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Everything posted by Tony-Bones

  1. Welcome Mark: "Calm down" the LOC members can advise in all areas and support you untill the problem is solved.... lets brake things down a little. 1: does the vibration only happen when you brake 2: is the vibration only at speed simple questions, loads of help....
  2. Well i have a "brother" we know what it's like.. facts are my site and this forum has made me a much better speller, LOC= home. Truth is there are a lot of members here that "trust" me with their cars so if it is seen that i cannot even spell then quite rightly this would be seen as a negative. last year i went into another forum which will remain unnamed (Audi) and i got "slated" to the max.. my last post was headed "cunny funt", and i never went there again ( sod em ) but the put down botherd me for weeks, on a good note i am good at maths....
  3. 1: Immigrants 2: spongebob squarepants
  4. What are you having done on wednesday? is it a fixed drop or adjustable suspension. ← I'm having the -30mm eibach springs fitted. So that would be fixed drop. ← Whatever you do you "must"! have the wheel alignment re-set after the drop, since the camber will splay the toe out negative and must be recovered....any good shop would know this? but make sure yourself. regarding the "settling"...... i dont know for sure? i feel if the metalastic bush on the front struts are not changed then the bush may need to settle, not the coil, change both then 1 mile is all done.
  5. What are you having done on wednesday? is it a fixed drop or adjustable suspension. ← This is probably slightly off-topic, but at what speed does torque steer come into play? ← On application of thrust, and only applicable to FWD with different length drive shafts, the most commen cause is worn engine mounts.
  6. What are you having done on wednesday? is it a fixed drop or adjustable suspension.
  7. Thats up to you. on a scale of importance wheel balance is very low, new springs geometry high. ← Thanks Tony for your help. Oh and do you open Saturdays? Cheers, Adie ← Yes, if you need help in this area i need to book you in? go to or or phone 01923 234666, ask for tony bones, total cost 4x wheel balance LOC = £15 inc vat, so you can see this is not a "make a living" scam....the company i work within is STS Stapletons Watford.
  8. My daughter, gone to bed tears in her eyes.. makes you think. ← what a lovely thought for some one so young you must be so proud ← proud she feels the pain, but sad to see it, death is not a topic we can explain to any child, only the event, today has been that event, i am proud she wanted to display her feelings.
  9. My daughter, gone to bed tears in her eyes.. makes you think.
  10. Thats up to you. on a scale of importance wheel balance is very low, new springs geometry high.
  11. In loving memory of the well loved pope, who has lived a long, great life teaching others of our beloved religion. He has passed away a happy man, and as sad as peopel will be they have to remember that he was teaching them about *** and heaven. So now he is in the best place possible and is most likely happier to be pain free and looking after our faith. Charlotte. Bones age 11 AMEN!!!!!!!
  12. The wobble only starts around 45mph to 55mph ← Stacking weights is not un-common, how are the front tyres wearing? ← Hardly any wear on them at all. They've only done about 800 miles. Could it be that i've knocked some weights off and this would cause it? ← If all was well when the tyres were fitted then a lost weight must be assumed as the criminal, wheel balance has specific traits 40/ 60 mph for vibration is home...
  13. The wobble only starts around 45mph to 55mph ← Stacking weights is not un-common, how are the front tyres wearing?
  14. How far under 40mph? 10/ 20 / 30 need to know.
  15. That's coool ! - I like it :P ← We all need a bit of humour, but the topics content is valid, i think you being very much in the know regarding all things web related can understand how frustrating WIM was to build, many times i thought "why" am i doing this, to what end, the spelling all in full veiw world wide ( had ) to be right, thanks to ITA it was check/ check/ check.... but i will be honest thanks to LOC the inital 15 pages developed into 29, all because Scorpion took a leap of faith and came to me, i never knew if i was good bad or sad, later his post in LOC made it all worth it, now i know that LOC is a family and if the spelling is poor no one would really put you down for it...
  16. Welcome to LOC Tangray1, looking at your post and that link it seems that you have solved your own problem, good for you, but i must add, good luck with the import costs and the fitting costs.....
  17. There are various means used to warn you that the pads are low: 1: indicator wires fitted onto the nsf/osr pads that activate when the pads are low and warn you on the dash 2: a float in the brake fluid reservoir detecting a drop in the fluid and warns you on the dash 3: a vibrating audible peg fitted on the pads that should send you a distressing sound that will send you to the shop but the golden rule is if in doubt "check it out"
  18. Seemingly i was blowing down the wrong end ( still made a tune ) sort of a peuuurrth, then i farted, ohhh the strain.... good old days. On a serious note ( peuuuurrth ) ITA was Initial Teaching Alaphabet, some poxy new idea some chinless wonder thought up, tested on a few schools the idea was "spell it like it sounds" like "substantiation....Oh nuts i spelt that right, what i mean is like "edukate" so long as the word reads as it should sound then that was ok, the test was from age 5-7 then the whole idea was scrapped ( thanks ) so 7-11 the school tryed to undo the damage, so to this day i have a split level for spelling and low confidence ( please dry eyes ) all donations sent to toney bownes 23d tough tit st, tuf luc fancx
  19. Babyshake, see what you have started, all good fun, Welcome to LOC.
  20. Ok Tony got the mail i will keep you updated, the fact there is no pull is "real" good news, this means the castor is not involved, "chin up" we will get it sorted.
  21. Surely asmmetrical tyres can be moved left-to-right and front-to-back. You just need to ensure the tyre is mounted on the wheel the correct way round. ← Blush.... yes: head down puppy eyes. dont forget two weeks ago i couldn't spell "tyre fitter" now i r one.
  22. I take it i am the nearest? subject to a softwear problem at the moment with the geometry machine i am out of action for the next few days, i can sort it once done but i cannot give a day, email me @ and i will keep you updated. please dont get to down hearted with the car, things may read desperate but all can be recoverd, i'm not out to make a living from you the geometry test only costs £25, anyhoo "does the car pull left"
  23. Now tell the truth, did you borrow Aido's glasses?
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