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Phil xxkr

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Posts posted by Phil xxkr

  1. 3 hours ago, GMB said:

    I don't think it matters now. Am I imagining it ( or the newspapers manipulating the images ) or can you see the "ashamed of himself" guilty look on Keir Starmers face? Meanwhile that other villain Reeves has a big grin. I would not be so proud if I had condemned hundreds of poor old folk to a miserable cold hungry winter or an early grave. How very sad.

    I think the only thing decent people can do now is to look out for any frail old folk who may be struggling this winter. I wonder if there are any charitable organisations ( honest ones! ) that are helping them.

    Dr Caroline Johnson was impressive tonight 

  2. 2 hours ago, First_Lexus said:

    I believe that the Coalition removed ‘final salary’ pensions from MPs, but that their current scheme is still (ahem) ‘generous.’ 

    One thing that does irritate me, is this choice Labour have made between public sector pay rises and the Winter Fuel Allowance. It used to be the case that public sector workers were paid less than for similar roles within the private sector (as a general rule) but this was subsidised by state backed and generous pensions with more annual leave etc. For instance, did you know that many public sector workers obtain extra annual leave as their years of service increase (albeit capped), and that they often get their birthday as an additional day, as well as the birthday of the Monarch. I’m not joking…

    What Labour seem to be doing, almost certainly under pressure from their Union masters, is shifting this balance so that public sector workers will be seen to be getting ‘double bubble’ by those in the private sector who have seen pension provision decline while wages have also stagnated.

    As with other things, I do feel they are operating in a similar way to the previous Conservative Government. Then we saw artificially created ‘culture wars’ about various things including immigration, BBC bias etc. etc. Now Labour are creating new ‘culture wars’ between young and old, public sector and private sector, big state control and personal choice…sigh.

    "Then we saw artificially created ‘culture wars’ about various things including immigration, BBC bias etc. etc" .

    Artificial 😱, Artificial 🤯, only yesterday the BBC was accused of breaching it's own guidelines 1533 times in respect of just one subject! 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Boomer54 said:

    Anatomical differences ... Robespierre had b..s !

    From May 1793

    During the insurrection, Robespierre had scrawled a note in his memorandum-book:

    What we need is a single will (il faut une volonté une). It must be either republican or royalist. If it is to be republican, we must have republican ministers, republican newspapers, republican deputies, a republican government. ... The internal dangers come from the middle classes; to defeat the middle classes we must rally the people. ... The people must ally themselves with the Convention, and the Convention must make use of the people.

    Sounds familiar 🙁

  4. 28 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    No one at all I’m afraid …….. any Labour MPs agin will be simply whipped and excommunicated and thrown into oblivion ………. UNLESS the Deputy Prime Minister gets her dancing shoes on and does a sword dance over his torso giving the LITTLE PRICK here and there  ……. a dose of appropriate medicine 


    499,471.   Signatures now  👏👏👏

    I understand that they will be given the quislings way out and allowed to abstain 🤯

    • Like 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, Notimetoulouse said:

    Re Adrian Flux comments above...My wife (60) had set her heart on a 2016/17 RX450h. Sole driver, rural Lincolnshire, no car theft in our small town for the last 18 years, 12000 mpa. Locked garage overnight.

    Using 'Mustard' for quotes got a lowest of £815 (which I realise is a first year 'catchem' deal) but AF, who has insured both our cars in the past said, after a chat with the underwriter 'we aren't insuring many RX450's because of the theft issue, but if you want to go ahead it will be £2430.' She's now looking at a Q7 which is coming in at around the £700 mark.

    Me - 76 - 2020 Kia Sorento kX4, same town. locked garage, two drivers, same 12000 mpa. Last year £255 this year £324.

    It's a sad, mad world.

    Change your insurer not the car! I am rural Derbyshire and pay nowhere near that? Albeit a gen3 car 🤔

  6. 38 minutes ago, Tickedon said:

    And Mr Starmer also made clear he did not want to abolish the monarchy when the issue was raised in the Labour leadership election last year, saying he would instead like to "downsize it". (as did Robespierre? 

    Yet when asked prior to last year he described his support abolition as a "youthful indescretion" but offers nothing remotely similar to his Iron Curtain visits and support of Marxist ideology. Is there no one who can pursue the veracity of any statement he makes? 😕


    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, First_Lexus said:

    The revolt is now growing to include unions…

    Meanwhile, back in 2017 when the Conservatives proposed removing the Winter Fuel payment from wealthier pensioners, guess what Labour’s position was…they even put a ‘deaths’ number on it. Funny, they don’t seem to have mentioned that this time, I must have missed it?

    Speaking of revolution you raise an interesting thought Ed. What are Starmer's view on a Republic V Monarchy does he have form here? I am then inextricably drawn to thinking about Robespierre and his part in the French Revolution and denouncement of the King. He was also a lawyer could he be Starmer's role model.? 

  8. 3 hours ago, Malc1 said:

    I had the choice today to watch Sir Keir with Laura K OR Beechgrove Garden or Poirot 

    Sir Keir tuned-up for about 15 secondsin totality ( he was being an absolute miserable toad of an asssole I thought ) Beechgrove on and off for 20 mins …… with Poirot winning hands down …… or up  👍

    Poirot ….. could he be our PM even tho he’s Belgian ……… he is real isn’t he ? 🤔


    496,885. Signatures now 


    Mais oui monsieur 

  9. On 8/6/2024 at 6:54 PM, Ray Green said:

    Well over the last few weeks no one complaining on the forum about rx450h insurance so everybody must be happy 😃 certainly not me just paid £1707 for next year GoCompare start from £2300 and many many will not insure you hear are some LV/CO OP/SARGA/HASTINGS/SANTANDER +lots of others insured with NFU MUTUAL in the end over 40years no claim and clean license as like some of us over 75 just also lost my winter allowance .Have a lot of sympathy for those in the London region insurance must be mega 




    Think you will find lots of posts about this 😎

    • Like 2
  10. 12 minutes ago, RONNIE W HODGEKINSON said:

    Exactly..!!!! I Think They will be forced to Backtrack On The WFA ( The Power Of The People ) !!!!

    Dream on Ron. Reeves&Rayner have form in wanting this. I didn't know until recently that the formers husband is a £170k a year civil servant 🤯. Do you think they'll need £200 when they retire? What will be interesting is to see next week how many Labour MP's will be whipped to vote against the measure to give the impression they voted with their conscious? Although I fully expect something along the lines of "not enough eligible pensioners have taken up the offer despite extensive promotions therefore we will shift it to a taxable benefit or via council tax band. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Malc1 said:

    Govt and their MPs …… Slap ‘ em in irons ……. chain ‘ em to the railings at Westminster ……. flog ‘em, tar and feather and tip toe dance over their …….. but only the Labour anti OAP brigade …… the rest are probably all ok ……, well for the moment anyway 🤣😂👏👍

    They're Labour politicians and for the most part anti-social beings that hate their OAP Constituents vehemently by wanting to bring premature death thru’ cold and hunger this winter 

    Turn off the heating in the House this winter, serve ‘em watery cold tea and no bikkies 👍……. I could go on but I’ll stop here 

    I’ve  never been so anti politics and certainly had some empathy with Labour …… but they’ve gone too far in their Anti Social Socialism and Winter Death Wish on OAPs  


    487,246   Signatures now 

    AGE  UK    Petition 





    Just came across this Malc thought you may like? 

    The amount the government has to spend on state pensions will fall by £1.5bn by 2022, partly because of over-65s dying of Covid, forecasts suggest.

    The government will also receive an extra £0.9bn from inheritance tax, partly due to Covid-related deaths.

    The figures have been published by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) - the government's fiscal watchdog.

    It said it had "revised up our assumption for excess deaths this year and next relative to November".

    More than 144,000 deaths involving Covid-19 have occurred in the UK since the start of the pandemic, figures published by the UK's statistics agencies show.

    The majority of coronavirus deaths have been among people aged over 65, many of whom will have been receiving the state pension.

    The OBR estimates spending on the state pension will fall by £600m in 2020-21 and £900m in 2021-22 compared with forecasts made before the pandemic.

    • Like 2
  12. On 9/2/2024 at 6:49 PM, First_Lexus said:

    It’s quite complex legislation, some of which through precedent applies only to the ‘character’ of a candidate (as I understand it), but there’s a very obvious reason why the oft parroted “£22bn black hole” is a ‘surprise’ to Labour after the election campaign…

    Our local council leader wrote to our new Labour MP about ‘cast iron’ commitments she made during the campaign, and which were on her website (but which disappeared the day after the election - God bless the internet Time Machine 😂). Essentially he was pointing out that she may have committed an offence if ‘she was aware’ of post-election policy that contradicted her commitments during the campaign if she implied other candidates wouldn’t support or champion those causes, 

    The Representation of the People Act

    Section 106(1) of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (the “RPA”), provides that:

    “A person who, or any director of any body or association corporate which—

    (a) before or during an election,

    (b) for the purpose of affecting the return of any candidate at the election,
    makes or publishes any false statement of fact in relation to the candidate’s personal character or conduct shall be guilty of an illegal practice, unless he can show that he had reasonable grounds for believing, and did believe, that statement to be true.”

    A person convicted of an illegal practice under the RPA is liable to an unlimited fine. Subsection (3) gives the court power to grant an injunction to prevent any repetition of the statement.

    Where a petition is brought to an Election Court under the RPA, and a candidate who has been elected is found by the Election Court to have been guilty of an illegal practice, then pursuant to section 159(1) of the PRA, the election is void.  

    The ingredients for an illegal practice are that: 

    (a) a person makes or publishes a statement;

    (b) the statement relates to a candidate;

    (c) it must be a statement of fact;

    (d) the statement must be false;

    (e) the statement is made in relation to a candidate’s personal character or conduct;

    (f) the statement is made for the purpose of affecting the election of the candidate; and

    (g) the statement is made before or during an election.

    Wonderful contribution Ed! Do all Council members get this? Cheers Phil 

    • Like 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, Malc1 said:

    486,417   signatures thus far 

    WINTER FUEL PAYMENT   ....  Petition

    AND I've just recd an email from       AGE  UK  Petition        people suggesting one might wish one's contacts to also sign this Petition 

    So everyone, if you wish, get everyone on board to sign 




    At the risk of repetition of an earlier post😅

    "Bear in mind over 65s aren't just a single entity, they have family and friends with the message if they can do this to us in such a cold-hearted way what can do to you? Even if just 50% of pensioners can influence just 3 people? Let your MP do the mathematics."

    • Like 3
  14. 12 hours ago, Cotswold Pete said:

    Do not forget to add the nearly £300Billion outstanding student debt which is growing faster than most students can ever pay off, so that bill will get called in at some time.

    As a country we are well bankrupt in so many ways (not that any politician really cares, that is for the next lot to sort out !!!)

    Maybe they could offset it against any future State Pension? This way it remains an open debt even if they choose to live in another country especially with reciprocal pension arrangements? 

  15. 9 hours ago, Tickedon said:

    I’m afraid this is entirely wrong, as Philip has already pointed out. 

    Legal insurance cover is often a free addition or small cost £20-30 per year included with many different types of insurance (motor, home, buildings etc.) and covers a wide range of situations (including consumer and employment issues typically) - the normal requirement is their legal team think you have at least a 51% chance of winning any claim. 


    9 hours ago, Tickedon said:

    I’m afraid this is entirely wrong, as Philip has already pointed out. 

    Legal insurance cover is often a free addition or small cost £20-30 per year included with many different types of insurance (motor, home, buildings etc.) and covers a wide range of situations (including consumer and employment issues typically) - the normal requirement is their legal team think you have at least a 51% chance of winning any claim. 

    Thanks Al, and that's entirely the point, the very threat of long drawn out expensive action at no cost to the plaintiff has a tendency to focus the mind towards the least line of resistance 😎, having said that the statement from Lexus re previous damage is an important one and everyone should take note of this when considering purchasing any vehicle new or not. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Linas.P said:

    How is insurance provided legal cover going to work on car purchase? That is not what it is for, it is for cases where you get sued after accident, or for cases where you want to sue after accident (e.g. in cases of personal injury), basically so you don't get into situation where you have to go to injury claims lawyer where they take percentage of your claim after it is successful (well they still take percentage, but that is what "legal cover" covers for you).

    Try so good bodyshop, or even detailer - they will know what to check, but you already said paint colour does not match (which is expected for Sonic Titanium colour - it is hard to match, because it has a lot of metallic flakes in it, so it is not so much that colour is different, but it could be the case that metallic flakes are different shape, size, or simply when it was sprayed they fell "wrong way" on the paint, so it reflects light differently giving impression it is different colour, these paints are extremely difficult to match and blend). In theory it may even be free - just say you have mismatching paint and want quote for how much it would cost to repair, you can even say you getting quote for dealer who sold it for you (because that is kind of true) and you can mention that it would be good if they could check if there is not other damage and that quality of repair itself is not compromised somewhere. That said the only fix here is just to repaint the car again which won't be cheap.

    For the avoidance of doubt :

    "However, motor legal expenses cover isn’t just for accidents; it can also provide you with protection if you are charged with a motoring offence, or support you in any legal difficulties you face when you’re selling or buying a car." 

    • Like 1
  17. 40 minutes ago, Mikey B said:

    I "know" the best / right action is to just hand it back, but I want to be 100% sure I can just walk away from this and not get drawn into a protracted debate - As I see it I have to have a reason to hand it back which if they argue that the repair is to a standard accepted by Lexus and they have (or have shown willingness) to put the other points right does that leave me exposed

    No doubt you have legal cover via your insurance try that. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, Mikey B said:

    Dealer fixing the outstanding issues is now OK as they have agreed and apologised for this - I dont doubt they will do and they appear to want to resolve this. - my bigger issue is the past accident damage which I dont think is resolvable.

    I have the V5 and have accessed the online history - there are quite a few entries beyond servicing which just state "repair" - I called the original dealer who entered these and they have refused to tell me what they were for and said they will not disclose anything other than routine servicing........however......he did tell me they have no body shop so if the car has had bodywork repairs it wasn't done by them.  What I really need is to understand how major (or not) the repairs were but so far no way of establishing that

    You are destroying what equity you have in the car when you get come to sell on if you don't hand back! 

  19. 1 minute ago, Moleman said:

    Then you miss understand parliament!

    If the Government want the vote to fail, the whips will be out in force to ensure they vote the correct way. Going against the whips is dangerous to an MP's career, especially new MP's. Unless of course they do not care.

    If they don't then they won't have a career just a 48 month gap in their CV. It is my intent to write to my new MP outlining what I expect of her both now and in the future. I will suggest we all do similar, if Malcs 490k all do the same then it will be a very tangible sign of the groundswell of opinion. Bear in mind over 65s aren't just a single entity, they have family and friends with the message if they can do this to us in such a cold-hearted way what can do to you? Even if just 50% of pensioners can influence just 3 people? Let your MP do the mathematics. 

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