Haven't had it for long enough to find out if it burns oil.
The place that I got it from, had it overfilled when I bought it, based on the dipstick.
This is what interests me, the margin of error that the engine is happy to operate in, hence I was curious what is the general consensus on this topic.
Don't have access to getting underneath it, I'm afraid. I am aware of syringes and hoses too, but this is a one off error due to misreading a few forum posts in other forums and don't want to buy items that won't be used often enough.
Obviously an easy option is to get back to where it was done, but trying to figure out whether it's really needed.
Still trying to figure out which are smears of the dipstick's travelling through the shaft and which are readings, but at the moment it's parked up on a non flat surface and I won't be using the car today or so, to go and measure it again. I measured it a few minutes after turning the engine off and if my interpretation of readings was correct, it was just about / slightly above the max level.
Although it helps knowing the exact amount of oil poured in, as that was measured precisely to 6.5L 0w30 in this case as I did my research on this forum and decided to stick to 0w30 for this change and reevaluate if needed.
I see, on paper it sounds good and would be pretty convenient to postpone the drainage to my next service, although it's hard to predict whether it will happen sooner, than later.
If you would have to guess, what is that margin in these vehicles? I know that type of question might be frowned upon, but I don't think it has been discussed yet.
Don't get me wrong guys, I love the car and she will be looked after well, but I have a bit of time constraints at the moment and have been tidying it up as much as I could, during the weeks that I had it.
I am not a big diy guy, so taking it a step at a time, but the curiosity of the engine tolerance for error got me on here :) .
Looks like I am at the right place.
Thank you so much.