Although the lower picture is a bit blurry and at a very slightly different angle, basically, they're the same aren't they? The top one is the one I purchased from ebay, which stated it was for my car and the lower image which I found online with the correct part number etc., is definitely the correct one. As I said, they look exactly the same.
My suspicion is that the one I purchased, top, is indeed correct but just had the wrong label. I would crawl under the car to compare but it's freezing out there and I have a bad shoulder, but I shall see on Monday when I take it to the garage for them to change them.
And while I'm at it, if anyone knows where I can get a centre exhaust silencer assembly for my MKI GS300 in the U.K. I'd be very grateful because as far as I and my mechanic can tell, they no longer exist!