Stephen, really hope your new XK toy brings you all the joy and pleasure you need it to
I've forever been wary of Jaguars As an erstwhile car dealer aware of fearsome mechanical repair bills and just avoiding ever holding Jaguar stock ……. Latterly majestic and interminable rust that’s write-off inducing
My cousin bought a brand new one as a retirement present to himself, X reg I think and notwithstanding low miles and impeccably careful use and maintenance …… 20 years later had to part company thru’ impossible terminating RUST and MOT irretrievable failure
Yours must be a good’un but I would urge you to fully use it to enjoy its power and fun giving excitement and not to treat it as a simple object of “desire” and cosseting inducing …… unless you really enjoy washing polishing and valeting cars 24/7 😂