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Everything posted by peniole

  1. well, I would think wide first. Injectors are last on my list as I would expect a cylinder or bank running lean rather than a no start. I would start with filter. A way to test it is to put car in acc, but not start it, let the pump prime for at least a couple of minutes (you do say you hear it running continuously). Theoretically the longer the prime, the more fuel can get through a clogged filter, allowing for a longer run before it dies. Which kind of fits as when you start it immediately after it dies you get nothing but crank. If the longer prime doesn't work, then I would be looking at the too much air side, checking all the vacuum tubing by hand (you won't hear any hiss at this point), and checking the sensor readings on techstream once you get it.
  2. This is something I learned here in the UK a long time ago and is recommended in the highway code but not at speed. I still remember the signs just outside of Edinburgh airport stating "use both lanes, merge in turn". However decades later some people are still oblivious and downright stupid. HGV driver today, and I've seen similar morons in Germany (where btw it's called the zipper maneuver, and is taught religiously to new drivers), decided to straddle both lanes blocking anyone from merging in turn and causing the tailback to be unnecessarily long into multiple past traffic lights/junctions. Didn't honk at him, beam him or anything, just took a long breath and swore internally at the moron playing policeman/que monitor. opinions?
  3. Assuming both pumps are running, then sounds like a lean run (too much air, too little fuel). Large vacuum leak, really off sensor reading, clogged fuel filter or injectors are causes that come to mind.
  4. I wouldn't be worried, used the stuff on my last car, sold on without a scratch, hologram or swirl in sight (Polished metal metalic = darkish grey metallic). Here's what a German mechanic/shop foreman, responsible for evaluating incoming used cars to the Honda dealership, said when I sold them my nearly 4 year old 83k km civic: translated "looks like a brand new car, only give away is the mileage on the odometer". As you know Germans are, lets say pedantic.
  5. Unless it says on it to use on windows, it's a smeary outlook. Notably the meguiars stuff is ok on windows, works like rainx.
  6. Quite a bit cheaper than what I use ( You didn't put too much, apply liberally when it's that dirty, I also use a 3 towel method, and turn frequently. Looks like you did everything spot on. I also use the stuff after a contact wash, quick motorway jaunt to dry or leafblower if you have one, then spray less liberally and wipe, gives a nice polymer coat and prevents water spots. I haven't contact dried a car in years now.
  7. You're right Colin. It should prime and then shut up. Does not work continuously. It does vary though based on how long you've left it not running, how cold or hot, parked outside...etc. Sometimes can be a couple of seconds, sometimes considerably longer but still in the seconds range not continuous.
  8. I hear that same noise when i open the driver's door on mine, sounds like an electric pump/priming. Check vacuum hoses. Could you have dislodged one? see:
  9. Thank you both. Yes sadly we're from a bygone era. I already checked your link as well as a wider search. I was only able to find the part on a couple of Polish sites and of course from the manufacturer here. Have sent them an email, we'll see. Plan B make my own aerator nozzle and pin hole the top of the dip tube to allow in a mix of air and foaming solution under pressure at the source (literally every beer master's keg nightmare 😉 ). Theoretically should work.
  10. Trying to order spare parts (dip tube & foaming nozzle) for a pressure sprayer/foamer. Wife had bought the thing when we still lived in Germany, but I never used it and didn't notice until recently that it only came with the spray and not the foam nozzle. As the thing is also sold here in the UK, I sent these, let's say challenged, people an email requesting to buy these spare parts. For the record, the nozzle spare part is catalogued on the manufacturer's website (poland) but not on Kwazar UK and these guys are their UK distributors/resellers. Allow me to quote the responses I got: First email response: Sorry but we don’t remember sending the one to Germany? btw, that's the whole email, no dear, no regards, nothing. Figured there might be a language barrier, so explained as above and that I just want to order the spare parts Second email response: We have nothing to do with We are Uk distributors only and the dip tube is not available. Please contact your original supplier to see if this is available from them. Again no salutations, no regards, even though I'm sending Dear Helen (that's the reps name/email they have for customer service) and Kind Regards. Let's ignore the perceived rudeness for a moment. More imprtantly, no mention/ignoring the nozzle, for which there is a catalogue number that is listed as a spare part, and please correct me if I'm wrong; if it's sold here, they are legally obliged to sell the spare part under the whole right to repair song and dance, right? Opinions welcome. I'm hovering between language/logic/intellect/rudeness problem.
  11. You can also lock her from the back doors too. All 4 doors are dual touch sensitive for locking and unlocking.
  12. Toyota/Lexus didn't get hid as hard with supply chain problems as they were hit had in the past. So they moved away from the "just in time" supply model and keep some of their own stock. They slowed down last month, their stock surplus did eventually run out, but now they're back to full production again for December.
  13. Confirmation of first trip fuel economy. Another Germany roundtrip, a few thousand miles more on the ODO, colder weather but similar economy as above. 320 mile drive down to Folkestone, still more than half a tank left and a very conservative estimate from the car of 259 miles remaining range from a 50L tank. Ignore the average speed, that's not been reset from the day I received the car.
  14. You are correct! Just came back from Germany with our last carfull, it is somewhat of an issue if you're not careful.
  15. What did the car read out? Pump calculation for me is off by 1 MPG compared to car.
  16. Think of going around a sweeping bend at motorway speeds, now add water, enough to cause hydroplaning if you don't have enough siping left on the old set. Now which tyres would you prefer hydroplane? Rear = rear end swinging out (oversteer) possibly now 90 degrees to traffic or even facing the complete wrong way, or Front = plow straight on (understeer) into the verge? Both situations suck, one moreso than the other, which is why rotation when possible and replace a whole 4 set is the ideal solution.
  17. Picking up a clean 125k mile 2.5L V6, straight piping it "'cause she misses her truck", and she knows Scotty. Pretty easy on the eyes too. My kind'a gal 😘
  18. You certainly stepped up, I hope he appreciates how bad you feel about it. These things happen, especially when there's reduced or no use. Didn't you start a thread on this today Steve? Edit: nope sorry it was Malc, apparently this answers that thread
  19. and here my mind went to BBQs using driftwood 🤣 it's the garden thing too that threw me off, how do you smoke/drift in a garden thanks for the translation
  20. Don't have a garden at the moment. Also, what's a drifting BBQ?
  21. Smokers who think it's ok to smoke right next to the building front door (I don't want to fill my lungs with whatever crap you're putting in yours, your choice but don't force it on others), then promptly dispose of their butts (which btw are non bio degradable) on the floor. Even worse drivers who discard of them out the window 🤬
  22. To that end, I spend about 15 minutes going over the car after receiving it back from service. My checklist: - Body (dings, dents, scratches), why I always take my car pre-washed/waxed to the dealer and clean inside out, pics on phone. Will never let the dealer do a cleaning. - Mileage check, also odo pic beforehand. - Oil and other fluid level checks. I tell them to not fill windshield wiper res. I use distilled water with concentrate to appropriate dilution. Haven't seen a dealer who doesn't use tap water for their mixes. - Tyre pressure check, learned that one a long time ago when handed a brand new car with tyres still at transport inflation pressures 40+PSI iirc. Now I just adjust at home with my own pump and tell them not to screw with them. - Undercarriage check, make sure they haven't forgotten anything, broke a clip and put wire instead (jag I'm looking at you) - Boot check, did they put back the wheel lock key. - Wheel check, curbed, or damaged (pics beforehand, anyone seeing a theme emerging) - Interior check - Remove any silly maintenance stickers or tags.
  23. They are included, so is the alignment check, but alignment adjustment (if needed) is charged as extra.
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