I’ve got a 2015 NX which has the basic satnav/media. The phone used to work ok with the media but since iOS 13 it’s gone a bit weird. Now callers contact details aren’t recognised. It just shows the phone number. Same thing with texts. Advice seems to be alter numbers to +44 but the car still doesn’t recognise them, instead showing the number as 07 when I receive a call. Then if I alter them back to 07 it then shows them up as +44 when I get a call I’m on iOS 13.1.3 now. Considering going to an Apple shop and getting them to revert the phone (iPhone 7) back to 12.4, when it was last ok (Apple rep says they can do that), or get an android. Other problems people have with iOS 13 are worse - dropped calls or dropped Bluetooth connection etc, so my issue isn’t outrageous. As a workaround I’ve put my contacts as having both the +44 and 07 versions of the same phone number. Might cause a conflict but seems ok so far, though not consistent. Anyone else got ideas....? Also, for some reason, some contacts show their pictures on the screen, some don’t. There’s an option within media setting to turn that on and off but I can’t get it to show all consistently. Maybe it’s a picture file size issue...? Again, not a big problem in the real world but I would like it to work as it seems it could (before Apple ‘fixed’ it!).
Lexus have been back in touch and can’t help yet, citing iOS 13 As problematic and suggesting upgrading to the latest os (done) and that they will look into it as well. My car has the latest software installed already, I believe.