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Brian R

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Everything posted by Brian R

  1. Hello A.J. It's alright to be a saddo , we can keep each other company! Entirely agree with you that there is at last a reasonable turn over, with new stock coming and going on a greater frequency than might have been the case a month or two ago. Still can't understand why there aren't more being sold in the first place, given the universal accolades they receive from the motoring press.
  2. Sorry to hear of the problem and the consequence, especially given the car wasn't that old. As AJ says above, you should be able to find one within Lexus and your preference for red or white is for the most popular colours, albeit right now there are quite a few dark ones for sale. Not quite sure how the market is in NI, but seems fairly steady here in mainland UK, with typically 15 to 20 cars at any one time. I can't be completely sure, but it does seem as if prices have dropped a little over the last few weeks, and I wonder whether that is because summer is done and dusted. Obviously a good time to buy if that is the case. Hope you get sorted soonest.
  3. Bad Company, Movin' On, preferably at full volume!
  4. Let's hope the same storage mentality doesn't prevail should all those wonderfully green electric car owners decide to charge up (just in case) and overload the UK generating capacity. Oh, dear, I think I may have inadvertently given the main stream media their next doomsday headline!
  5. Hello Dennis No problem and it does rather sound as if the scratch is very minor and from your description it does seem as if it is just the top coat that has been damaged. If that is the case Autoglym will definitely get it out.
  6. I was meaning to chip in yesterday and offer my two pennies worth. In the first instance, I would never use Tee cut, it is far too abrasive and will probably introduce many micro scratches. If the scratch can be felt with your finger nail then you need to check whether it is the top coat and the base coat that has been damaged. Hopefully it is just the top coat and this is relatively easy to "repair" and I, for one, would always use Autoglym Ultra Deep Shine. This is a fine polish, and you will need to rub it in with some vigour, but importantly it will not leave micro scratches. Once completed, apply a good quality wax. As an aside, I have used the Autoglym Super Resin polish and the Meguairs scratch repair and you will see both can and will leave very fine micro scratches in Lexus top coat. Japanese paints as I understand it are relatively soft. If the base coat is damaged then I would still use the above polish. Realistically all you can reasonably hope for is that the filling action of the polish causes the scratch to fade but just possibly with the use of a machine polisher you may well find it "fades" sufficiently to be all but invisible. Obviously hand polishing will take considerably longer but with patience you can achieve a good result. Is there any chance you can pop up a photo of said scratch so a more qualified diagnosis can be made? If it is any comfort, my wife scraped her Mini's bumper and the scratches were numerous and very visible on its black paint and readily felt with a finger nail. I used my sons machine polisher and in short order the damage was history. Got to say the outcome surprised me, but I've learnt these machine polishers can be very effective, albeit you need to be reasonably careful with their use and particular about which pads/polish you employ.
  7. That's a beaut Martin and to my mind the best colour for the LC! Funny enough I considered an F type, but I wasn't sure the quality was quite there especially after having had an XE and XF. I'm sure Jaguar will eventually get there, but I'll happily wait till they do. The squealing brakes is something noted by other members and I believe acknowledged by Lexus. As a consequence, I also believe some have had their brake pads changed out by Lexus and this resolved the problem. May well be a good idea to take it into your local dealer and ask for advice. Again, congratulations on the purchase, and I, for one, am very envious.
  8. Congratulations Martin and I'm sure the "love" will last. I've been here for some 3 months, and it's remarkable how little (if any) comment is made in regard to any problems with the car. Hopefully you'll enjoy the fabled reliability of the Lexus brand and just as importantly the driving dynamics and the good looks of your new car.
  9. Just read the story as if it were a current debt and not a paid one. I suppose yet again the main stream media misreporting and hell-bent on making a bad situation worse. The prime culprit is "The Guardian" and as ever I'll choose to be circumspect of anything that rag prints. In practice, it seems a VAT payment is due but what's the betting it will be deferred to a later date, just give me one nanosecond to think about it. Still doesn't stop the "press" from sensationalising the non story.
  10. Got to say what annoys me more than the main stream media fuelling this utter nonsense is the great dim witted British public falling for it. The whole area around here (near Gatwick) is without fuel and just about every station is closed. Next thing we'll see are those pulling in to top up their tanks and struggling to put in more than a quids worth. Why oh why can't these pathetic morons work it out!
  11. I seem to recall that many years ago one would apply the lightest coating of Vaseline to the proposed sticking area. As I remember it, that still enabled the sticker to, err, stick, but made removal a doddle. Certainly I had no problem with that technique, but I will also be the first to say today's paint might not be compatible with this approach, albeit I cannot see any reason why not. I feel sure that regardless, a coating on a glass surface wouldn't cause any concerns whatsoever. Of course, you could also consider putting the sticker on one end of your number plate assuming it has sufficient room.
  12. Haven't yet read the article, but I too would agree the LC is more a GT than an out-and-out sports car. Having just been away for a few days, I truly appreciate its style and comfort. However, just occasionally I would like to throw it about more than I dare, but there is no hiding the car's weight and width when on certain roads that in previous cars would have been more entertaining.
  13. AC/CC systems should be 100% leakproof, but in practice most manufactures specify a minute tolerable/acceptable per annum leakage. Many cars would and should be able to go decades without re-gassing. Consider your fridge/freezer, how many times have you had that re-gassed, obviously never. Whilst not a direct comparison, they work on a very similar principle, i.e. a sealed system containing refrigerant. As with your fridge, there is a tiny amount of oil in the refrigerant designed to lubricate elastomer seals/moving components. Occasional AC/CC use is necessary for this reason, albeit I believe that might not necessarily be the case on some modern systems. The problem comes with the fact an automobile system employs a number of screwed connections and refrigerant will find any leakage point and even the most diligent technician could easily miss a very slight escape point, it's the nature of the beast I'm afraid.
  14. Does sound as if it could have had some paint work prior to your ownership and probably was just good enough to keep the lease company happy. If the base colour coat is sound then chances are it can be re-lacquered but be prepared for some teeth sucking from the would be painters.
  15. Whilst I have the 500h I simply fill it with standard 95 octane unleaded. However, just a day or two ago I noticed on the fuel filler flap it specifically indicated either "E5" or "E10" can be used. Must admit, I always thought that would be the case. It may be worth seeing if your fuel flap says the same or reference what is recommended in the user manual. My aforementioned manual refers to "E10" and I would guess so will yours, albeit I suspect it may stipulate the higher octane rating.
  16. Phil, I think the car is a 2020 model and won't need its first MOT till 2023 and then the second in 2024.
  17. Hello Neil I can understand why you would wish to buy through a Lexus dealer, but in reality there should be no difference than buying from a non franchised outlet. Given all Lexus cars now receive the benefit of a 12-month extended warranty every time it is serviced by an official Lexus dealer, you should be as confident as needs be. Odds are whatever and wherever you buy your LC it will be low miles and inherently a much safer bet than many other premium cars you could have chosen.
  18. I've always sworn by PlusGas, a product that has always unsiezed every threaded nut or bolt I've applied it to. For those really stubborn joints, leave it overnight and they will yield. Best penetrating oil I have used for well over 40 plus years. Obviously, heat will usually achieve the same result, but sometimes this is simply an impossible solution.
  19. Wait for it, a budget is just around the corner..........
  20. Curiously, just yesterday I had the car in for various reasons including a hybrid battery re-check which the car failed on its most recent service in July. There was in reality a very good reason why it "failed" and in consequence I was asked to put 500 miles on it before a re-check could be initiated. This time around, it passed without incident and entirely as was suggested it would. I believe/now know the constant fan I could hear from the back of the car was in reality nothing to do with the hybrid battery fans, so all is now good. The video I linked as above does however provide some insight in how the ac might not be doing what you would expect and the simplest of workarounds. Oh, and finally I got my maps updated by Lexus given when I tried to do the job there was a problem with the codes I was asked to enter. Hopefully, I will not now see my local dealer till July next year.
  21. I think I found the video from Lexus Northside and as follows, in particular from 6 minutes onwards. Lexus Northside
  22. Hello Chris Yes, it was on Auto and I've just got back from a tour of our local nurseries. For the first time I heard the climate control system kicking in and out as (I presume) setpoint temperature was reached. This would tend to suggest the Auto setting was over ridden and I seem to recall Melissa from Northside Lexus showed a way to make part of the cooling system work contrary to what the settings might suggest. I'll see if I can find that presentation and if that explains the behaviour I have lived with for the last couple of months. Needless to say I am grateful for a quieter cabin, albeit the noise was not that bothersome.
  23. Many thanks for all the kind offers and suggestions as to what might be the "problem". Indeed, as Malcolm suggested, it was (notice past tense) the Climate Concierge system. Having turned it off, all is now as quiet as a graveyard. One "problem" solved, and now time to see if I can invoke stealth mode whilst training my right foot to moderate itself! Thanks again gents, much appreciated help from the forum.
  24. Interesting and does make me wonder whether there is something amiss. Seems a bit more research is needed. As for swapping cars then thank you for the suggestion and I will park that possibility for the time being. 😇
  25. That's just the thing David, no mention of the fans operation (or at least I've yet to find anything) in the shall we say, rather extensive manual. I don't think I have heard them turn off since the day I bought it back in June. As I said, I'm not too fussed about it, but really just wanted to know if it's normal behaviour. Take your point about the weather but there have been early mornings when the outside temperatures have just clipped into single figures and still they run.
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