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Everything posted by peter026

  1. More or less Steve The patient is offered an appointment within the Government waiting times, so goes on the list, if the patirnt can not for some reason accept that appointment is taken off the list so their next appoint will be their second and therefore, put on another list even though they were not seen at their first given appointment, or something along those lines.
  2. Get CCTV. Can't see the car from the house
  3. I am not on about the migrant workers, who do a sterling job, but the so called asylum seeker who come here to take advantage of the system . Granted some of them are genuine, who through no fault of their own, find themselves displaced, and until they have been processed and given the right to abode in this country can not legally work. on the other side of the coin we get the bogus asylum seekers who come over to glean as much as possible from the system, and in the process, also create mayhem for the ordinary citizens of this country through organised criminality and the offshoots thereof. My wife works for the NHS, and she can tell you how waiting lists are doctored, all legally.
  4. What a bummer, feel for you all. I am getting pi88ed off with all this crime,and am just longing to catch some scroat in the act and vent my feelings on said body, my Lexus has yet another panel keyed. . But at least I still have it
  5. The 360 has bluetooth technology, MP3 player and much more...........Might be my next one, have tom at the moment Maplins are doing a special at £399.99
  6. It seems as if Rob and A plan are now becoming the LOC favourite insurer..........Note to self must give Rob a ring next July :D
  7. Good luck Jock :D ,as Ahmet says, pop in occasionally :winky:
  8. Bugs in wheelie bins.............Fined if you recycle too little............Fined if you recycle too much, will some one tell us what is the right amount, or is it depending on if the council is flush or not that particular week Plate tax...........when you eat out not only do you pay 17.5% on the bill, but now the government are thinking of bringing in a plate tax of 10% on top of the !7.5% VAT so your meal is going to cost even more, and don't forget a lot of restaurants also levy a 10% gratuity as well. More eateries closing down methinks. The government are now thinking of giving up pursuing non car tax payers, and instead increase the tax as it is easier to cane the law abiding motorist, than to pursue the non payers. At this rate, unless I get rid of my cars, and get a horse and cart ( Then they will find some excuse to heavily tax that as well), Stop eating out, and watch what I recycle, at the end of the month about 80% of my hard earned money will go to keep this Government and Tony Blair's illegal imports in a manner to which I would like to be kept in. Blair's imports get free housing, free driving lessons, jump the queue for NHS treatment, no council tax payments, and all manner of freebies. The result of this mess is: Our armed forces have not the correct, or inferior equipment, to fight, albeit the Government no doubt call it preserving the peace, in Iraq and Afghanistan. One minister even said they will be in and out in weeks without a shot being fired, what a d*ckhead. Our NHS is falling apart at the seams, too many managers and new departments Too much money spent on a new computer system that is already years behind and is fraught with mistakes. If the Government listened to the troops on the ground, ( so to speak) they would do much better and possibly save themselves £millions. Instead they bring in some cronie, who no doubt gave the party a backhander, pay him an exorbitant fee to look into ways of improving the armed forces and the NHS He spends 3 years looking into it, another 3 or 4 implementing, if it is passed by Parliament, that is. All is needed, is to ask the people at the sharp end, after all they are the ones who know the armed forces and NHS the best. Even our very own Mat could tell you what is wrong and the best way to put things halfway right. As someone once said the oil is in the North sea but the dipsticks are in Westminster Rant over, but it really annoys me that now I have to work 7 months of the year before I can call my money my own, sorry next year it maybe 9
  9. My son in law was delivering meat to a butchers in London on Thursday, locked the cab, shouldered a side of pig, locked the back and took said pig into the butchers. He was gone less than a minute when a motor bike drew along side, tried the door, then because it was locked took his crash helmet off and smashed the window Kevin heard it ran out just in time to see the barstward ride off with his mobile and Sat nav. Reported to the police with a description and partial No plate, and........................................The police weren't interested........................and they say crime doesn't pay...............b*ll@%s The Government would have us believe petty crime is down..........b*ll@%s, they are talking out of their proverbial........Why don't they stick their doctored statistics where the sun doesn't shine and tell the truth for once, or is that an impossibilty for this Government.
  10. On the new witch report, Garmin 300 came top, with Tom Tom 2nd
  11. Twinkle Twinkle...............Well done Janey :D
  12. Thats Scotts firm.....Used to be a trader here,
  13. tried the megs cleaner and conditioner the other week its much better than autoglym it comes highly recommended. Removes stubborn children stains and old brake dust (don't ask) from the leather. O.K. I won't..............Sod it , Brake dust :o explanation please Austin :winky:
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