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Brian R

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Everything posted by Brian R

  1. I've read and heard about similar symptoms, and some of these have turned out to be engine mounts. To rectify this has been down to full on replacement or tightening of the mounts. You might also like to check the tightness of any braces you might have within the engine bay or at the rear of the car and as applicable.
  2. My method when time is tight is to simply spray water on the bird ******* and give it a few moments before wiping off with a kitchen towel. |Note, the paper type and preferably also soaked in spray water! I keep various repurposed spray bottles in the garage but one could just as easily be kept in the boot. A few moments later and hey presto you have diluted muck to contend with rather than its baked on equivalent. As for the flies, they can wait another day.
  3. That is one good looking car! Well worth the wait, I'll wager? Congratulations and enjoy.
  4. I hope the car is all you would wish it to be. Exciting day ahead for you and there's nothing like picking up a brand-new car and especially so this one. Enjoy!
  5. It would be interesting to know whether these cars are fodder for the crims or their undoubted rarity would cause them to be highly conspicuous and therefore undesirable trophies. Furthermore, I can't say I have seen anyone report the theft of their car, but I stand to be corrected.
  6. I'm very surprised to read this because I too had "Tyres on the drive" fit 4 new to my Jag XF. The job was completed with no fuss or bother whatsoever. Clearly at the point of ordering they knew what car the tyres were being fitted to and had there been any concerns then that's when they should have cried off the job and not on your drive. As I recall, the XF wheels were 18 inch, quite wide and ground clearance wasn't at all exceptional. Obviously also a fairly heavy car to lift. I've got to say the lad who fitted them was extremely courteous, highly efficient and completed the fitting in something like an hour and 15 minutes, easily less than half the time "others" would have taken! On the basis of my experience, I would have no hesitation recommending them.
  7. A friend bought me one of these: Sealey battery monitor Primarily it's to monitor the 12 volt battery performance but as an aside it also tracks the car by gps and records journeys. Having been in Poland the last few days, I was impressed that I could readily "see" the car from Kraków.
  8. For the sake of clarity, see the attached April 2021 price list which rather makes the "last years" prices look nonsense. I know some might wish the prices were lower but fyi, my used price according to Motorway and Autotrader has increased year on and quite significantly. Please also don't forget used prices will, along with new, inflate with, err, inflation! LexusPriceListLC010421_tcm-3157-2236412.pdf
  9. Exactly the same experience as Bill. I left my ignition on for many hours and flattened the 12 volt battery. I charged the 12 volt and a few days later at service time it failed its hybrid battery check. Drove the obligatory 500 miles, re-tested, and it passed. Its carried on "passing" ever since, and simply because the ignition doesn't get left on nowadays!
  10. Personally I'd be a little wary, had the oil been changed then perhaps not so much. There's no doubt, a car that is used will usually fare better than one that sits still. Having said that, I couldn't agree more with Len and if an inspection indicates no problems, buy it and then get it serviced immediately. It would also be interesting to know what oil is currently in it, i.e. mineral or synthetic. If the latter than probably better news than having the former owing to inherent longevity.
  11. Who was that, Amber Heard?
  12. Exciting times and so near but so far given that prep time. Hopefully it will be much less, fingers crossed for you.
  13. Guess it's going to be the end of 2023 and not 2022. Had to happen sometime 🙂
  14. To me, it looks very much like "be careful what you wish for". I know the current infotainment gets a lot of bad press, but I'll be honest and say I have no real problem with it. I also wonder whether some forget the voice commands, which can and do make hands free entirely possible, well almost. Again, if I am being honest, the one thing I would love to have would be 360 degree. The parking sensors simply do not detect everything and I now almost always reverse park. I'd also love to see the kerb/wheel relationship, given the cost of repairing the rims!
  15. I'm pretty well in accord with Malcolm in terms of spec. It's interesting to note the difference in the seat materials and in particular how on the American LC site, many wish they could have had leather seats. Having said that, I don't think I have read any negative comment regarding the bolsters. I think the biggest cripe is the cleaning of the Alcántara material, and I have to say this is something I experienced on previous cars. Mind you there are very good cleaners out there so not the biggy some would have you believe. I'll admit leather can be cold initially but on the LC they heat up incredibly quickly and much quicker than on BMW/Jag. Simply leave everything in "auto" and the seats heat/cool in no time. HUD is indeed an extremely worthy feature and in my mind one of the best "options" offered across the range. Good luck in your car hunt and if you have a spec in mind then stick with it, else you be left wondering what could have been. Having said that, do some thorough research to see whether your aspirations translate to something meaningful or just fanciful.
  16. I think you will find that's brake and road dust/grime. Alloy wheels do not "rust".
  17. Got to say I quite like the look. Difficult to tell how well it has been done, but I wouldn't say no.
  18. Thanks, Phil, I thought I'd seen that or similar somewhere.
  19. I'm not so sure you do Andy, I seem to recall reading that the bean pattern (as with some others cars) is such that no consideration is needed. I haven't yet fully read the attached pdf but maybe there is a clue or two within it. Since posting, I have read through and indeed there are specific references to LHD and RHD. HEADLIGHT ASSEMBLY.pdf
  20. I haven't yet read the review but the depreciation calculation was of great interest and in turn amusement. It would mean a value loss of something like 57% which I highly doubt will be anywhere near reality. The author of the article really ought to have done more research and recognise used LC's (albeit coupe's) that are some 5 years old, are still selling for £50k to £55k. In practice, they typically had an original purchase price of circa £83k to £88k and this would equate to a loss of around 40%. Not bad for any car with 5 years under its belt! Only time will tell but I believe the "cheapest" LC which has an asking price of £46k and way more miles than most, is as cheap as it gets. This particular example has dropped in price and probably not least because it is being sold by an individual who shall we say has a very dubious history......... The next nearest is a 2017 model up at £48k.
  21. Very sorry to hear of John's passing, he was quite a prolific contributor to this forum and will be sadly missed. My condolences to his family and friends. RIP
  22. Hello Mark There were a few occasions when in a past life I needed to track the whereabouts of certain ships. There are numerous apps which allow you to do just this in real time providing you know the ships "call sign" detail. Always a fascinating experience, and quite revealing when it shows the course some ships take to get to their final destination. One such web site that can track for you: Ship tracking
  23. Hello Nicolas Would you mind me asking what brand of self sealing tyre you used?
  24. Hello Ken The self sealing tyres are tested and comprehensively explained in this video: SELF SEALING In practice, they are more akin in characteristic to "normal" non rft's. I appreciate you might be under some time pressure but perhaps at least worth considering for the next "occasion". BTW when I chopped out my BMW rft's, the car had a staggered set up i.e. wider tyres on the rear. I had the rears changed first and a month or so later the fronts. No problem running two types (rft and normal) side by side and the ride improved dramatically and even more so once all four were swapped out.
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