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Everything posted by peter026

  1. Been looking at the football type scores on your sig...................Intriguing....Care to expand :D
  2. Thanks for your replies guys. As I said earlier the car goes in on Thursday - I will be very interested to hear what they say, although I can hear it now....."you must have kerbed it sir or hit some speed humps hard..." I really want to get this sorted. I cannot afford to throw good money after bad. I might even consider a trip to Watford to see the Doctor! How far in advance do I have to book an appointment? Send him a pm :winky:
  3. Hello, and welcome to the mad house :D
  4. Type failure into google and then click on feeling lucky :D
  5. MacRS200, do you know how much approx the Dr charges ? WIM prices in Gold
  6. Blimey, that must of given you a fright. Must have been the remains of that pheasant that Mac hit :D .......Took long enough for it to come down.
  7. A husband and wife decided they needed to use "code" to indicate that they wanted to have s*x without letting their children in on it. They decided on the word Typewriter. One day the husband told his five year old daughter, "Go tell your mommy that daddy needs to type a letter". The child told her mother what her dad said, and her mom responded, "Tell your daddy that he can't type a letter right now cause there is a red ribbon in the typewriter." The child went back to tell her father what mommy said. A few days later the mom told the daughter, "Tell daddy that he can type that letter now." The child told her father, returned to her mother and announced, "Daddy said never mind with the typewriter, he already wrote the letter by hand."
  8. 2007, Got fraud monitoring and every thing else, but anti-spam. I found Cloudmark more accurate than Norton.
  9. Like wise, driving down country lanes that is. Will try this upgrade and see what happens. Can always go down the HID route later if needed, found a site that does them for the Surf, £130 for the kit, but as the wiring upgrade is only peanuts I'll go down that route first
  10. Upgraded to the latest Norton Internet suite, and found it had no anti spam, so googled for a good anti spam programme and found Cloudmark anti-spam a free 15 day trial and then, quote kypg6 referral code and get 12 months registration for the price of 10. This programme was recommend by numerous PC magazines. not only is it a spam blocker but anti phishing and anti virus as well. I have had it for nearly two weeks now and registered before the 15 days were up. Verdict..................... Very pleased with this programme.
  11. forget the bulbs....or HID upgrade then, just go for the wireing....if you want ill do it for you, for pie and chips just order it from the link above, mine arrived in a week, and was cheap as ...erm chips, mine was a dip and high beam upgrade im sure you will need the H4 upgrade kit Thanks for the offer Mat. Kit ordered, will give you a bell or pm when upgrade arrives @ Lee that kit makes a fair bit of difference to your lights
  12. If I go the full HID way, then surely to comply with UK regs I will have to have headlamp washers, but if I go the wiring upgrade, I would not have to go down this route, as I know F all about Vehicle electronics I would have to find some Kind sympathetic person to do the wiring upgrade. Or have a go with Plasma bulbs first, as these seem to be recommended by a few people. Decisions decisions
  13. I was looking at These, So before I can use them I have to have a wiring upgrade, or can these be plugged in as normal
  14. Will this be more stable than XP, although XP is supposed to be virtually crash proof, ( I haven't had one yet), But occasionally I get IE freeze up. Keep us updated Austin :winky: Should be interesting
  15. Thanks for that gem Mat. Still does not give me the info on which is the brighter or better bulb. I need them for the Surf, as the Halogen bulbs in at the moment are p**s poor. The GS throws a better projection on dip than the Surf does on Main beam :duh: . Ah, just seen your edit :D so Xenon it is then. Cheers Mat
  16. Does any one know the percentage of difference in light projection between the two.....Hoping someone can help.
  17. When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't know. I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to make. I found the number and dialled it. A man answered, saying "Hello" I politely said, "This is David. Could I please speak with Robert Campbell?" Suddenly a manic voice yelled out in my ear "Get the right f*kin number!" and the phone was slammed down on me. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude. When I tracked down Robert's correct number to call him, I found that I had accidentally transposed the last two digits. After hanging up with Robert, I decided to call the 'wrong' number again. When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled "You're a C***!" and hung up. I wrote his number down with the word 'C***' next to it, and put it in my desk drawer. Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up and yell, "You're a C***!" It always cheered me up. When Caller ID was introduced, I thought my therapeutic "C***" calling would have to stop. So, I called his number and said "Hi, this is John Smith from BT . I'm calling to see if you're familiar with our Caller ID Program?" He yelled "NO!" and slammed down the phone. I quickly called him back and said, "That's because you're a C***!" One day I was at Lakeside Shopping Centre,getting ready to pull into a parking spot. Some guy in a gunmetal grey Land Rover cut me off and pulled into the spot I had patiently waited for. I hit the horn and yelled that I'd been waiting for that spot, but the idiot ignored me. I noticed a "For Sale" sign in his back window, so I wrote down his number. A couple of days later, right after calling the first C*** (I had his number on speed dial,) I thought that I'd better call the Land Rover C***, too. I said, "Is this the man with the gunmetal grey Land Rover for sale?" "Yes, it is", he said. "Can you tell me where I can see it?" I asked. "Yes, I live at 129 Alice Street, in Ilford. It's a terraced house, and the car's parked right out in front." "What's your name?" I asked. "My name is Steve Hansen," he said. "When's a good time to catch you, Steve?" "I'm home most days as I'm currently unemployed." "Listen, Steve, can I tell you something?" "Yes?" "Steve, you're a C***!" Then I hung up, and added his number to my speed dial, too. Now, when I had a problem, I had two a**eholes to call. Then one day I came up with an idea. I called C*** #1. "Hello?" "You're a C***!" (But I didn't hang up.) "Are you still there?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. "Stop calling me," he screamed. "Make me," I said. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Steve Hansen." "Yeah? Where do you live?" "I live at 129 Alice Street, Ilford, a terraced house, with my gunmetal grey Land Rover parked out the front." He said, "I'm coming over right now, Steve. And you had better start saying your prayers." I said, "Yeah, like I'm really scared, C***," and hung up. Then I called C*** #2. "Hello?" he said. "Hello, C***," I said. He yelled, "If I ever find out who you are..." "You'll do what?" I said. "I'll kick your a*se," he exclaimed. I answered, "Well, C***, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now." Then I hung up and immediately called the police, saying that I lived at 129 Alice Street, Ilford , and that I was on my way over there to kill my gay lover. Then I called Channel 5 News about the hoodie war going down in Alice Street, Ilford. I quickly got into my car and headed over to Alice Street. I got there just in time to watch two C*nts beating the cr*p out of each other in front of six police cars, an overhead police helicopter and a News crew. Now I feel MUCH better. Take it from me, anger management really works...
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