I was informed by my dealership that the new UX MY23 does not start production until January. I'm in for a service end of Sept so thought id take a look at one. Told they would have a demo in it comes in Sept. Then they checked the email and it was November. So they must be doing a small production batch for dealer Demo's I think Tel mentioned up the thread that demo's arrive a bit earlier. Enquiring about delivery times told if ordering now looking at next June/July i think they said. I am not wanting to buy just have a look at one and kill a bit of time while vehicle serviced. Thought you might be interested in what I was told.
Gave the UX a clean before the Ban starts. I finally got sorted on a pressure washer and foam lance. Happy with the set up. Got to say I do like that Bilt hamber you all recommended. By does it shift the muck. I've put the touchless on my birthday list and the touch on hydro wax. An old man eh simple to use no bending done in 10 mins. I also took your advice and got some RainX for the glass seems to be very good.
The Ban starts Friday 26th here in Yorkshire. I gave mine and the daughters a clean today last one before ban starts. That'll be it for me until ban lifted. Like @dutchie says it rain and was dust off. We had a bit today.. On another note I must have misunderstood the rules I didn't think you were allowed to wash the car whether it was a hosepipe or bucket.
I looked on Google and Toyota Gazoo racing came up. Apparently the racing arm of Toyota by the looks of it. They won the 24hr le mans & looks like they enter rallys, touring cars etc. Like @Rayaans mentions have you had any upgrade
Hi Rodney no your not doing anything wrong as Peter@nemesis says there aren't voice commands for the climate control. You should be able to use voice for certain functions on sat nav. I don't use it I'm a android auto man
The S&J washer packed in just as the 3 year warranty expired. Bought another washer Kranzle. Im using Bilt Hamber foam and it does a great job of cleaning. Ive hand washed with the BH auto wash you only need a tea spoon. However my next move is to go contactless. Going to give one of them Hydro ceramic washes a go. Thanks for all your input.
Apart from the air con coming on immediately when starting up really working hard to get to set temp. I noticed the other day a hot one the tailgate left damper creaking. Today arriving at work taking bag out it creaked on closing. I opened and closed it did it again. Tonight coming home opened put bag in no noise. Got home opened got bag out no creak. I'm putting it down to heatwave just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything different.
As pointed out I wouldn't worry too much about MPG. This varies between winter and summer and you can drive to be really frugal if you want. my advice would be as always its the demands and needs that suit you only you will know this. the UX is a smashing car.