as I said earlier .... Linas .... I just despair ......... you're thinking mode seems to be totally anti OAPs with any money at all, or living in a home that's too big in general ......but I'm not here to throw insults and prejudices around .......... simple fact, many OAPs will die this winter coz of the increase in energy costs upcoming and the breadline they live upon having that simple lifeline removed by the Govt of the ..........
Winter Fuel Payment
..............Reeves and Starmer have simply and rapidly and bluntly set in train the Govt inspired deaths of many, possibly 000s of OAPs who have done nothing wrong other than to live too long and been too careful with their assets and reserves and worried incessantly about " making ends meet " ........ and not claiming some entitled Benefits or not being eligible to, just not being eligible to .........with incomes so low they have to shiver and die in the cold at home ...... this will happen I have no doubt and the shame will be forever imprinted on the face of this Non-Social Caring Govt
Shame on them ........... guys, take a look-in at your near neighbours this winter and try to ensure they are still alive afterwards eh !
Best wishes