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Brian R

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Everything posted by Brian R

  1. I've just been to my local dealer and I should shortly have a price. It seems the best case scenario is to replace two of the plastic components of the mirror housing. If successful, then I suspect not too expensive an option, he says tongue in cheek. Worst case and hopefully an unlikely scenario would be to replace the entire mirror, which would be a different story.............
  2. I'll be honest Paul and say I am resigned to a new mirror and what ever cost it may be. I'm quietly hoping Lexus can provide a new mirror shell which seems to be a 3 part affair and it may even be mounted in situ. The hunt continues but as yet by no means a fait accompli.....
  3. I have had two very acceptable cash offers, both of which exceed my original purchase price by circa 10% but of course prices are on the up for many cars. I'll probably call into Lexus tomorrow and see what they have to say but if it is anything like my local Jaguar dealer then I will be very pleased. I have enjoyed 2 Jags, but I had concerns about both, albeit I think one of them would have gone the distance without too many problems.
  4. Yes AJ, I'm thinking of selling and buying something more suited to the daily use I need from a car. Put simply, I'm not doing the miles in the LC that I would wish to. The reality is there is two of us and three cars. The third is a runabout, and I'm finding I'm spending more time in that than the LC which still doesn't have 8K miles on it! It will be a hard decision, especially when there seems little out there that floats my boat. It also seems a good time to sell, what with spring/summer just around the corner and the ongoing chip shortage. So for the moment I'm undecided but trying to take stock and explore the available options.
  5. Thanks for all the inputs. I'll give Lexus a call tomorrow and try and gauge the likely costs. In practice, I think I will need a complete shell into which the mirror and other gubbins can be transferred. Basically I just want it fixed given I have early intentions to sell the car and against a price I am more than happy with. Really bad timing but hey ho it is what it is.
  6. Yep, it will be expensive., might even have to go through insurance assuming they pay for such things?
  7. As the title says, I've clouted my nearside rear view mirror. It seems to have dislodged the chrome strip element that sits between the painted bottom half and the black plastic top half. Try as I might, I cannot separate the shell to see how I might get it back to some semblance of order. Does anyone know if this mirror is common to any other Lexus models, or indeed where I might obtain a complete shell?
  8. I too wonder whether it will turn up on a dealers forecourt. At the moment stock does seem to be selling for pretty good money but I should have thought 60k tops for this car.
  9. Ah, that makes sense AJ. Just had a look see and with 1hr 15 mins to go the bid is £50500 and from a new bidder.
  10. Just noticed the auction description states "electric sunroof". Surely that cannot be right? Price has now climbed to £49K via a "new" bidder..........
  11. Hmm, a launch edition, obviously a rare car/spec. May not be to everyone's taste, but a car I would love to own. I remember seeing a number of these early last year, and they were snapped up very quickly. I've never seen another till today. Then they were just shy of £50K and given how prices have risen since, I would imagine it will sell for north of that figure, even allowing for commission. Looks like it's got some firm interest, and a bidder I recognise. Less than 9 hours to go as I post this comment.
  12. I wouldn't wish to put a full sized adult in the back, but I have carried a 5 foot nothing friend of ours and with no complaints. To be honest, I never for one minute thought of the car as a four-seater but as AJ infers, there's more space in there than you might first imagine.
  13. Watched this earlier in the week. I think Matt was a little surprised by his test drive and obviously had an idea of what to expect but was wrong on just about every account. A very positive review all said and done, but I was a little surprised when he expressed concern that the car might not age well. He seemed to think the styling could be a downer but I'm not so sure. I, for one, think it will age very well, and let's not forget it is now 5 years old. Obviously, my opinion might be a little biased.
  14. Has it been set up accordingly? If this is a feature that is available on your car, then the procedure to set it up would be as detailed in the following post. Mirror set up
  15. I'm afraid, this latest trend to fix tax thresholds is yet another way of maximising the tax take. When the £40k threshold was set a few years ago I can remember many saying it would only affect high value cars ergo wealthy buyers, but here we are, and it's affecting many more with every possibility it will soon become the majority of buyers.
  16. Curiously AJ, the manufacturer i.e. Stabilus is the same make fitted as OEM. I also took a photo of the "numbers" on the strut and as per the attached photo you can probably make out 0235N and this looks suspiciously related to the 235N number shown as the rating for the item shown on the web site. So I would imagine the alternative 375N is indeed a more powerful strut and I should think a viable alternative. I take your point about the closing forces that may be required, but I've never had any problems closing against gas struts, whereas opening is a different matter. Might be worth a try for the original poster, Maura.
  17. Just been looking through various would be suppliers of gas struts and came across this site: Gas struts I see they offer 2 flavours of strut for the LC with differing opening forces. I'm not yet sure what force the OEM product provides, but is it possible one of these two is more powerful than the original? Furthermore, I presume the actual force is printed somewhere on the existing strut?
  18. No big deal for me either, but I could well image the inconvenience it might cause. To be honest, there seems to be very little pressure in these struts and perhaps alternative units could be considered? Curiously I had a similar problem on a previous car, and incredibly it only required a very simple mod that compressed the struts by a further 6 mm or so and thereafter the boot would fly open whereas previously it was just like the LC.
  19. Is this what you are trying to achieve?
  20. Just my two pennies worth but when a run flat is driven with no air you would be hard to notice the difference and hence the tyre warning system raison d être. As I may have previously mentioned, I replaced rf's on my BMW for conventional tyres, the change in ride, noise, handling, grip and most importantly tram lining, was night and day. RF's just have certain characteristics that in my view ruin all aspects of the drive. No doubting their convenience in terms of getting A to B, but they are not as common a tyre as conventional, so that "convenience" may be tempered when you discover it could take many days to source a replacement. When the time comes, mine will be changed out for conventional and a can or two of gloop.
  21. Welcome and congratulations Shaun Whilst all LC500's are great, I genuinely believe yours is the best colour of the lot. They just look so stunning in sonic red and especially when the sun is shining. Enjoy the new wheels 👍
  22. This video will provide the answers, and in particular if you watch the "Destination shortcuts" section from 1.04.04. Hope this helps. I've often found the Northside Lexus channel a very useful resource. Northside Lexus UTube
  23. I've seen this warming technique being suggested occasionally, does it really work that well?
  24. I fear you are on a hiding to nothing. The only part way successful solution that works for me is to be very selective in whatever car parking spaces I occupy and parking as far away as possible from any would be threat. Rather fortunately, my LC is not a daily driver, and when the need arises we/I use a Honda Jazz as a sacrificial substitute. Got to also say, the width of the LC only serves to exasperate the problem, it just doesn't suit the ridiculously small UK parking spaces and hence the problem in the first place!
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