SAGA ......... for possibly useless info ...........
When Roger de Haan sold out to the present owners, investors some 20 or more ? years back and pocketed £1.5bn for the business he had created from scratch ............ Saga has forever had challenges getting it quite right and challenges making money .. or even covering it's financing costs . ..... the sometimes useless power of corporate investors eh !
The other day I read that his son, the arts guy in Folkestone, De Haan, had just invested £150mn into Saga to help them out ..........
Wonder if this is going to mean at some time the de Haan's family will once again be the SAGA owners and bring it back to it's ethos of helping the Over 50's Market
Doubt anyone else can do it . a few potentials have tried to get it together to take them over for sure
btw Roger de Haan I met doing a business deal about 25 years back . a sound sane pleasant but businesslike guy at the time whatever .... never met his son tho'