Long time, first time. The cat converter of my Lexus RX400h was stolen on Monday, 21 Sept, 2020 in South East London. The neighbor saw everything - around 2 pm - 2 white, tall men, white shirts, baseball caps, pulled up in a BLUE Metallic AUDI sedan, 1 got under the car while the other one watched and 30 sec later they were gone with my converter. Sharing this info in case it helps anyone. Neighbor called police immediately, they recorded the info, said "thank you" and went back to sleep. It's amazing they way things work in this country. Btw, I registered mine with the ISR and had a sticker on the window, but that didn't bother the thieves at all (so this is basically useless).
I have a technical question - has anyone tried using a temp fix with pipes and clamps without welding? Would something like that work? I don't have to pass MOT until Summer 21, by which point i ill replace with an aftermarket cat.
I am now missing a 42cm-long section, diameter of rear side pipe is ~55mm, while at the front the pipe seems wider, around 63mm. Can anyone share links with products and instructions on how to replace that section? As i said, i wanted to use clamps and adapter without welding.