
  15. My remote climate only allows me ten minutes. It was just about enough to do the work of defrosting sufficiently this morning - so I don't think I would like it to get much colder! (For the record - I had it set at 25oC, with the rear heated window/mirrors on, front windscreen blower on and the driver's heated seat). There was still a little ice on both front and rear windows, but only tiny bits. Yesterday when it was a few degrees warmer, the car was pretty much clear. Maybe I need to start increasing the temperature a bit?

    The app did 'derp out' a bit - in a way it's never done before. It connected to the car fine, but about two minutes later, I noticed on my phone I had a notification which told me 'connection was interrupted' and the picture of the rotating fan had stopped circling. 🤔 It was if it had turned itself off. I went to the window to check on the car and it was clearly running as it should. Absolutely bizarre. As I've said in other posts, I've had issues with the app timing out and simply not connecting to the car to start it on several occasions, but this is the first time the app has worked, then itself claiming connection was interrupted whilst the car was still doing it's 'remote climate thing'. 

    No issues with either offside handles this morning, I'm pleased to report. 👍 Again, this is something I'm just going to have to keep in mind and hopefully avoid the issues others are having. 

    • Like 2
  16. I don't think I've ever paid for parking in any hotel I've stayed at. I know it's a 'thing', but I fortunately the hotels I use have free car parks. One is very limited on parking (and the spaces are ridiculously tight), but it's still free. Ultimately, I prefer parking about a fifteen minute walk away - but even then, that's still free. 

    There is one hotel I used to stay at which was taken over about four years ago, which until that point was always free parking. It was also secure with a barrier on entry and a coded one on exit. The company that took it over then decided to put a fee on the parking but there was so much of a stink kicked up about it that it's recently been reverted back to being free. I think what helped that is literally everywhere within reasonable walking distance of there is either double yellow lines or resident permit only, these days.

    In terms of hotel room pricing - they've certainly shot up since Covid. I've stayed at the same hotel twice over the course of this year. A gap of about ten months between stays. In that time, the room prices had gone up £20 per night all-round and the restaurant is now only open six days a week, rather than seven. The drinks have notably gone up between visits too. 

    Even the likes of Holiday Inns, Premier Inns e.t.c seem to have shot up. I've stayed at four star hotels for the price a number of them are charging now - and not exactly a long time ago either. 

  17. It was the first 'proper frost' for me this morning since I've had the NX. It was fluctuating between 0 and -1oC.

    Fortunately mine was okay. I don't use the passenger side doors in the morning so I can't comment on them (they'd be more 'exposed' to the weather with the way I park). The driver's door was fine. The offside rear took a few 'squeezes' of the little button inside the handle but it did ultimately open up fine. 

    It's something I'll just keep an eye on. 

    My only worry is that with auto folding/opening mirrors in this cold weather. There was an awful lot of 'crackling' sounds from the breaking of ice this morning as they opened out and it wasn't too clever folding in when I locked the car when I got to work. 😬 I'd like to deactivate them folding during the cold spell but without a manual, I haven't a clue how to do so. The online thingy suggests it's a button on the drivers door (page 147/148). I've had to screenshot the pages, print them off and I'll take it out to the car later... 

    • Like 1
  18. Predictably no news for when my second key fob will eventually show. It'll be three months since I collected the car on 1st December. 

    At this moment in time I'll give it until about March(ish) time and then if the dealer can't provide me with the key or a date, I'll be bypassing them and going down the route of seeing what a good auto electrician can do. I waited 16 months for the car. I won't be waiting 16 months for a second/spare key. 


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  19. Mine is the same, @malcolmw. When I can get the remote climate/start to work on mine (it works when it wants to - some days it doesn't want to 'play ball' and will eventually time out in contacting the car), it'll correctly set the car to as I want it from the app. However, it doesn't change back and will remain as per the app settings when I get into the car. Without a manual for the car, I don't know if this is normal and whether this can be changed or not. 

    I've also had a play-around with the 'open doors on shift to park', but on my car it doesn't appear to make any difference where I toggle it to. The car remains locked in park regardless and passenger doors have to be unlocked by the button on the door before they can open the doors. 🤔 Oddly, that isn't the case with the driver's door, which I can just automatically override it being locked by simply opening the door. It's been a quirk of the car from day one and I think I've just about given up trying to change it now. I just live with it. Again, without a manual I'm literally just tapping things on the screen at random. 

  20. Hi @Lancashirelad1985. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences with Lexus in Preston. Especially when you were looking forward to seeing what the UX had to offer. As someone who had a 2020 UX F-Sport until recent months, it's something I would happily recommend. Obviously you have to go to whoever suits you the best. I had a particularly bad experience with my own local dealer with my NX, which barring servicing (which they are okay), I'll never return to. They weren't particularly good negotiators and it was very much a case of it's 'their way or the highway'. 

    For the size of the car, I found the UX very refined and certainly up front, comfortable on distance trips. My only real issue with it was indeed - the boot space. For me on my own? Fine. Two people? A bit 'snug' but still 'doable'. Any more than that, or weekends away? I ended up utilising a portion of the back seat as well. It was the car's ultimate downfall with me. I knew it would be a little on the tight side in that respect when I bought the car but I took a gamble. In the end, it proved to be just a little bit too small for my needs. A shame really, because I really liked the interior and in that respect, it was plenty enough in terms of size for me. 

    I wish you all the best with the Mazda. I did consider the larger CX-60 if everything went wrong with my NX.

  21. Mine's a little odd where the doors will automatically lock when pulling away (which is fine - I'd expect that), but they also remain locked once put back into park...and the engine turned off...

    My door will open just fine. Push in the handle and that's it. 

    However on the other three doors, it requires the 'unlock' button to be pressed before any passenger can push in the door handle to open the door. If you just go to push in the door handle to open the door, it remains locked. 

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