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Brian R

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Everything posted by Brian R

  1. Just a few observations, if I may. I distinctly remember the so called "Luxury tax" was once the same description used for VAT. As sure as night follows day, it will become a regular tax for the vast majority of car buyers. The luxury tax is now based on a list price of the car and unless you are extremely naive do you think that the 40K threshold will increase? Please do remember the UK tax burden is increasing (and was long before covid) with what are now fixed (typically till 2026) personal tax thresholds, inheritance tax, life time allowance, NI increases to name just a few. The return of inflation will force many to pay more as a consequence and whilst many may think they will either remain unaffected, trust me more and more will contribute more and more. Your Ford Focus may currently have a list price of £25K, but it won't in five years time and probably more like £30K and that's without the additional costs to achieve some newly created emissions standard. The point is we all need to budget to ensure we live within our means, but vehicle taxation has to my way of thinking been a monumental ***** up. Even now, there are owners of older cars that pay more than they would or indeed should even if their cars were new and fell into the "Luxury tax" bracket. This is as a result of a poorly calculated budget by those that really should have done better, i.e. our government or if you are being pedantic, the DVLA. I am sure there will be further stumbles along the way especially given the climate change brigade have been stalled whilst we work our way through our current focus. However, that too will provide a god given excuse to increase taxes and especially on the internal combustion engine. Again trust me, "you ain't seen nothing yet" to quote Bachman, Turner, Overdrive!
  2. Hello Simon Ah, not good, especially given the claim on the advert! I did wonder at the time whether the car uses a floor pan that is common to other Lexus models, and whether that was why they were certain they could manufacture as required. So will you do the necessary or not bother?
  3. Try this, it might work: 家に電話します pronounced Ie ni denwa shimasu But seriously, it does seem an odd one. Curiously, I never had to train my voice, but the car recognises every word. I can only think you must have a recycled voice command out of my Insignia from 2009, now that was unbelievably hopeless. Hope you get it resolved, but out of interest have any others tried speaking into it, and what were their outcomes?
  4. Hello Simon Try this link: Carpet and rubber mats for LC500 Make sure you scroll down once you enter/select your number plate. It's suggesting they can supply "4mm industrial" rubber mats "GUARANTEED to fit your LEXUS LC". Hope this helps.
  5. Just been on the Lexus site, and it reports as follows: Sorry, we are currently updating our LC car configurator to make it an even better experience. If you would like more information about the model you’ve chosen, please see the pricelist or contact your local centre using the finder below. The same also applies to the convertible configurator. Hope that helps.
  6. I think as Colin says and as I understand it a few of the American would be buyers have experienced the same thing. Give it a week or so and I think you find the configurator back up and running.
  7. Thanks for the reply, Ahmed. I think I will remove my existing and see what I might be able to achieve, albeit I can already see the first hurdle, i.e. printing in glass!
  8. I'm intrigued given I have similar puddle lights in my car which show up a Lexus logo. Correct me if I am wrong, but I presume you created your own logo (using Corel if I'm not mistaken) and then inserted that into your lights. If that is the case, then I presume there is a film one can remove from the light and then set in any alternative you might create. Is that the case? BTW looks brilliant!
  9. Interesting views and coming from the LC stable, I was surprised to read very strong suggestions within the user manual that diy servicing could be contemplated. In reality and entirely as Herbs says, why not? Yes I am sure there are area's where one might need to tread carefully but when I recall some of the jobs I did in my youth a standard service would have held no fear whatsoever.
  10. I wonder how much of the £37 billion "wasted" on test and trace will "flow back to us". Can I just repeat that figure £37 billion, just imagine what that could have been used for! As for capital projects such as HS2, oh, if only you really knew. Additionally, I like millions of others have no need whatsoever to arrive at Birmingham 9 minutes sooner than would ordinarily be the case and yet every man woman and child will currently pay circa £2k for the privilege. As for road repairs - what repairs? I see absolutely no evidence of this, and in practice there are many roads in Surrey where you literally have to navigate a route rather than pay attention to one's driving. I'm afraid all I see is a colossal waste of money with precious little to no accountability. Curiously however our beloved council can waste thousands of pounds painting zebra crossings in rainbow colours to show how concerned they are about inclusivity! Saw my first one yesterday just outside Reigate and cannot say I am at all happy about paying that bill through my council tax! I, for one, am not at all in favour of further raising taxes, but I am in favour of of seeing those that I do pay yielding a positive benefit rather than being squandered as is patently the case with this current government. I'm also not sure why you think the car buying public can "quite easily pay a tad more in tax". Do you know something about this group's specific budgeting that others don't?
  11. I don't think it being meany minded at all. The government created a vehicular tax regime that makes no sense whatsoever and they now realise they have shot themselves in the foot and need to bring some semblance of order to the whole system. Barring the additional tax which all new car buyers will eventually pay, they are effectively reverting to the original system where everyone pays an identical annual tax burden. You can indeed pay additional pension contributions, but your 20% and 40% relief is being devalued each year for the next five, and you are also compounding the loss you originally suffered because allowances didn't increase. So you stash a little extra into your pension only to find they get you at the other end because the Life Time Allowance is fixed till 2026! Again, more people will get hit by a 55% tax once they exceed that maximum. Might seem like a dim and distant dream to some to have a tax burden at £1.073 million fund(s) but the tax take does seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. BTW, don't get me wrong on pension contributions, which are (for the moment) one of the best ways of playing the system up and until (as they surely will) start to reduce the relief.
  12. The thing is, even if you buy seconhand car with an original list price of £40K plus and assuming it is under 5 years old, you will pay the additional tax. The "good news" is after this is paid 5 times in total, the tax reverts (if I remember correctly) to £155. This I am afraid is yet another ploy to increase the overall tax burden, and before you know it everyone that buys new will be paying this additional levy as car prices naturally increase in cost. Exactly the same is happening with many tax points being frozen for 5 years with a net consequence you end up paying more personal tax, something an awful lot of people fail to see.
  13. I see what you mean, and in reality all cars are, at sometime or another, sold through Lexus GB. Personally I would say Lexus are offering a 1 year extension to your warranty provided the car is serviced by them and would therefore perpetuate the warranty regardless of where the car was sourced i.e. even a non Lexus franchise.
  14. Exactly the same for me, and if I recall correctly the mail arrived some 10 days after the service. Having just looked through my service history documentation there is no mention of Relax, but given it was a Lexus service then I think it's a given.
  15. This will be fine and currently of offer at a very attractive price:
  16. Sounds like you've got a customer focussed dealer there, and life will be all the better for that!
  17. For those who want to see (quite understandably) some contrast, then this might provide a visual for you: Black LC500h Another very well presented car by Church!
  18. Looking good, and that blue is stunning in the sunshine! Enjoy as much as you can before winter rears its ugly head.
  19. Have to say I quite like it except for the choice of wheels, sorry Malcolm, albeit they do of course need to be black. Other than that, I wouldn't say no. Mind you, for anyone who has had a black car, you'll already know it is positively the worst colour to live with.
  20. That's what I wondered AJ. I had problems with the flap when I first bought the car and in the height of summer. When I looked into it, I could see the release plunger was a little too long. I filed it down slightly, and it has been fine ever since, but of course the previous owner probably over did it with brute persuasion and hence the slightest of dents. It's something I can very readily live with, and given my need for perfection that is saying something!
  21. Great result Mike and seems like they are doing the right thing by you. Out of interest was the petrol flap a recall in the true sense of the word i.e. something that should have been broached as a matter of course and without any request being made by the owner? I ask because mine has had a little force applied to it, and I suspect because it wouldn't open when required. As a consequence there is the shallowest of dents in the flap but if it is covered by a recall I may well approach my local dealer and see where I stand.
  22. Mike, sorry to hear that the lock has broken. Personally no similar experience and hopefully an easy and inexpensive fix for you. Got to say that in the 5 months I have been on this forum, I believe this is the first time I have read of any problems with the LC car trim! Would be most interested in knowing more about your experience with whomever you get to fix it.
  23. They seem to have very good reviews, albeit there is one that not so. Fingers crossed for you and hopefully all will be good.
  24. Good grief, that's really disappointing given it was from a dealer. With the best will in the world, we as buyers have practically no hope of seeing imperfections via a video or photography. As you said earlier, sit tight and take your time, a good example will turn up.
  25. If you don't mind me asking David, what was wrong with the car, was it cosmetics or mechanical? I ask because as you can probably pick up this particular forum, there seems to be very few "issues" with these cars. This really ought to be the case, given even the oldest of the type can only be circa 4.5 years old, so I, for one, am intrigued as to what could have been the problem.
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