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Everything posted by eXOBeX

  1. Maybe Chris Shipley can look it up? 9.6V NiMH battery for RX400h, it takes 30 of them for a total output of 288 volts. Not something you'd want to drop a spanner across!
  2. As Jiberjaber said, the original induction kit for the IS300 doesn't work well on the GS300 (guess who he bought his kit from!), the car would fire up fine but pulling away you'd swear you were trying to tow away the whole street in one go. Don't know about the new kits, but I assume the pipe is the same diameter so would have the same issues. Haven't bothered with a drop-in filter, kept the standard one (the only modification to my air intake is a HID ballast stuck on the side of it!)
  3. I feel a "7-speed gearbox and SNOW button" moment coming on...
  4. Would you rather this grotesque little creature from the phpBB-powered boards?
  5. He certainly knew how to take a good picture! What are those wheels on the back though, space-savers?
  6. Use your "contacts" to find out what their 160 hours is spent doing, then have a gentle word in the supervisor's ear asking for them to get the really sh***y jobs. Couldn't you have had them for assaulting a police officer as well?
  7. It's done using a software/hardware combination called Light-O-Rama, the software runs on the PC and controls a bunch of multi-channel light dimmers. Just checked the spec. on the website, the 16-channel controllers appear to work on UK mains too and are $200 apiece, so get spending!
  8. I believe a local elderly, female "couple" have tied the knot. They're not gay, they've done it because they'll have better rights (and the taxman won't get so much) when one of them kicks the bucket!
  9. Swap your wheels front-to-back and see if the wobble lessens. How much tread left on the tyres? If there's a load it might be worth getting the wheels re-balanced anyway. When they're on the balancer, watch the wheel as it spins to make sure it's not buckled.
  10. Philips Blue Vision from PowerBulbs are nice. I've only taken mine out now because I've got 6000K Meccatune HIDs from Prolex instead (bet you'd gone for that group buy as well, now!)
  11. Worth buying ← Errr... no. Our resident LED expert is Mr Morse, I'm sure he'll be along to fill you in. I've used 8-LED wide-angle units from UltraLEDs, look nice (and match my 6000K HIDs nicely) but the heat from the nearby bulb seems to have cooked a few of them!
  12. 3 series? Did it come with one of these thrown in?
  13. Beat you to it... Still good though!
  14. Another quote from that one... Tempacure? Ah well, at least these are likely to be Xenon bulbs, unlike the top post!
  15. To put it politely, it's b*****ks. They're either going to be LEDs, using a diode made of (as far as I know) Indium Gallium Nitride, or bulbs filled with Xenon gas. Not both.
  16. Was curious about this, so I've just done an experiment. Stack 1: 20 original DVDs (the most I could find in the house) Stack 2: 20 original CDs Stack 3: 20 Datawrite printable DVD-R 8x (Ritek G05) Stack 4: 20 Datawrite orange-bottom CDR The 20 DVDs are approx. 1 disc thicker than the 20 CDs (the top disc can slide over onto the CD stack) The 20 CDs are approx. 0.25 disc thicker than the 20 DVD-Rs The 20 DVD-Rs are approx. 0.5 disc thicker than the 20 CDRs The 20 CDs are approx 0.75 disc thicker than the 20 CDRs So the thickest-hubbed discs are DVDs, then CDs, then DVD-Rs, then CDRs. BUT... that's not the whole story as the centre (hub) of the disc is thicker than the rest. Next experiment: press down on the edge of the stack, so I'm comparing the data areas instead:- The 20 DVDs are approx. 0.5 disc thicker than the 20 CDs (top disc can no longer slide) The 20 DVDs are approx. 0.25 disc THINNER than the 20 DVD-Rs The 20 CDs are approx. 0.75 disc thicker than the 20 CDRs The 20 DVD-Rs are approx. 1.5 disc thicker than the 20 CDRs (top disc can slide over) So the discs with the thickest data area are DVD-Rs, then DVDs, then CDs, then CDRs.
  17. Around here they're all Avensises (Avenses?) so that puts them on a par!
  18. What's the box in the IS220d? :P A few of the blokes in work have Octavias, and are very happy with them. One even bought his off the leasing firm when he retired!
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