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  1. I would go for the best spec you can find and afford. I recently bought a 2019 F Sport with Takumi pack which includes the pan roof, 3D surround cameras and HUD. Well worth it in my opinion but seem to be rare. I love my car, it is just so classy and knocks the German competition into a cocked hat in terms of quality and reliability. Good luck with your search.
  2. I recently bought a 2019 F Sport with Takumi pack for £32K after my order for an NX350 got pushed back to June 23. I am so pleased with the 300h l have now cancelled my order for the NX350. The Takumi pack has the HUD, surround cameras and pan roof. The surround cameras are absolutely superb and well worth searching out. None of these options would have been fitted to the NX350 l ordered with premium pack. One thing mine has which l have not seen on any other 300h is the wheel arches are body coloured instead of the usual grey plastic and this really makes the car stand out from the rest of the pack. I am not sure if they were optional or not but either way not many if any seem to have them. Personally l think the interior of the 300h is much better quality and better looking that the new NX . Mine has done 30K and l expect to keep it for at least the next 2-3 years. Good luck in your search.
  3. That’s what is so great about it. My other drive is a Tesla M3 and l look forward to getting back into the NX300h with its fantastic quality, old school clock, dials and an infotainment screen that does not dominate the dashboard. I still think the material quality on the 300h is better than the 350h if not it’s modernity and usability. I think this is the case with the German brands as well, their interior quality has taken a step back, you only have to compare the latest Audi and VW models with the previous gen models.
  4. Is there anyone who agrees that the interior quality on the NX350/450h has taken a step down from the NX300h? Both in looks and perceived quality if not usability. l certainly think so and one of the sales guys at my local Lexus dealer agreed. Mike
  5. Absolutely agree dog3665, was expecting delivery this month and 4 weeks ago told it would be June 23. This for an order placed 2nd Jan before the price increase. Beginning to feel l have been taken for a mug. Half of me wants to cancel and the other half wants to leave it on order because l know the dealer won’t care because they can sell it at a higher price.
  6. I agree entirely Simon. My 350h with premium pack ordered on the 2nd Jan originally for delivery in July was pushed back several times and as of early Aug was supposed to be delivered this month and has now been pushed back to June 23. Delivery dates seem to be all over the place regardless of when orders were placed and l for one am rapidly losing patience.
  7. I have finally made a decision and ordered a 2019 NX300h F Sport with Takumi pack. It was the best spec l could find and the right colour. The dealer is about 100 miles away but have offered to deliver for free. It is a great looking car and l can’t wait to get it. I am going to leave my NX350h on order for now but may cancel it if l fall for the charms of the 300h. Out of interest does anyone else think that the quality of the interior of the 300h looks better than the 350h? The infotainment system not withstanding.
  8. I am not a fan of the look of the RAV4 to be honest. I had thought about a CHR but l am not sure about practically.
  9. Update, Finally got a call from my dealer today, as l suspected the delivery date has been delayed from mid Sept. Not to Oct, Nov or Dec, or Q1 2023. It has been delayed to wait for it……….June 2023. I am now considering how to move forward. I am thinking about cancelling and buying a nearly new NX300h which l like but have not driven. Or buying an older NX 300h as an interim and leaving my order in place. I have read that the NX 300h has an uncomfortable ride and performance is not great. Does anyone have any advice?
  10. Hi All, I ordered an NX350H with premium pack in early Jan and was originally given a delivery date of mid July which has since gone back to mid Sept and has been for a number of months and was still the same as of the dealers last update about 4 weeks ago. However from some of the posts on here it sounds unlikely especially since to be here for mid Sept it would need to have shipped or about to be shipped and according to the app it hasn't started to be built yet!! The dealer did say the app can be wildly inaccurate so I have emailed the dealer for another update but not had a reply yet. Does anyone else have a similar experience?
  11. Thanks for this, l agree, looks just fine. Placed an order today so just managed to beat the price increase. Dealer suggesting delivery June or July, can’t wait.
  12. OK, thanks Jeff, l wasn’t sure how representative those images are but providing the overall size including the tyre are almost the same that should look fine. Probably have a slightly better ride as well. The dealer does not have the any demonstrators yet but you can bet when they do they will be of the higher spec models with 20inchers.
  13. Hi All, l am just on the cusp of placing an order for an NX350h with premium pack. However l am a little concerned that unless you upgrade to F Sport trim the wheel size is 18inches and every video or photo of the car l have seen seem to have 20inch wheels fitted. This makes me think the 18inchers are going to look ridiculously small. Has anyone seen a photo of the vehicle with the smaller rims that can reassure me that they look OK? Many Thanks.
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