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Brian R

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Everything posted by Brian R

  1. Just to add my experience following a service last Friday. When asked about the "fix" I was told no news, but when and as Lexus will contact me by post. It seems to me Lexus have no intention of releasing any sort of fix other than plates which aren't in themselves available for all models. It also seems these are offered on an ad hoc basis and one could be forgiven for thinking if you don't ask, you don't get. My take on the matter is that Lexus responded to the TV program (that cited the security flaw(s)) with a response designed to placate owners and protect the brand. Thereafter, they waited for the dust to settle before basically doing nothing. All very disappointing and remind me when the fix was supposed to be available..........
  2. A very/ultra rare colour and in practice I have only ever seen one for sale and probably the same one you saw! I may be wrong about this, but I believe the green option was added somewhat late in the day which might further explain its rarity. I'm afraid I cannot help you with actual number, but bear in mind there are less than 600 of these cars in the UK and for some reason green didn't seem to capture people's imagination. I agree with you totally green/tan is an incredible combination and really suits the car in the same way red or the other extremely rare colour blue does. Furthermore, I would imagine Lexus should be able to confirm exact numbers but frankly I have no idea where to start with that process. I'm sure you've seen the following pic and I think it underscores why green/tan should be far more popular.
  3. Congratulations now get out and enjoy the new toy.
  4. Similar to what I was thinking and wondering whether I could fit a kill switch to the fuel pump or to be more precise my son could fit. Having said that, mine goes in for its service on July 12th which in theory is just beyond when the Lexus solution is supposed to be available.
  5. "Who knows" is probably part of the fun Malc. Got to say when I hark back to my motorcycling days and the steeds I rode then, I'd be a wealthy man on those alone. I also never dreamt in my wildest dreams a Ford Cortina Mark 3, 2 door GXL would now be worth £12.5K or getting on for 10 times what I paid for mine second-hand and probably 3 or 4 times what is was new! Not a bad roi and others in my "fleet" have fared even better. So yes hold onto yours, you never know........ Ford Cortina
  6. When I look at some of the junk I drove around in as a young man, much of which is now regarded as "classic" then I am amazed. They have no right to be deemed as such, they were and remain rubbish. However, anything old enough picks up that misnomer by default, when in reality there was and never will be anything other than age that warrants the "classic" title. So yes hold onto it for 30/40 years and the dewy-eyed will call it a classic, but on this occasion, and largely because of its rarity and ageless design, that title will be more deserved than its current contemporaries. As Andy says above, mine too will acquire classic status long after I've sold it for a song. Eventually someone will spend a fortune bringing it up to scratch, never to recover what he/she spent doing so, such is the way of classic cars. I will also guess that said person will today be in their 20/30's and in due course in a better financial position than they are now and looking to a project that will provide a bit of "me time". In turn, we will all wonder at what we see at the car show and say to ourselves, "If only I had kept mine".
  7. I know the odds on seeing another in the wild are extremely low, but I had an encounter earlier this week in Lincoln city. I had made a turn that resulted in my going up a dead end road, and I then had to do an about-turn. Whilst doing so, I stopped the progress of a white convertible LC! I recall it had a personalised plate and if the driver is a forum member I'd like to apologise for making a faff of the whole manoeuvre, but navigating one's way around Lincoln isn't without it challenges. So what are the odds of seeing another LC and to come across it in an unfamiliar city whilst I was making a 180-degree turn that ultimately meant there were two LC's nose to tail. Even my wife couldn't believe it, and trust me, she also knows how rare these cars are!
  8. Given your auto shut off facility, then I would agree with you, but in practice I have been turning off my "standard" key since I bought the car some 3 years ago. However, I still put it in a Faraday pouch as a reminder I have switched the fob off. Basically, if it's in the pouch and I cannot see it then I have physically turned the fob off, but if it is visible then it's almost certain I didn't deactivate it. Very much a case of out of sight, out of mind. As for auto shut off, then what a fantastic and simple idea which I wish I had. Perhaps Lexus should re-program our keys as a matter of course, assuming this could be possible.
  9. Ironically Ronnie I was with Darwin on the LC util 1st June and had been for many years before. However, they doubled to the penny my insurance premium and I ended up going with Saga. I must also admit I invariably use "* as my searcher, but I'll certainly give your suggestions a try on the 17th of this month, which is some 23 days* before the due date on my/our other car/general dogs body. *As for this nonsense that one has to get a quote a specific number of days before renewal, then don't get me going, but it does seem to be a proven fact that 23 days prior is about when you get the best price. In a previous life I would offer goods against a 30 day validity and sometimes 60 or even 90 and that was regardless of the prevailing market conditions!
  10. Trust me Ronnie I feel your pain! Mind you, what goes around, comes around, and the next thing we'll hear is the insurance companies bleating about loss of business. As I often say to my daughter (and anyone else who will listen to me) insurance companies are nothing more than a bunch of spivs dreaming up more and more "creative" ways to legally rob you.
  11. I get the very distinct impression Lexus are not going to do anything other than provide suggestions that they are. All very disappointing and hardly likely to promote brand loyalty, let alone entice new customers.
  12. Good result Malcolm and will give them a try when my other car comes up for insurance in a months time.
  13. Regretfully I still have run flats on mine and when the time comes I'll fit non rf's and either Goodyear or Coniti's. From past experiences I know that alone will transform the car but if a puncture does occur and the gunk can't seal it, then it's time to call Greenflag. I'd also add there is another tyre which is self sealing and has very good reviews, from memory they are also available in our required sizes:CLICK HERE, something I will seriously consider along with Khumo tyres which I believe are a trade name for some well known tyre manufacture and again have a very good name.
  14. It does seem as if these are relatively rare cars to be stolen, but until Lexus send out a message that they and all others in the brand are now proofed against canbus theft, then I fear they are still potential targets. Just as Andy says, it's one thing to have a tracker fitted, but the lo life may well still rip off the bumper and cause significant and expensive damage. Far better that Lexus cars are seen/known to be a waste of time for burglar Bill when and if the mythical security fix(s) actually happen.
  15. I agree Chris and for the time being I will rely on my wife's car as "custodian of the drive" as my first line of defence. Regretfully, and to quote our local police, there are numerous Albanian gangs operating in the area. This was confirmed by my daughter just yesterday when she shared that over fifty door cameras have recorded their activities on the estate she lives on! There have been practically daily thefts of high-end cars and yet plod still hasn't caught one of the crims! Probably best if the estate becomes gated, but yet again we are having to modify our life style to cater for the crims! Curiously, we never used to be plagued by car theft, I wonder what has changed................
  16. Forgot to add, a second car is currently insured with Darwin and I suspect that too will double in price and so that will be two policies that will not be renewed with them. As for RIAS home insurance, that was 118% increase in premium and so it's goodbye to them and hello to Quote Me Happy.
  17. Darwin, last year £365, this year £730! No changes whatsoever but now twice the price*. New insurer SAGA, old insurer can go shove it! * Darwin are part of Direct Line whose new stated business model is to significantly increase all premiums knowing there will be many customers lost (hopefully for good) while those remaining will keep the turnover where it needs to be to make their usual profit. Word to the wise Direct Line, that business model will floor you in no time at all.
  18. Thanks Colin, it was the lack of confirmation on the Thatcham website that bothered me, but as you say the insurers should know what is actually fitted. As you can see from this LINK under Toyota/Lexus cars, the LC is not listed which is what got me wondering..
  19. A question if I may. Can anyone confirm whether a LC500h is fitted with a Thatcham category 1 standard security device? I ask because I have just about renewed my car insurance and the application defaulted to saying such a device is fitted, but is that really the case? Would greatly appreciate any advice that might be available.
  20. Same colour as mine! Enjoy!
  21. Well, I heard back from my dealer, and clearly I wasn't the first to make further enquiries. Regretfully, it appears there are no updates from Lexus, but they will be in contact just as soon as there are. Aside from the owner's frustration, I feel for the folk in the dealers who are probably and quite unfairly having to contend with a problem to which as there is still no solution.
  22. All I can advise that here in the UK a car that age and particularly that mileage/kilometre would be nearer 47k than 56k Euro. Typical examples are shown on the following link: Typical UK cars by mileage and age In fairness within Spain and perhaps elsewhere in Europe, that 56K might be the accepted norm but I somehow doubt it. In regards the other concerns, then within this forum there have been no reports of hybrid or battery problems. Additionally, Lexus clearly have faith in their product when here in the UK they offer a 10 year warranty and the battery alone can be extended to 15 years if so desired, albeit I believe there might be a charge to do so. Whether that is also the case in Spain I wouldn't know but I do feel the battery is probably or can be covered by either some extended free or paid for warranty. I guess when you think about it, one shouldn't be surprised that it has 117k kilometres for a 7 year old car, but when compared with the UK that price does seem very steep.
  23. In our immediate family, we collectively have 4 Honda's in our "fleet" and not one of them has ever suffered a problem. None of them have ever failed a MOT (albeit one doesn't need one) nor ever had an advisory. With the oldest now being 11 years old on 80K miles, I'd say that was impressive. I feel pretty sure all of them would easily be more than capable of 100K or far greater. You'd really struggle to beat Honda for reliability. Way back in the nineties I had a Honda powered Rover 600 and I remember passing that on at 118K miles and the lad who took it over racked it up to 187|K before it finally failed its M|OT on rust. Again, till then no problems whatsoever.
  24. I must admit I didn't get a chance to phone my dealer as I suggested I would, but I will fire off an email later today and ask for an update. Having received my insurance renewal notice and with the premium increasing (to the penny) by exactly 100% I'm now more inclined to ask what the hell is going on. Darwin Insurance by the way and they are clearly applying greed inflation and in the process have taken on a new demeanour which I sensed last year and when I should have then told them to shove it. Curiously, my home insurers have gone one step further and upped their premium by 118% Cheerio RIAS I'm leaving you after 13 years and having never made a claim!
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