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  1. Thanks Stompe, the TomTom site is not the most transparent, and I'd missed this thread. There are a couple of posts (not Lexus) with a similar problem (I think). I think I'm going to end up blu-tacking a garmin unit in front of the display........
  2. It could be I suppose, but the status screen shows it is connected. I think it is a handshake thing with the servers, but I can't get anywhere with TomTom, and with this device (the MoveOn) the Lexus site for map updates directs you to the TomTom site. Any idea where I would get a new sim? Thanks!
  3. Hi, First post here, hope someone can help with some advice or information. I've also posted on the TomTom forums, but no responses at all.... I have a Lexus CT200h, about 5 years old, and I've used the built-in TomTom Move-on Navi with Live services for the last 3 years or so. It's done a really good job, and I like it. So, the subscription ran out a couple of days ago, and I renewed it. I've not had any live services since then, only a "TomTom Server Error" and a triangle on the warning side bar. I did the factory reset, no difference. The unit is working - it shows I have GPS, I can plan routes, it even shows that my live services are valid until August 2020. And shows the unit has a live connection. But no services. The only odd thing is that my TomTom account pages, where my devices are listed says "We could not find any installed service for your device.", I suppose I expect it to say "Live services installed"? TomTom supoort said, sorry, don't support this device, got to Lexus. My Lexus dealer said, eh? First time I've ever heard of that. We can check the device is working, which it is, but it has a "TomTom Server Error" message, which kind of implies it is , err....., a TomTom server error? Anyone got any helpful advice? I've asked Lexus to follow up whether they are supposed to support this or not, but no reply yet after two weeks, and I've asked TomTom to hold the ticket open. But the support desk response was a big, "computer says no". I can't help feeling this is a misunderstanding somewhere, because trawling the forums I don't see huge numbers of outraged emails about "how Lexus/TomTom" have just abandoned this, and the whole thing started only after the service ran out and was renewed. At least, I hope it is a misunderstanding, because otherwise I have a big useless display in the middle of the dashboard, as I'm not going to spend £50 a year on map updates, if I can't get live services! Thanks for any helpful comments!
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