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Brian R

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Everything posted by Brian R

  1. All that aside I am no fan of run flats albeit I can understand the rationale behind them but I think they completely ruin a car. Regretfully I have them on mine and also 20 inch but come the day when they need replacing, I will be looking into self sealing tyres which now seem to becoming more readily available. Ken, I just wondered if you had looked into/known about these?
  2. FWIW I too had this problem and initially I thought I had solved it by filing the plunger that drives into the hole on the fuel flap mechanism. However, come the winter months and the flap wouldn't always release and particularly so on cold days. In the end I wiped all traces of grease from the plunger and coated it with some very special/very expensive grease designed for cryogenic applications and it now appears problem solved. I suspect if you were to use a very light lithium grease applied sparingly, this may well solve the problem, at least until it is fixed correctly by a dealer.
  3. I must say, if it were my car, I would be very keen to get to the bottom of this. The thing is it might not bother you (at least for now) but what would a prospective buyer think? For my money it does look like a permanent crease so I'm not sure what could or should be done but given an all but identical problem was reported in the US then it does look like a manufacturing fault.
  4. Honestly, can anyone identify what they perceive as shortcomings/weaknesses on a test drive? You'd have to be intimately familiar with the earlier generation to even have a chance of pointing out the differences. Nah, for me, it's another journalist being controversial and dumbing down a product and with no idea what they are talking about.
  5. Peter, that's what I thought about "Regatta" editions but seems this car was first registered 29th December 2022 and is a "REGATTA INSPIRATION" edition. I think, if I remember correctly, the name "INSPIRATION" is usually associated with an American spec. I may have that wrong, so apologies in advance if I have! Regardless, it is something special, and I'm sure it will eventually maintain a price premium.
  6. Just turned 10000 miles on mine and I would think at least 5 mm left on them. Certainly, when the times comes I will be swapping the run flats for conventional tyres. Frankly, this is my third car with run flats and I am looking forward to the positive transformation their replacements will make.
  7. Will do Norman just as soon as I get a spare moment. FYI I think it is my dash camera that is the culprit given it goes into "parking mode" when the engine is stopped. Looking at the very limited internal battery reserve and some of the videos it records, then at times it simply has to draw on the cars battery. The most interesting vid it recorded was that of a crow attacking my cars wiper blades! There are three would be culprits that seem to revel in causing damage. Time and again there is evidence of their hooliganism with all sorts of debris scattered over our drive. Pictured is one of the hooligans.
  8. What a useful YT video! Funny enough, I have just installed a new 12 volt battery into mine in the belief the original was/is on its way out. However, looking at the latest stats from a battery monitor I have fitted, I'm inclined to think I too have some parasitic draw and fortunately I believe I know what could be the culprit. Time to put the "Humble Mechanics" advice to the test. Many thanks Herbie for the video, and I think it will now be easy to pinpoint the draw.
  9. Hello Colin Not heard of that before and I'm not aware that any "licence" on mine has expired. Could you be thinking of the Lexus Link app and the "connected services"?
  10. Take it somewhere else, yours doesn't sound like a dealer I would wish to trust!
  11. Hello Ben Very impressed by your tenacity and your intentions to maintain OEM as far as is practical. Quite remarkable how you "found" space for all the kit! I presume all the wiring extensions were also supplied by Musway? Congratulations on a good job and of course the outcome. However, I suspect you are not going to stop there and the speakers will be your next project............
  12. If you cannot get to the boot then you could always try the under bonnet charge/jump start connections and as shown in this video. Your manual will more precisely show where the connections are situated
  13. Got to say Fred, that is one hell of a shine you've got on the paintwork. I presume ceramic coated but that finish is peerless!
  14. Hmmm, I have a very poor practical experiences of run flats on both a BMW and now my Lexus. I really do not like their tendency to "solidify" all four corners of the car. I appreciate the reviewer has tested current rf's but I'm afraid my dire experiences with Bridgestone rf's leaves me uncertain, whereas the seal tyres seem to provide much of what one would wish for but by the looks of it with a more conventional feel. Regardless, my rf's will eventually be replaced either with standard tyres or just maybe these seal units.
  15. I haven't had a proper photo session but I've always liked this one taken on the drive.
  16. Couldn't agree more and I must admit I took a leap of faith when I bought mine from a private individual who had intentionally set up a "company" to sell the car. It was very obvious what was going on but after much research I was more than happy to proceed with positively no regrets since. I think most would be private buyers need to take some comfort from the "Relax" warranty that lasts 10 years but I must admit, I would prefer to sell my car via Motorway or chop it in as a part ex and perhaps only after giving it a few weeks on Autotrader.
  17. I guess there is only one way to find out, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I sincerely hope Lexus will be more generous than we think they will be and/or at least take the sting out of the costs to repair what really should not have been broken! Good luck going forward and please do share the outcome with us.
  18. As Steve and Peter have eluded, the "Relax" warranty will hopefully cover this. I seem to recall Dav whilst having a similar experience was nonetheless covered by the honourable dealer he bought his car from but I do stand to be corrected here. Probably best to visit a dealer and ask, you might be pleasantly surprised and better still your wallet will thank you!
  19. Give it time or if you would prefer a quick sale then try it out on Motorway, you might just be surprised. Sorry just noticed you are not in the UK but presumably there is a similar operation in your neck of the woods?
  20. Has it been serviced by Lexus within the last year?
  21. You are not alone. This thread was created by a member on this forum but on the Lexus US site, albeit I think there is mention on the UK site as well. Hope this helps.
  22. Colin, many thanks for that information. I don't suppose the component costs were broken down? The reason for asking is my daughter moved into a new build with four panels, inverter but no battery. Looking at the power output, then on a good day she can very easily power up the house with plenty to spare. At night of course a different story and this is where a battery would come in useful. I wonder whether you might have an individual price for that and of course any idea of its capacity. I must also say that 13K doesn't sound a bad price and certainly worth considering depending on the payback costs.
  23. If it is anything like my key, then yes, it is essential. From memory when mine showed the same warning it wouldn't start but in fairness only after I had ignored the "warning" for some time. It's a dead easy process to replace the battery and will take all of 2 minutes to complete. Plenty of key specific videos on Utube to give you the confidence to diy or of course approach your dealer.
  24. Not mine but out of interest/being nosey, why do you ask?
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