Hi All. I think I have another problem in the pipeline. I think it is my front left wheel. It is now making a (dunk dunk dunk) and noise with the speed of the car, as if it is something to do with the wheel and frequency of the sound speeds up with the speed of the car. Sometime it is less noticeable, if the tarmac is smooth. I wondered what this might be. I do vaguely remember going over a curve when turning left. I have had a look to see if it was a tire bulge, but I couldn't really see anything or feel anything. I was wondering if it was a wheel bearing maybe that has got pushed? I was wondering what it is and how much is it to fix roughly?
There are a few problems that need to be addressed and I was hoping there wouldn't be another issue. I got my oil changed and filter so I am pleased with that now it is colder.
Thanks for you help in the past, it is very helpful being on this forum.