The hybrid car makers are somewhat overoptimistic when informing/stating consume.
The battery is an extra load that cost fuel to move as well as all other weighty items. The battery of the hybrids that are possible to recharge electrically and have long range on electric power will have even heavier batteries and if used on longer tours will be even less economical than the old Prius style hybrids.
Cannot speak about big size engine hybrid systems, but the CT is consuming in the low end of fuel compared to other cars with same weight, comfort and equipment.
Fuel producing companies have been misinforming and lobbying so efficiently that making less-polluting cars is so much in the start-up phase that many mistakes are being made on the way to reducing pollution. Cars with big batteries is one of the worst. Only people with own houses and solar cells making the power will be able to have real use of these and in the world, the material for the batteries as they are being made now will not be enough to make these big batteries for all cars so it does not really matter that the electricity supply net is not nearly powerful enough to charge all the batteries and probably never will be.
So, all living in flats can not have cars if/when only electric cars are permitted. Price of electricity is at the highest ever and no end of the rising price is in sight. Nobody cares about the poor losers/suckers/us.
The fuel industry lobbyists have done their job. Made money. Fuel industry lobbyists were the largest group in the latest forum to “save” the planet.
We are now so close to destroying the planet we live on that even atomic generated electric power may be accepted; the waste can either destroy life on the planet or the waste can be exported to other planets. Up to our children to decide.
Our generation has been an utter failure.