China’s a funny old place ……. remembering my single visit there, with HK some decades back when the whole nation and economy was so so different ……. Mao had gone and freedoms seemed glowing …… walking thru that amazing Tiananmen Square ……. the temples, the “ peasant “ street markets, the amazing “early” touristy stuff ……. so glorious
40 years have seen so much change ….. economy and political and world influencing not in just money but sheer might and military power …….. indeed our NHS at 1.25mn people is only slightly less than the Chinese Army 😂
I don’t doubt in 40 years it will all be so so different ……. especially with Russia voluntarily turning itself over to be that vassal state for China to explore and exploit willy nilly with no restraint …….. indeed with no real power to restrain that Chinese global powerhouse
I’m sure we will see some mega change yet again but rest assured China won’t be “ going away “ and it’s financial influence will be, or become, or continue to be, mega